Musical Notes,Cats and Banter

Danielle Gates

green eyes 💍 harpies keeper 💍momma to twin girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Damien ❤️
Straight 14 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
23 (05/2027)
The afternoon breeze was softly blowing by when Danielle leaned against the bark of her favorite tree by the lake. Beside her was her book bag although she was not there to study. She had her guitar on her lap and her songbook opened to an unfinished song. Her cat, Spike, was nearby playing by itself,trying to catch grasshoppers and butterflies. She was in the mood to finish her song which was a duet this time. Adjusting her guitar, she strummed the chords to play what she has just written already.

When we're not together I think about you all the time
I keep your picture in my wallet to remind me that you're mine
Life is not worth livin' unless you're right here by my side
I'll love you now and forever and until the day I die

Tired of being alone, calling you on the phone
I'd rather have you here with me

La La La La La La La La
Hey Baby, I'm missin' you like crazy
La La La La La La La La
Hey Baby, I'm missin' you like crazy​

After the chorus or what she was calling it now, she was already lost of words although she still continued strumming. She suddenly laughed out loud to herself, her laughter blending in with the melody. She found it funny because she already had the melody but the words were still lost to her. Setting down her guitar, she stood up to stretched out her body and walked towards the lake. She glanced at Spike who was getting farther away from her so she gave it a whistle to make him come back. The lazy tabby cat just looked at her while being perched on a tree stump."Come here,boy.",she called as she gazed out back at the lake,not paying attention whether her cat approached her or not. She was trying to think of something to add to her song. She wrapped her arms around herself when the idea came to her. She hurriedly went back to her notebook and wrote the words. Then she picked up her guitar and strummed the melody for it.
<I>These arms they feel so empty without you here inside
This heart it can't do nothin' without your love supply
Your lips are so delicious, the sweetest ones I've found
These lips they get no lovin' when you're not around

Tired of being alone, calling you on the phone
I'd rather have you here with me

La La La La La La La La
Hey Baby, I'm missin' you like crazy
La La La La La La La La
Hey Baby, I'm missin' you like crazy
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="georgia">

She was still playing the guitar when her cat ambled past her. "Hey!Spike! Where are you off to, tabby cat?",she called out. She was not quick enough to go after him which resulted to Spike gaining a few meters away from her. She hurriedly chased him yet she was not making any progress. Her cat was just too sneaky to evade her.

Silus went out on the school's grounds rather often, and the lakefront was a place that he enjoyed frequenting. If you knew what time to be there, it was quiet haven away from the rest of the students.

As he started further down the grass, his lips curved downwards. He didn't hear the sound the silence he was so looking forward to. No, instead he heard the faint strum of an instrument and a voice accompanying it. Silus now made his way closer, ready to yell at them to scram at any moment now, but he didn't.

The lyrics were dripping with far too much sappyness for the ravenclaw's taste, but the voice that sang them wasn't half bad. He now had sight of the person, a girl maybe around his age. 'Of, course..' he thought with a roll of his eyes. 'She must be a hufflepuff, singing about that dratted sort of thing.' The girl was still singing those lovey dovey lyrics when he spotted a cat.

It was a rather magnificent looking thing, and Silus knelt down in the grass and hastily unlooped his school tie. He started shaking the shiny, striped fabric about and rustling the grass, trying to get its attention. It actually seemed to be working, as the tabby seemed to have its gazed locked on what the boy was doing. It began to slink away from the girl, and at this point it was difficult for Silus not to burst out laughing.

He groaned as the girl noticed her cat had snuck off. She started calling after him, and now was hurriedly making her way towards him. He smirked and stood up, swinging his tie over his shoulder.
"You know, you're not horrible, but you would benefit from a subject change."
He stated, actually making an attempt at being polite. "I'm not alone on this either as your little friend seems to agree as well."

Danielle was still adjusting her shoes when she heard laughter ahead of her. She looked up to see Silus Hollister, a fifth year Ravenclaw, waving his striped necktie towards her cat. That is why her cat did not listen to her and just passed her by.She just walked the last few yards until she was in front of Silus.He was smirking at her which somehow irked her but tried to reined her temper in."You know, you're not horrible, but you would benefit from a subject change." ,he said, making her raise her eyebrows."I'm not alone on this either as your little friend seems to agree as well." Danielle somehow sensed that he was trying to be polite so she was giving him the credit. A small laughter came out of her lips."Oh, that. I was just trying to finish that song before starting a new one." Glancing down at her cat, she remarked," He seems to like you." Spikes was already rubbing himself on the Ravenclaw student. Come to think, she has never spoken to him like ever. She has just known him by face and name. "So...",she began."Were you out for some afternoon breeze as well?", trying to start a conversation. She had knelt on her one knee and picked her cat up. The tabby seemed to be reaching out to Silus, however.

