Music to My Ears

OOC First Name
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Rachelle was sitting in her dorm, listening to music, as usual. She loved to listen to Rock and Alternative, especially Nickelback. She was listening to the song "Got to be Somebody" and was staring at the fire. As the songs continued and time passed, she felt more and more awake. So she continued to listen to music, after finishing all the songs she took her earphones out and said to herself "I wish I had someone to talk and spend my time with."
Logan was wandering around Obsidian Harbour looking for something to do to entertain himself. He had just come back from a holiday with his family, which had been a lot of fun and he was just a little sad that it was over. As the young veeka walked he decided to sit down and rest his poor legs which were aching from their over used during the past few days. As he sat next to a young girl he could feel the weight being taken off his legs and he sighed happily at this feeling

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