Must have air

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
It had been happening for a while now. It hadn't happened this badly though. Hoshi had been in the middle of class when she felt like her lungs where about to cave in. She felt as if the blood in her vanes had grown spikes and wanted to slice her open. The fact that she had looked green made the teacher understand and let out out. Instead of going to the hospital wing, Hoshi went up to the North Tower. All she needed was air. This had always fixed it before. The windowless stills let air in from all directions so she didn't have to be chained to a window.

Hoshi reached the top of the stares and sighed. The flowing wind in all directions seemed to take away the sharp sensation in a moments. This was the reason Hoshi loved to be outside a lot. She couldn't be outside right now seeing she would be a good target for any rule inforcer to catch her and chuck in detention but the North Tower was a good substitute. Here Hoshi took out a manga and started to read under one of the windows. She didn't want to admit it just yet but she was sick, very sick.
Sam had been doodling on the corner of his parchment, his blue feather drawing out his usual odd subject of doddling - robots. It was only when he heard a familiar voice asking to be excused from class that interrupted his simple thoughts. His head perked up and he straightened his back from its tired slouch as Hoshi walked out of the room, looking very sickly. In fact, the sight was quite disturbing to see and so after she closed the door, Sam raised his hand, "Eh, Professor? I'm not feeling too good either, can I leave?" His deep voice didn't show any hint of an illness nor did his expression, his aquatic blue eyes glanced anxiously at the door. His professor allowed him to leave with little objection. He never paid much attention in class so it was a win-win situation for the both of them. His calloused fingers snapped his book shut and he quickly packed up before vacating his seat at the back of the classroom.

He had never seen Hoshi look so sick before, he had never really seen her sick before but that didn't matter. As he hurried to the Hospital Wing he realised he never seen anybody look so sick before. His converse skidded across the marble floor as he came to a sudden stop, the noise echoing around the fourth floor corridor. He flinched at the screeching sound and took a couple steps back, allowing him to see inside the Hospital Wing. Hoshi was no where to be seen. A brief sigh escaped his lips and his thoughts fumbled around the places that she could be. He figured he go with his gut instinct, it would be his second option if he were sick, (the Hospital Wing taking first place) and so, Sam took the stairs two at a time all the way to the North Tower.

His stamina had increased greatly over the past year, taking training in basketball with his uncle who Sam only discovered, had a secret love for the muggle sport. But he couldn't help but allow the great amount of stairs take affect on him, especially at the speed he was taking them at. So when he reached the North Tower, he found himself rather out of breath, "Hoshi." Sam breathed, relieved that he found his friend but also because he didn't have to try a second option. He studied her face, reluctantly admitting to himself that she didn't look any better. Sam took a few steps over to her and got down on his honkers, "You look like crap?"
Hoshi laughed when Sam looked at her. "I love you too Sam-Kun." She said sticking out her tongue. Instead of green as she looked in class, Hoshi looked slightly blue from the lack of oxygen that had been going through her earlier. She wasn't about to act like she was any kind of sick. Hoshi was getting used to needing extra air to get by. It hadn't been too long ago that Hoshi had to stop by a window to stick her head out of it because she couldn't catch her breath. As a matter a fact it wasn't much different from Sam at the moment.

Hoshi went onto her knees and looked at Sam. "Have you been running?" She asked a little mockingly. She knew that Sam had worried about her. She would never make fun of that but Hoshi also didn't want Sam to worry too much. "I'm not to hard to find I'm I? I mean the school does hold like no secrets now." She said with a bright grin. Hoshi didn't know if she was doing a good job of calming Sam down but she hoped she was. Again Hoshi would never really forgive herself if she had made Sam worry too much about her.

She had to admit that she hadn't been doing too well lately. Hoshi was used to having boundless energy but lately she had been a little sluggish and it was easy for her to lose her stamina while she was inside. Outside the castle walls Hoshi was fine, she run, jump and swim all she wanted. Hoshi started to think about waring the bubble head charm so she could have the air she needed inside but then again she would look very silly with it on.
Sam briefly winked at Hoshi, her reaction to what he said was just how he wanted it to be. If she had acted in an un-Hoshi way, he definitely would be worried. He scouted over to the wall beside his friend and leaned up against it, his eyes still studying her sickly face. She seemed pretty healthy and one would have been surely positive that she was healthy had they not looked at her face. She looked utterly ghastly but he quickly pushed all thoughts of any sort of serious illness out of his head. She seemed to be okay, to Sam but his disability of reading girls led him to think this way of her. Another reason being that simply didn't want to believe that this was anything serious.