Silus found it odd that this girl didn't really seem all that angry or annoyed with his presence. And wasn't she a Hufflepuff? Most of their house disliked him even more than most after he'd chucked a bread roll at one of their first years once. Maybe somehow the girl didn't know who he was -- though he caused so much mayhem that it was difficult to believe.

She laughed and gave him an explanation. "Oh. Well who was the song by?" He asked, pleasantly surprised and actually intrigued by the girl. He actually grinned when she pointed out the tabby cat started to brush up against his legs. Silus reached down and stroked his satisfyingly, fluffy coat. "I thought he was a he. He said, his tone lightening up a little. The ravenclaw wondered what his name was when he finally heard the girl go 'so...' and he realized he'd zoned out.

He straightened himself back up, watching as the girl picked the tabby up. The tabby's arms seemed outstretched towards him, and he couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Silus smiled a genuine smile. "I was. It's one of the best places on grounds." He replied. "What are your names?" He asked, curiosity getting the best of him as he gestured towards the girl and her tabby.
Danielle knew that most of her fellow housemates disliked this Ravenclaw in front of her because of an incident in the past. That is how she came to know his name. Many of her friends told her to stay away from him. Now that they were talking, she couldn't find any reason to dislike him. He was actually nice to talk to.

"Oh. Well who was the song by?", Silus had asked making Danielle smiled and looked back to her guitar."Well... It was mine although I didn't know what came to me to write a duet alone. T'was that bad huh?", she joked. She laughed upon hearing Silus thinking Spikes was a she. Spikes was a male tabby who just happened to like men as well since she had four older brothers for company. Looking down at him stroking her cat, she replied,"He was a he alright. He was just used to male company because of my brothers."

Her smiled widened when Silus said that the lake was one of the best places on the grounds. She even nodded in agreement. "I agree." She pointed back at the tree where her stuff was."That was actually my favorite spot over there." She looked back at him when he asked for their names. "This tabby is called Spike", she was already struggling with the cat because it was already stretching its body to reach out for Silus. "I'm Danielle. Danielle Corelli.", she introduced herself.

Silus arched a brow when the girl stated the song was her's. He couldn't deny that was something he found a bit impressive. "Don't insult it. Yeah, it isn't my type of music, but you did well." The ravenclaw said, and he actually meant it. He shifted of his feet when she mentioned he had brothers. Silus was an only child, and someone with pretty much a non existent family. He couldn't relate, but he did wonder how that was.

The boy smiled when she said she agreed that the lake was one of the best places. The girl pointed back to the tree she had previously been by, her things still sitting underneath it, and told him it was her favorite spot. He nodded after appraising it. "It is a nice tree." Silus said thoughtfully. He gestured to an area nearest to the edge of the water. It was pretty much devoid of trees, but the grass there was the softest and was the best spot to see either the sun or moon -- depending on the hour. "I normally favor that spot." He stated.

Silus looked back at the tabby and smirked. "Who was responsible of naming him?" He grinned. The Ravenclaw thought it was a funny name for a cat, but it oddly seemed to fit. Spike continued to stretch his furry arms out at Silus as the girl introduced herself as Danielle Corelli. It was a good name he thought, and he stepped closer so the tabby could reach him. "Corelli? That's an interesting last name." He replied with a smile, smoothing a hand over Spike's soft fur. Silus supposed he ought to introduce himself as well. It felt odd, usually people knew his name, but judging by how nicely the girl treated him he guessed she somehow never heard of him. "I'm Silus by the way."

Danielle laughed when Silus mentioned that her song was not that bad and she was somehow interested on what Silus' kind of music liked. "Really? Like what type?", she asked with interest and racking her brains to find songs, both her composition and not, to see if she could contribute some songs that they both may like.

The Hufflepuff smiled in gratitude when he appraised her spot. She followed his hand gesturing to an area not far from her tree. An area where she noticed didn't have any trees but with grass looking so soft and had a clear view of the sky."That spot looks great too. I can guarantee you can see the moon from there on a clear sky.",she commented.

Silus didn't look so bad when he smirked. She had heard from her roommates that the Ravenclaw boy looked like a bad guy whenever he smirked and that his house didn't suit him. Danielle disagreed with them but they would always tell her to see for herself. Now, Danielle has seen it and she knew she was right. "Who was responsible of naming him?", he asked, making her laugh in embarrassment. "He was supposed to be named Fluffs but then changed my mind when I saw him bathing himself and his fur looked like spikes of a porcupine. The name just stuck I guess.",she replied.

