My heart just keeps beating faster

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ DADA 1-4 [ilvermorny] • former auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (32)
Geo wasn't ever one for tears. Sometimes she got angry, mad, or disappointed, but it was rare that the Metamorphmagus would be found emotional enough to find tears streaming down her face. She'd long since learnt there were better ways of processing her sadness, and after recently learning of some news that would change the life of one of her best friends, Geo was feeling at a loss. Despite the IC room being in the North Towers, Geo had basically run up all seven flights of stairs from the Great Hall in a bid to head to the place she was most comfortable. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she finally reached the final floor, and she exhausted walked across the corridor, pausing only to peer out the window that over looked the Quidditch Pitch. A solid frown was present on her face, as she tried to think about how she was meant to deal with the information she'd just been given. It wasn't her news to share, but if her best friend needed her she would have to find some other way of getting to Jess. Trying to catch her breath before she took the hidden door into their room, she barely registered the fact she wasn't alone any longer.
With all the homework they required and stuff they had to do for classes Perry was almost burned out. He thought Hogwarts would be fun, but it was almost a chore at the moment. Perry walked to the north tower to cool a bit off. Be away from the homework and exams for a while.

What Perry didn't expect was that someone decided to use the North Tower to cool of as well. It sounded like a girl that was crying. Perry walked up to the sound and saw someone he didn't expect to see. It was Geo, the girl he liked to be around with and he still didn't know if it was that mutual. Perry walked to Geo and swung his arm over her to comfort her. She could always push his air away if she didn't like it. ''Are you okay?'' He muttered to her. ''Do you want to talk about it?" He didn't really know what to say and if she wanted to be silent, that was okay too. He would just sit here and be there for her.
With so many thoughts going round the Huffepuff's head, she wasn't sure what to do. Geo couldn't exactly speak to anyone about what was going on without compromising her friends, but the third year was shocked out of her considerations when she felt someone touching her shoulder. She turned her head, surprised to see Perry standing beside her. Asides from hanging out in classes, and nosily clawing her way into his game of D&D she didn't really know him, and he was one of the last people she would have thought would have approached her. Nevertheless, she didn't realise how much she needed the comfort until she was receiving it, and adjusting her position beside the window, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, the side of her head resting against his as her dull pink hair hung messily behind her ears. She hugged him tightly for a few moments, the thought of whether he minded never crossing her mind. "I don't know." she said honestly, feeling as though she was stuck between two situations, neither of them particularly pleasant for anyone. Eventually she pulled back, her expression slightly sheepish that she'd needed a hug quite so badly. "I can't really tell anyone. Not yet." She said, her eyes looking across to find Perry's, apologetic and willful that he wouldn't ask for more details. "I'm sorry," she said, followed by a sigh. It wasn't like her to feel defeated by conversation, but she wanted to be open with the Gryffindor too. "I just want to help," she said, looking back out the window across the grounds before turning to Perry, wondering whether he was just being polite and other, more important, places to be. Geo had grown up in an Orphange, dealing with all variations of parental loss, but that never made it easier take pain away.
His arms weren't pushed away and instead of having it pushed away Geo seemed to pull him closer. Actually she seemed to need his presence and it only made Perry happier. He hadn't felt this needed since he left his old school. Her pink hair smelled nice, something he hand't noticed yet. Not like he went around school smelling people's hair. That would be creepy and definitely wasn't like him. Perry brushed through her hair with his free hand and smiled. ''You don't have to talk if you don't want to, Geo'' Perry said her name soothingly. ''Is there something else you want to talk about to keep your mind away from it?'' He asked with a big smile on his face. He wasn't used to this, so he had no clue what to do. Perry could be so clueless sometimes and hoped he didn't ruin anything in this moment.

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