Moses Urena

Moses Urena

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in 2 pieces
The Basics
Character's Name: Moses lsidoro Urena
Character's Birthdate: March 6, 2015
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Broken, formerly Straight 17 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland House: Ravenclaw
Occupation: Accountant
Height: 5'8"
Other Distinguishing Features: None
A Little Deeper
Personality: Moses can put on a very convincing facade. ~TBC~
Special Talents/Abilities: (Does your character have an approved special ability/condition/race? Do they have a unique talent or extraordinary skill? Explain it all here.)
History: Moses was born to Rebecca and Eli Urena in Austin, Texas. When Moses was three, the family moved to Dover, England because the adults wanted to start over and get away from all the debt they were in the United States. They ran away with their child and created new identities. He became an older brother to Gonzalo Urena five years later. Moses was not very nice to his younger brother. It was after his brother's birth when he began to do things that no one else could. Lights would flicker whenever he got mad, glasses would shatter, and various other object would fall or break. Moses always felt that he was different. His parents did their best to please him, but odd things always happened whenever his emotions got out of control. His parents restricted him from playing any extracurricular activities or go on playdates with friends. He was restricted to only one hour of television, and he was to go straight to his room to do his homework. However, his younger brother was allowed much more freedom when it came to playdates and how much time he spent outside of his room.

When Moses was ten, an argument broke out between him and his mother. His mother was telling him to go to his room, but he said no. Moses's face got extremely red and he screamed out in anger making the sink water begin to run and eventually the sink broke and water began spewing everywhere. His mother was furious and screamed that he was a freak that they should have left in Texas. That night Moses could not go to sleep. He was angry. He attempted to suffocate Gonzalo with a pillow. Luckily, Eli came in and pulled Moses off of his younger brother. Moses was signed up for counseling session after that rude awakening. Those sessions did not last long because Moses turned eleven and received his letter to Hogwarts Scotland. His parents' prayers were answered, and Moses was able to get away from the family that did not cherish him. Moses was happy to finally know why he was so different from his normal younger brother. Moses started his first year with a passion to learn as much as he could. He never wanted to go back to live with his parents.

His first four years at Hogwarts were uneventful. Moses made very few friends, and he was very studious. He was always asking big questions and searching for answers. He felt that he was perfect enough to be a Prefect, however, this did not happen. A close friend of his, Jackson, was chosen to become a prefect. Moses stayed with Jackson's family during the breaks, and they were always seen laughing together or quietly debating on theories or influential persons. Jackson becoming Prefect brought up a hidden anger within Moses, and he stopped talking to Jackson. But, the boy was always on his mind, and Moses could not stop thinking that Jackson had stolen his spot. He spent his entire year making Jackson's time a Hogwarts horrible. At first, it started as trivial things like tripping him in the hallways, spreading baseless rumors, and casting harmless curses. Moses's behavior began to escalate. He would constantly challenge Jackson to duels. He received several detentions for using dangerous spells that he was not even supposed to know.

All professors began to monitor him closely. His access to the Restricted Section of the Library was revoked, and he had so many detentions that he never had enough time to do anything suspicious for the rest of the year. Moses ended up spending breaks at the school. He was forced to go back home over the summer since he and Jackson were no longer friends. Eli and Rebecca were happy to see their son after so long. Moses did not share the same feelings, and he could not stop thinking about going back into the magical world. He had checked out as many books as possible from the school library, and he stayed up for many nights reading them all, taking in knowledge and, hopefully, making time to apply it to what he already knew. Gonzalo would try to get to know his brother, but Moses would only scream at the boy to leave him alone. The summer break did not go quick enough for Moses, and he was relieved to be on the train to Hogwarts Scotland for his sixth year.

Moses's professors had expected him to change, but he did in an unexpected way. He became a hermit. He talked to no one, and he focused solely on his studies. Whenever he was talked to he became extremely irritated. Despite his antisocial behavior, he still felt like every assignment given was too easy and not good enough for his level of intelligence. He stopped doing his work, and he read on higher level magic. Professors tried to talk to him and offer more challenging work, but Moses was arrogant and stubborn. He felt that nothing his professors' provided was good enough for him. His Head of House requested a meeting with Moses toward the end of the first semester. He proceeded to tell the sixth year that his behavior was out of line and that he needed to come down from his high horse. Moses exploded. He threw the Head's items on the ground, and he took out his wand and cast incendio on his Head of House. However, his Head was able to cast a Flame-Freezing Charm and petrify Moses before more damage could be done. Moses was immediately expelled and sentenced to five years in Azkaban. His wand was snapped right in front of him, and he was dragged of screaming and resisting.

Moses was released April 30, 2036. He lived unemployed for awhile, but by doing a few odd jobs he was able to moved to New Zealand and try to start anew. Moses got a job as an accountant, and he rents a apartment. He longs to be back in the magical community, and he hates the life he is living.
Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings, children etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])

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