Open Music Filling the Harbour

Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene loved playing his music, but had found now as a fourteen year old in the magical world that all of his old friends were distant with him. He was away and out of contact and he knew it made sense, he didn't expect them to wait around for him, it would be pointless for them to. But it did make organising anything over the break a tad trickier, so after some persuading, after Charlie had gone off home, Eugene had managed to get to Obsidian. He had his guitar, was warmly dressed for the winter weather and was just playing away, sat up a box with a hat for money in front. Eugene loved playing, he loved singing and there was nothing that would discourage him from doing it now. He was playing some of the songs he'd written, the one he'd done for CHarlie and the one for Bella. Both songs he thoroughly enjoyed playing.
Obsidian Harbour was wonderful, Renata quickly decided. It was bright, and colourful, and even in the middle of winter it felt warm. She hoped her parents would share her enthusiasm - it may not have been warm enough for her mother, nor cold enough for her father, but it was a nice compromise.

She aimlessly wandered, trying to get a feel for the place while simultaneously trying not to get her hopes up too high, when she was stopped by the sound of a guitar. Following her ears, she found herself drawn to the playing of a boy a little older than she was. She stood and watched for a bit, hands behind her back in a way that, she thought with good humour, reminded her of her nonno. Although she didn't have much on her, after a song she scrambled to pull out at least a handful of sickles and drop them in the box, before stepping back to listen a little longer.
Eugene had been playing for a bit, with a little success, sometimes muggle music could work better since the people didn't often know them. He spotted a girl had stopped to watch him play, and even put some money in the box. He glanced at her, she was a bit younger than him, probably not by much. Eugene smiled at her and gave a little thank you. He tuned the guitar lightly, "Anything you want to hear?" he asked. He couldn't be sure that he would know it, but he could at least ask. Since it would be nice to play something for someone who'd given him money and it had been at exactly the right time for him to ask too.
Renata had always grown up around music, and while she certainly didn't have the talent or skill of her mother, she could at least appreciate a good performer when she heard one. She paused when he asked her if she had any requests, not really having thought that far ahead. "Is this where I ask you to play Wonderwall or some other muggle staple? Unless you have some Romanian folk songs I'll leave it up to you," she joked. Despite her parents being wizards, Renata's mother had insisted that she take in plenty of muggle music and movies, wanting to give her a well rounded and balanced education. "You play really well," she added, brightly.
Eugene laughed lightly, playing the first few chords of the ever familiar wonderwall. it had like a cliche been one of the first songs he had ever learned. A full song, lyrics and all. "I can certainly play wonderwall for you," he joked back, "But I don't know any Romanian songs...unfortunately," he felt a little bad that he didn't but how could he have. he was rather warmed by her compliment. "Thank you. I'm Eugene by the way," he introduced extending out his hand to her, once he had her name he could play a song for her.
Renata couldn't help but giggle in amusement when he did play the song, surprised but happy to know that other wizards and witches knew a bit of muggle music. Although maybe they had muggle parents. It didn't bother her if they did, her great-grandfather made a huge deal about them trying to remove muggles from their bloodline but it hadn't been very successful and Renata didn't really see the point, they certainly weren't pureblood "You're probably not missing much!" she replied, cheerfully - there was a bar her mum had sung at a few times where the crowd got really in to folk songs but obviously Renata was far too young to drink and get involved in it. She took the boy's hand in a polite handshake and beamed at him. "It's so nice to meet you, Eugene! I'm Renata."
Eugene gave a little laugh, "Maybe I am though," he was sure there waas something to learning other styles of music, and he thought it could be interesting. It didn't mean he was about to seek it out the type of music or would start playing any of it. He smiled at her name, "Renata, good to meet you too," she was older than a first year, so not to be sorted, "Okay well, this next song is for you Renata," He made sure to speak more loudly. He tuned up his guitar quickly and then launched into playing wonderwall, doing the first few bars from it before then switching to one of his own songs flashing a wink to Renata, the song he'd switch to was the oen that he'd written for Charlie, about breaking up with someone, it was a more melancholy song, but suited his voice, switching songs pretty seamlessly. He played until the song finally came to close.
Renata couldn't help but giggle, holding her hand up to her mouth to stifle it and hide the pink tinge that crossed her cheeks when he dedicated the next song to her. She clasped her hands under her chin at the actual song he began to play. She didn't know it, but she liked it all the same. Even if it was a sadder tone it was still a lovely song and he had a really nice voice to listen to. She clapped loudly when it ended, mouthing the words 'thank you' over her applause.

Renata looked over the the distance, seeing her grandmother and mum calling her and signalling her over, while she would've been quite happy to stay and listen she supposed she couldn't bother Eugene all day. "Sì, nonna," she called back, before giving Eugene an apologetic smile. "That was beautiful," she complimented, enthusiastically. "Hopefully I'll see you around!" She crossed her fingers, flashing him another grin before running off, now even more hopeful that she'd get to leave Durmstrang and go to somewhere like Hogwarts.

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