My first year needs some attention!

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James Adams

Well-Known Member
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Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
I literally have no role plays going apart from one with Tommy Hayes so please join in.

James Adams​

James Adams was once a fun and playful young boy, with many friends including his sister. One day, whilst playing by the cliffs, his sister fell and was killed on the rocks below. Ever since, James has become a recluse, confiding in no one and hoping that no one finds out about his sister dying. Now he realises that if he is to lead a proper life, he needs to talk to someone about what happened and try to let them help him get over his sadness. James is therefore looking for friends who won't laugh at him, for he is frequently prone to crying if he thinks about his sister and who will try to comfort him and get him over the suffering that he has inflicted mostly upon himself. He doesn't want anyone to bully him but it could be a nice twist to have some evil person taunting him whilst another person tries to fend the first person off because he/she actually wants to help James. I want friends therefore, perhaps more girls because they can often be more understanding of people. Maybe later that friendship could turn into love but it's too early to say as of yet.


Donald is a new first year and needs some plottage
Hey Geraint, Donald sounds good as long as he is able to comfort James in some sort of way. Any ideas where or when we should start?

So, I have a first year Hufflepuff, Damita Lesley. She's a very sensitive girl, and very kind and gentle as she is not intelligent enough to be mean. She grew up in a big family, and has a twin sister. I could see her automatically trying to cheer James up if she found him upset. However, she's also a bit touchy-feely, so if James doesn't like being hugged by strangers, they might not get along too well. She's a part-veela, which she is cautious about because of teasing, and rather superstitious - especially about luck. She can be a little bit of a chatter-box, and mostly talks about hair, clothes and other such things as they are all she knows, but otherwise she's an enthusiastic, friendly girl with a big heart that she wears on her sleeve.

Tell me what you think. ^_^
Hey Tenilee! Thanks for the offer, it certainly sounds great! I like the sound of the "talking about things she knows", it could be used to take James' mind off other matters that are more painful to think about. Should I set something up? Whereabouts do you think it should be set?

OOCOut of Character:
I won't be on tomorrow (Friday) and the day after because I'm going abroad for a long weekend sort of thing.
I think Donald would be able to comfort James. Donald is a nice, kind lad and has a lot of compassion in him, so he would be able to do something. As for the When and Where sort of thing, I am not too fussed about that, I am new to the forums so not exactly sure where's what, if you get me.
James Adams said:
Hey Tenilee! Thanks for the offer, it certainly sounds great! I like the sound of the "talking about things she knows", it could be used to take James' mind off other matters that are more painful to think about. Should I set something up? Whereabouts do you think it should be set?

OOCOut of Character:
I won't be on tomorrow (Friday) and the day after because I'm going abroad for a long weekend sort of thing.
You can start something if you wish - Damita will approach anyone!
She can be anywhere, but more likely outdoors or somewhere sunny - so the Forbidden Forest is probably not somewhere to put it. xD
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