My poor Gyffindor

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Faxen Lowart-Kozlova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Dymetris ❤
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Hello everyone!

This is Faxen Lowart, my third year gryffindor.

So sadly, I haven't been active with her despite my previous intentions. Well, that is all changing!! Faxen needs friends, enemies, and perhaps a love interest or future love interest. I haven't ever plotted for her in the romantic department because until now I felt like she was too young. Its open season now!

Faxen is a halfblood with a witch as a mum and a muggle father. She has three brothers and one sister. Faxen is beginning to grow up and think before she speaks though she is still very frank. She has endless entergy and a bubbly, bright personality. She is very intelligent and at times has a sharp tongue. She isn't easy to anger. Faxen plays the piano and guitar as well as sings. One of her favorite things to do is compose her own songs ;)

So here is Faxen! Please help me!
Hey Kait. :D

Maybe we can get something between Hamza and Faxen get going? Let me know what you think. The two are already pretty close friend's.
Goodthing I'm online! Exams are tomorrow! Bummer. :unsure:
Hey! Remember Enzo! I know my character is quite older that her but I am willing to be with her. I have deep crush on Camilla Belle. :wub:
I want to apply as a love interest o future interest and I want it to be something serious please. Will wait for Faxen. ^_^
I have Georgiana Night, second year Gryffindor. She could relate with Faxen being halfblood with Muggle father and witch as a mother, though her mother wasn't around much. She also plays the guitar and sometimes sings but she enjoys the guitar more then her voice.
Hamza-- Yes! I agree! I think by now they would be besties. If you could start an rp I will reply!

Enzo-- I could see this as a very good possibility in the future. There is only three years difference so maybe when she's about 16 she wouldn't have any problems dating him. Until then, I think that they should become best friends. Faxi can get a crush on Enzo but think that it will never go anywhere because he is 3 years older. In the meantime, she needs to get her heart broken a few times and break a few hearts herself. Through it all Enzo will be her confidant, protector and then eventually something more?

Steph-- That sounds good to me! Faxen needs more friends. Would you like to start something?
If you don't mind, could you make the topic Kate? Much too busy atm. :(
Enzo-- I will be pming you!

Hamza-- I will start something within the next day for them and pm it to you!
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