"Running out of class, yes. I just happened to stumble upon you..." An airy chuckle rolled up from his chest and escaped his lips for a few short seconds. It was true what Hoshi said, the school did hold few secrets that they didn't know about, in their fifth year now the castle didn't seem so big. "That and I know you too well." Sam replied, a playful glint appeared in his blue eyes, "It wouldn't be a Hoshi thing to just go to the Hospital Wing. That'd be too normal." He continued shifting his foot slightly, attempting to find a comfortable position to sit in. He flashed her a quick small before he turned his head and stared out to the opposite wall allowing himself to relax a little as he carried on pretending that everything was okay.
Hoshi shook her head. "I know right? Everywhere we turn it's like, O.W.Ls this and O.W.Ls that." She said rolling her eyes. Hoshi had been looking forward to the test so she could make the teachers wet themselves when she actually sat through it. Hoshi was even expecting an EE in everything because she had shown up. Hoshi looked at her best friend and wondered why he wasn't more popular with the girls. He had grown into a handsome guy but then again he was sort of shy. Unlike herself at the moment. In her uniform and what she expected to be some of damage from her illness she wondered if she looked like herself at all.

Hoshi looked down for a moment then back up. "Sam-kun what would you say if I said I had to go away for a while?" She asked suddenly. There was a chance, a very good chance that she was going to have to stay in St. Mungo's again until this thing was cured. She didn't know if they even would be able to help her. She had looked in some of the textbooks in the library and hadn't gotten an single answer she could use. This was another reason she didn't want to go to the hospital wing. There was just to little she could expect from there. Now if she wet to St. Mungo's she would probably be able to find out what was wrong with her.
Sam nodded slowly in agreement to Hoshi's OWL's comment, at this point in the year Sam was sick and tired hearing about the exams. He would rather just sit them now and get them over with. Although, if that was the case, he was pretty sure he would be receiving a lot of T's. However the upcoming exams still didn't seem to bother him which was unusual seeing as most student's taking exams had a plummetting stomach when the dreaded word was spoken. But Sam was just that type of person, someone who didn't get worked up over exams. A lot of it was to do with the fact that he knew what he wanted to do after the NEWT's and going Quidditch pro didn't require plenty of O's - luckily for Sam.

There was a bluntness to Hoshi's words, immediately returning him from his straying thoughts. Going away? He looked at Hoshi with the confused expression that took hold of his face. His lips parted slowly as if to speak but words failed to leave his mouth. He tried again but there were still no words. With furrowed eyebrows, Sam stared at his hand flat out against the stone cold floor and tried once more, "I..I guess it depends on where you're going to?" It didn't necessarily have to be the cause of a bad thing that forced her to leave? These wishful thoughts were just a poor cover-up for the saddening truth, that there was something seriously wrong with Hoshi.
Hoshi wanted to cry just then. Yes she didn't hang out with Sam and Knight as much as she liked to but she still had a lot of fun at the school. Nearly everyone knew came to her to see what she had to do next. It was well known in the school that she couldn't get bored or trouble would come following her right after. Hoshi knew that if she didn't do something she was going to get worse, a lot worse. Worse of it seemed like the sickness was chaning her to places like the North Tower and the lawns. Though those where usually her favoret places to stay she couldn't live there all the time. She had to sleep. She looked at Sam and then curled up her legs. "I've written a letter to my mom. She's going to take me to St. Mungo's to see if they can't do anything for me. We don't know what I have but this isn't normal." Hoshi said holding up her pail, pail hand.

Hoshi smiled at Sam then. "It'll be alright. It's not like that time I was acting stupid." She said rolling her eyes. Hoshi would never forget when her dad put that controlling curse on her. She had hated him for it and had even yelled at him enough for him to cast her out. Hoshi always had a feeling that Koaru Koshiba wasn't done with his one and only blood daughter but Hoshi knew that she could hold him off as long as she stayed far away from Japan where he was practically all powerful. Hoshi's brown eyes where big through her thick eyeliner as if waiting for Sam to come up with something that would make her better.

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