Danielle was relieved when Silus stepped closer to stroke Spikes. The tabby seemed contented with his touch although it was still reaching for the boy. She took a step closer as well, to indulge her cat's demands. "Corelli? That's an interesting last name." He replied with a smile, which she returned with a smile of her own. "Come to think of it, it is interesting since I didn't get around to knowing the history of my last name.",she admitted with a laugh.

When he introduced his name, Danielle was debating on whether to let him know that she knew him. Deciding on being honest, she nodded."I know.",she looked at him genuinely. "Your name is pretty famous especially in my House. However", she took one more step closer and held out a hand, "I would be delighted to know another side of Silus Hollister that most people don't know." She was hoping for a friendship with this Ravenclaw. She knew her friends would discourage her for that but she would have to be mature enough to know that not all people are who what they let people see.

Silus walked a few steps back to a nearby tree, leaning against it with his arms crossed casually. He pondered her question concerning music for a moment. "Truthfully, I don't care for wizarding music that much.." He admitted to the Danielle. On break when he went back to his home -- if you could call it that -- he had a small stash of things he'd acquired on the streets. One of the items was a muggle music player, and he spent most nights eventually falling asleep to it. "I like music that tells a story. Where the person shares some of their self through their words." He stated, wary to share anymore of his personal thoughts.

Silus nodded. "You'd be very right about that." He said, replying to her comment on the view of the moon from his spot -- of course he knew this firsthand. The Ravenclaw listened to Danielle' s explanation on her tabby's name with a relaxed smirk on his face. It really wasn't a bad name at all, and he actually enjoyed her reasoning. "I like it."

Silus chuckled and gave into Spike's demands, gently scratching under his chin and ears. "Sounds Italian or perhaps Spanish to me." He pondered out loud.
The boy suppressed a grin when Danielle told him his name was pretty famous, especially to the Hufflepuffs. His brows furrowed, as she offered him her hand and said she wanted to know the other side of him.

Silus enjoyed not being an open book to others, and he didn't want his pages to start turning now. "Well you might be disappointed. There isn't an other side ." He stated, though not in a blunt way, just simply. Danielle really did seem to be different than the others in her house, and Silus could see she was trying to be genuine. He took a brief look at her hand before reluctantly shaking it, not wanting to hurt her.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm so sorry for the late reply! work has got me with down a bit.
Danielle listened intently to Silus telling her about his preference in music. They actually shared the same preference when it came to music since she mostly got her inspiration from Muggle music. She decided to just let the Ravenclaw dwell on his thoughts since she could feel that it was uncommon for him to share his personal thoughts. She felt honored to be granted this much from him.

As she watched him walk to a nearby tree, she followed him keeping her distance to give him his personal space and decided to sit on the green grass just near him. She gave him a smile when he acknowledge her reason for naming her tabby Spike. "Thanks, I guess.", she replied.

When Silus began stroking her cat, she let him down and immediately the tabby went to her new friend and rubbed itself around his legs before making himself comfortable on Silus' feet. Not near them but on them. This scene made Danielle let out a chuckle while she tried to catch the Ravenclaw's reaction on this.

When Silus contemplated on accepting her hand, Danielle almost regretted her decision. She started to pull back her hand,"I don't want to force.....", she trailed off when she felt a warm hand enveloped hers. She looked down at their hands,shaking them and looked up at him. "Please don't feel forced into this. I just want to be your friend, that's all.",she explained, wanting to clear the air between them.
Silus noticed the girl was keeping a respectful distance from him and the corners of his mouth lifted a tad. She wasn't all that bad at all. If there was one thing the boy hated it was intrusive people.

'Welcome.' He responded swiftly before his feet became Spike's resting place. At this the Ravenclaw couldn't suppress a genuine and loud laugh. 'I didn't realize I my feet were proper cat pillows.' He said reaching an arm to continue petting the affectionate tabby.

Silus' face softened when Danielle said she simply wanted to be friends and that she wasn't meaning to force him. All his life he'd been forced into situations beyond his control, and he smiled at her innocent request. 'Alright, then.' He said, voice genuinely happy.
It actually felt great to hear Silus' loud laugh. He seemed to be a guarded person and not letting his emotions visible on his face. No wonder her friends kept telling her that he was not supposed to be in Ravenclaw because he was so aloof and mean. That was what her friends said but still Danielle disagreed on them."He really seemed to like you. Now, I wonder if ever he would still go back with me to the Gryffindor Tower and not go with you to Ravenclaw then.",she replied with a laugh on her own. She was sitting comfortably on the soft grass while the boy was leaning against the tree.

Danielle's face brightened upon seeing the boy's face softened at her request. Truly, there was a soft side on him. Even the way he replied to her has a genuine happy tone in it which made her even happier. She couldn't think of anything else to say except,"Thank you,Silus.",she said in a soft voice,looking up at the boy in the eyes.

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