Naomi Annafellows

Naomi Annafellows

New Member
OOC First Name
Rin :)
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Full Name:
Naomi Annafellows
(Naomi means pleasant, which goes well with her personality)

Date of Birth:
April 9

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
She has long black hair and brown eyes. She looks mostly Asian, but not fully because she has American blood.

Naomi is a big sister figure who is very kind and understanding. She forgives all the time and tries to understand people around her. But Naomi has her own limits, too. She cannot tolerate people who think lowly of life. Naomi doesn't even want to understand suicidal people because she thinks that they are just brats who don't want to back down. All in all, Naomi is a normal girl who's slightly not aware of what's 'in' today.

Father- Naomi's father is a ministry official who takes care of magical creatures. He often teaches Naomi about the creatures and tells her that they won't harm you if you don't harm them. He's supposed to be a kind father, though if he gets pressured too much, he can be violent. There was a time that he threw something at Naomi that it became a scar on her shoulder.

Mother- Naomi's mother is a kind housewife. Most of her traits were inherited by Naomi, including the big sister figure trait. She's the one who taught Naomi how to sing, and the only person who protected Naomi when her father was being violent.

Persian cat

Area of Residence:
New York

Blood Status:
Half blood

Special Abilities:


Interests or Hobbies:
Taking care of animals and children
Playing the piano
Solving puzzles

Additional Skills:

Looks and personality

Noisy people

Describe your character in three words:
Gorgeous, talented, kind

Favourite place to be:
At the Stage

Best school subjects:
Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology

Worst school subjects:
Muggle Studies

Extracurricular Activities:

Current Job:
(still a student)

Plans for your future:
To graduate and either become a nursery teacher or a vet.

Your Patronus:
A dove

Your Patronus memory:
Her family

Your Boggart:
An angry father

Your Animagus:


Mirror of Erised:
A smiling family

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