Mystery in the Lake


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Sand clung to her Blonde hair as she lay half in half out of the water. The weather was particularly nice today at the Start of Spring and most of the Mermaids had begun to Return to the lake to spend time lounging around on warm rocks and watching Students as they explored the waters making sure they didn't drown. The was the role which some of them had given to themselves while other Mermaids liked to pull Student's under to scare them away. Rain however wasn't one of those Mermaids. She liked to watch the Students and sun herself for hours on end. The Mermaid wanted to go into the School and go to Classes but although she could hear perfectly fine she couldn't Speak unless her Mouth was in water at least. Rain had watched Students come and go from this School and she still hadn't found one who would help her inside, at one point she considered dragging herself all the way to the Castle. But the though of dirt in her scales quickly turned her against that idea.

Rain raised her golden Tail and let it slap back down into the cool water which she has spent her entire life in. She sat up quickly when she saw something break the peaceful waters surface and in a flurry of white water and a bluish Green blur. Rain noticed it was a Hippocampus She wondered if her Friend Storm was at the Lake, she hadn't seen him in close to 10 years now since Rain went on a little adventure around the Wizarding world. She remembered that her Friend Storm raised and trained Hippocampus and it was highly possible he was around although one of his Hippocampus wouldn't act out this way, but it was worth a look. Rain awkwardly scooted her tail back into the water until she was deep enough to roll onto her stomach and swim head forward.

The water seemed peaceful once she had submerged her blonde hair slowly dancing around her as she studied her surroundings, Rain swam up to the surface listening out for any sounds but it sounded like the same hustle and bustle around this time of year. She broke the Water's surface and brushed her hair out of her face and looked around her, Nothing again. She was about ready to turn around and head back to land to continue sunning herself when a Hippocampus shot up from beneath her just missing her nose as it appeared infront of her, its front legs kicking and white water being made all around it. Rain raised her hands in front of her face to shield if from any stray hooves that could hit her and got knocked back slightly. The water stopped splashing and Rain lowered her arms and was met with the Face of a Hippocampus.
It was with great difficulty that Storm attempted to quell the fears of one of his Hippocampi, barely matured from its Tadfoal stage, who had been spooked by a wild and savage Grindylow. The merman had jabbed away at the pesky creature with sharp, three-pronged tip of his golden trident, before swimming off after the escaping merhorse, which had unfortunately taken advantage of it's head-start. His job was the biggest pain in the fin sometimes, as it wasn't the easiest thing in the lake to try and train Hippocampi, or their young, but he enjoyed the aquatic creatures. Racing them was especially fun.

Chasing after the escaped aquatic horse, Storm was taken full circle multiple times around the underwater merfolk city, hidden in the depths of the Hogwarts Lake, before it finished it's lap by breaking out for the open water. Neighing, the Hippocampus half swam, half galloped in the direction of the humans castle. The merman shot after it, navigating through the seaweed and sea-flora that rose like trees in the murky depths, thriving even in the absence of direct sunlight. The route he took was familiar, though it had been a long time since he'd visited the surface world. His taming and racing gave him less and less free time as he got older, so visits to see the students weren't as frequent as he once liked, until he'd forgotten about it at all.

Within minutes, Storm had caught up with the escaped merhorse, as it slowed its speed, a little exhausted. The merman felt the same way, but he wasn't going to lose the creature for who knows how long. Especially if one of the surface kids went for a swim too far out and gave it a scare. Taking hold of it by the mane, he let it drag him along as he gave himself a moment to recover. But, at his touch, it reared forward again and resumed its fast pace. With a groan, he pulled himself up onto its back and attempted to calm it down, giving it a reassuring pat. Looking up, he was surprised to see that in the path of the horse swam someone else, but at the speed they were going he wasn't sure if they were human or merfolk. Pulling in the reigns, Storm attempted to wrest control of the creature and managed to just in time, bringing it back before it collided with the woman. Bubbles of air filled the space around them. As they cleared, the merman peered around the Hippocampus' neck, finally able to take in the woman's appearance. She was a mermaid, thankfully, and looked just like...

"Rain?" The dark-haired merman asked, a smile on his face. The last he'd heard from her, she'd gone to travel the sea.
Looking almost right into the eyes of the Hippocampus she wondered why it had charged her, Hippocampi didn't attack Merfolk but her question was answered when the Hippocampus started to nuzzle her wanting some affection she giggled and turned around with a strong flick of her tail she dived back under the water and the Hippocampus took up pursuit, she had made it a strong 15 metres away before she stopped and the Hippocampus was in her face again nuzzling her for affection. Rain blew some bubbles in a mocked sign and ran her closed fist up and down above its muzzle in between it's eyes 'That's a Good girl, Where is your Rider?' she asked the Hippocampus as if it could understand her.

For a moment Rain thought the Hippocampus said her name but she knew that the voice didn't belong to the beast as she had heard it before. Rain looked away from the Hippocampus and saw a Merman on it's back hidden by the long flowing mane of the Animal 'Storm!' she said excitedly. 'Nice way to greet a friend, just run them over with a Hippocampus' she exclaimed. Rain slowly kicked her Golden tail beneath her keeping her level with the two. 'What are you doing here? I mean I know Why you're here, we grew up here. But when did you get here? I hadn't seen you since I returned' she felt as if she had just overwhelmed him with questions.
Rain used one hand to brush the Blonde hair out of her face as the water around them changed pace, probably due to the Hippocampus racing through the water.

The Hippocampus nuzzled her again and she blew some bubbles again 'Let's say we take this little one back to the group and go catch up' she smiled.

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