Myra Violet

Myra Violet

New Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Myra Elaine Violet

Date of Birth:
- July 13th

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Curly, brown hair, blue eyes, shorter than average, slim

- Myra is a quiet girl and prefers books over people. She's not used to being around other children and doesn't really know how to act around them. Myra is very artistic and loves to draw and play the piano, but she would never let anyone else see her pictures or hear her play. Although Myra tries to be nice, she can be mean and doesn't like it when she doesn't get her own way. She's very anxious about everything, and too afraid to do anything that would draw any focus to her.

- Myra's parents, David and Alice, both run a small cafe by the beach. Myra has two elder sisters, who are both very outgoing and bubbly, and Myra doesn't like them a lot.

- No pets, as Myra's apartment doesn't allow animals. She is hoping to get a pet turtle.

Area of Residence:
- Whitianga, NZ

Blood Status:
- Muggleborn, but technically Squib-born. Both of Myra's parents are Squibs who come from wizarding families. Myra is the only one in her family to inherit the magical genes, although her grandparents and other cousins are magical.

- Seventh generation New Zealand, from her dad's side, and English from her mum's side.

Special Abilities:
- None discovered

Interests or Hobbies:
- Art, music, exploring, reading.

Additional Skills:
- She can hold her breath for a long time?

- Friendly, intelligent

- Shy, paranoid

Describe your character in three words:
- Shy, artistic and insecure

Favourite place to be:
- The beach down the road from her house.

- None yet.

Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Make friends and do something interesting for once in her life.

Plans for your future:
- Myra plans to work in her parents cafe, even though she hates working there.

Your Patronus:
- Unknown

Your Patronus memory:
- Unknown

Your Boggart:
- A giant spider! Those things terrify her!

Your Animagus:
- Cat

Mirror of Erised:
- Being surrounded in people who adore her. Myra isn't used to people liking her, and she secretly wants to be admired for something.
Hey there, hope you don't mind me asking you a few questions.

1. Does Myra have any sort of nicknames?
2. What are her favorite colors?
3. Is being in Slytherin a surprise to her? How does she fit in with her Slytherin peers?
4. Is Myra like the blacksheep of the family? Does she have anyone she can relate to in her family?
5. Were her parents glad when they found out that Myra was magical?
6. Would she participate in clubs and school activities?
7. Does she have enemies?
8. Why would her animagus form be a cat?
9. Does she enjoy dances?
10. What are her favorite foods?
11. Is there anyone at the school that she looks up to?

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