Open Muggleborn & Raised Support Group - Graduating Students AMA

Aine Thompson

Going My Own Way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
20 (21/9/2043)
Aine was totally not procrastinating on her NEWT study or anything, it wasn't as though putting together posters and organizing one last meeting for the road was a way to avoid looking at her Divination notes. Obviously. It was just...conveniently timed that it was a nice distraction from her studies. She'd set up a table in the student lounge with some muggle snacks she'd brought in, things like cans of soda and chocolate and jelly frogs that were decidedly unenchanted, and sat herself at the head of the table as people trickled in. She'd figured that it was a good time for her and some of the other older students, if they wanted, to share what was hopefully words of wisdom (or possibly just some frank honesty) about what to expect with balancing lifestyles and their options for the future.

"Okay, so, just going to keep it pretty informal," Aine explained, leaning back and rubbing her eyes. "I'm graduating soon and I'm going back to the muggle world for a bit. It's not going to be easy, but I'm working on it. So, figured I'd give you all the floor to ask some questions or express some worries about, you know, balancing the two or things you don't get about wizards or whatever, and I'll try my best to answer them. And if not me, maybe some of the other students or professors might be able to help you out." She nodded towards Professor Hale, who she'd bribed to attend with coffee - he'd been helping her out with some muggle school subjects even before he'd come to Hogwarts, so she figured he might be able to back her up. "Floor is yours," she gestured at the students milling about, waiting to see what they might say.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry this is so late in the semester! Just feel free to jump in with any questions your characters might have being from a muggle background, and older students/professors are also welcome to jump in with questions or answers!
Morrie didn't really have much to do today, so when she heard about the muggle support group meeting, she figured why not? At least it was something different. Aine was at the front, explaining her plans and offering to answer any questions. Morrie perked up slightly, her dry sense of humor kicking in. "You're leaving? I assumed you were coming back to teach next year," she said, her tone just dry enough to be ambiguous. She'd never admit it out loud, but she was going to miss Aine. The head girl had a refreshing energy and was much more bearable than most of the others.

Morrie shifted in her seat, trying to sound nonchalant. "Will you have a forwarding owl?" she asked, a small hint of genuine interest creeping into her voice. The idea of having a pen pal was oddly appealing. She'd never had one before, probably because of her illegible handwriting and general reluctance to stay in contact with anyone. But maybe this time would be different.
Aine grinned. She had a bit of a soft spot for Morrie, even having seen her in the dueling tournament. She suspected it was just feeling a sort of kindred spirit, someone else who was considered a little difficult and out of place. "Well, I'm not getting married or having kids, so I guess I should teach or become a nurse until I find myself a husband, huh?" she joked, giving a wince of distaste and shaking her head. "God no. I've committed to this extravagant lie about having been raised in a cult so I can go to a muggle university and learn some more sensible things. If I come back here, assume I've been taken hostage. Or the headmaster's truly lost it." Aine didn't love having to lie to fit back into muggle society, but it seemed to be unfortunately the tradeoff if she didn't want to give it up altogether. And giving it up had never even been a consideration for her.

Still, giving up on magic entirely was also not in the equation. "Yeah, I can give you that." Aine scribbled an address down on a piece of paper, folded it up and handed it over. She wasn't quite sure about where she'd live come January next year, but likely she'd probably board above Noah's pub and do some bartending. It wouldn't be too hard, the magical clientele was pretty small. Honestly, it was probably more charitable of him than anything she was actually doing to help, but she wasn't so proud as to turn her nose up at it. Nor would she turn up her nose at having a pen pal.
Morrie smirked at Aine's joke, listening to her plan to re-enter the muggle world. "I'd have gone with recently discharged from an asylum," she replied dryly. "Then you'd only need to reassure those muggles that you're no longer delusional about being a witch." Morrie would remember Aine's cult cover story, thinking she might use it herself someday.

She took the folded piece of paper from Aine, glancing at it before tucking it away. "Thanks for the address. Just so you know, my handwriting's atrocious, so good luck deciphering any letters I send. And don’t worry, I’ll only send the owls at night. Last thing we want is those muggles thinking you're some weird owl whisperer." A smile played on Morrie's lips. For a split second, she considered giving Aine a hug, then promptly dismissed the idea as sickeningly sentimental. She did look forward to writing to her next year though.

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