My Darkest Day

Oliver Cade Halliwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
I didn't know what I was doing most of the time. Time seemed to melt away from me as I made my way through life. I need some direction, I need some direction, I need some direction.

Oliver scribbled these words into a leather bound book until his hand began to cramp at which point he angrily threw the book into his bag and starred out towards the lake. He had been back at Hogwarts now for a few days, going home to his mother hadn't provided the answers that he was looking for. In fact it had given him nothing. During the course of his time at Hogwarts his mother had met and married an Auror. Oliver didn't like him, the problem was that he was so much the opposite of his father that it was obvious to everyone but her what she was doing. Nevertheless having him under their roof changed things for him, it no longer felt like home. Memories of his father began to fade and were being replaced by the macho auror who was parading around like he owned the place. The truth was Oliver didn't know what the hell was wrong with him, he just wasn't happy like he should be, he could turn his thoughts to Gwen and he would smile for a moment. Then he would remember that he didn't really know what was going on between them and he hadn't seen her in weeks and he would be back to where he started.

I need some direction.

Nothing was really wrong with him.
I need some direction.

He just wasn't happy like he should be.
The Lakefront was the one place Kiara Tine could go when she was feeling like she wanted some time away from Justin. Sometimes she just got so annoyed with him that she felt that all she could do was try to get away. She shook her head as she looked in the mirror and fixed her hair. She was uaually a pretty vain person, not because she always felt the need to be like the other girls, but because she sometimes felt like Justin expected it. Like if she looked like a wreck he would discard her. It was kind of weird the relationship they had. They were dating, but they didn't do the kinds of stuff that dating couples did, so in essence, she didn't know how to describe their relationship. Then there was of course Spencer Todd, the boy she had made out with in the Slytherin commonroom. She was kind of stringing him along. Though Justin didn't care if she saw other people. It was still weird.

Sighing, Kiara left the comfort of the commonroom and headed for her destination. She didn't have much of a problem with most people, only Hufflepuffs and there was a decent reason for that. Atleast there was in her mind anyway. Well she also didn't like prejudiced purebloods, or that Samual Kaster guy, or that stupid Professor Snow. Besides, she taught a dumb subject. The young Slytherin rolled her eyes in annoyance as she headed closer to the lake and noticed a boy sitting there. He seemed to be worried about something, or atleast out of sorts. He was hunched over some sort of writing material. Though she was far too far away to read the writing. Making her way closer, Kiara tilted her head in curiousity and leaned down to touch his shoulder. "Hey... are you okay?" She asked as she peered over his shoulder.
OOCOut of Character: Sidenote
Sorry its taken me this long :doh:
When Oliver got lost in his own thoughts he shut out the world and very few external factors brought him out of it. She scribbled words down into his book like a man possessed. He wasn't thinking, everything that was being written was a stream of consciousness. It was raw, unedited. No thought, no filter, just his pure, raw feelings. Suddenly something changed, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Usually when he felt a random hand on his should he would jerk it way or flinch or make some kind of movement to show his discomfort or displeasure about being touched by a total stranger. This time he didn't, in fact he didn't want to. There was something about the touch that brought him back to reality, he tilted his head to see who it was. He knew her face, fourth year like him. Slytherin if he remembered correctly. He'd never got a good look at the girl before he'd always seen the back of her head from the classroom or caught a glimpse of her as he left or entered a class. Now he saw her and he smiled. She was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful creature he'd laid eyes on since coming to Hogwarts. "Yeah," He said closing his book in response to her query. "I'm fine," He smiled and stood up.
Kiara looked at the boy as he turned to face her. She recognised his face from around the school and other places. She was sure they were in the same year because she was positive he sat near her in some classes. He was attractive, that was for sure. She smiled at him and nodded as he closed his book. She didn't believe that he was fine, from the way he had been sitting, something was distracting him, but she wasn't about to go and ask about it. He probably didn't want to talk about what was bothering him to someone he barely knew. She moved back slightly to give him room to stand up and offered her hand. The two had never really spoken, though she had only been here for about a semester, so that was nothing big. "I'm Kiara, Kiara Tine. I don't think we have ever held a conversation, have we?" She asked as she tilted her head and crossed her arms. She didn't usually talk to many people. Justin usually gets really clingy when she is ignoring him so it got hard to talk to other people. She looked at the boy infront of her. She was pretty sure he was in Ravenclaw. She didn't know many Ravenclaws. "What are you doing all the way out here?" She asked as she played with her hair. It was loose and was around her shoulders. She didn't generally like it like that, but she had gotten angry at it this morning and given up.
Oliver didn't know what to say at first, he was still surprised that a random girl had approached him and engaged him in conversation. It wasn't something that happened often, he was usually the one to initiate a conversation. "No, I can't say we have," He smiled. He couldn't believe his luck that this girl was talking to him, he'd caught glimpses of her before and wondered what she would be like, or often wished he could find an excuse to talk to her and here she was introducing herself. She quickly turned the conversation to their surrounding area and Oliver's reasons for being there. "Well, I could ask you the same question as you yourself are all the way out here, instead I'll just answer your question. I like to come out here when I have stuff on my mind. Or when I have something to work out, or when somethings wrong and I don't know what it is, so in short I come out here a lot," He smiled again. "So what are you doing out here?" He asked.

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