Mortimer Ruthven

Mortimer Ruthven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
9 Inches, Mahogany, Phoenix Feather Core.
The Basics
Character's Name: Mortimer Vladimir Ruthven
Character's Birthdate: January 3rd, 2010
Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: 9 Inches, Mahogany, Phoenix Feather Core
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Hair: Blonde, Short and Spikey
Eyes: An unnaturally deep blue.
Height: 6' 2"
Style: Wears extremely simple clothing, with a noted preference towards turtlenecks and loose clothing.
Other Distinguishing Features: Depite being only 14, Mortimer is already capable of growing a full beard, which he usually keeps trimmed down to little more than stubble.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Mortimer is at most times laconic and introverted, interested in making friends but too emotionally reserved to do so. His primary love in life is knowledge, and he can be found almost at all times reading. Mortimer is also extremely honest, even when lying would be less risky. He has no problem with simply not bringing up the truth, but if asked about a matter directly his answers will always be honest. Somewhat sociopathic, he has no problem with hurting others to meet his desires, but only after calculating the risk/benefit in relation to a nonviolent approach. He has been known to bouts of anger, and is utterly without mercy to those who attract his ire.
History: Mortimer was born in Scotland to a pair of Ministry officials, his father being from the Deparment of Magical Law Enforcement, while his mother was an Unspeakable. His parents, particularly his mother, were quick to instill a love of magic and learning into their son, whom by the time he was enrolled in Hogwarts Scotland was already nearly a full year ahead of his peers. However, his taciturn personality and sometimes frightening bursts of anger made him very few friends, none of which he was particular upset at leaving behind.

Last summer, Mortimer's mother was given a transfer to the New Zealand chapter of the Department of Mysteries, and his father applied for a similar transfer. Since returning to Scotland on an annual basis for school was simply not practical, Mortimer was transferred to Hogwarts New Zealand as a Fourth Year Slytherin.
Family: Father- Abraham Ruthven, Pureblood. Department of Magical Law Enforcement. A Slytherin, he met his future wife while in school, much to the charign of his peers.
Mother- Lucille Van Helsing-Ruthven, Half-Blood. Department of Mysteries. A Ravenclaw, her obsession with learning the mysteries of the universe ultimately lead her to a position as an Unspeakable. No relation to Abraham Van Helsing, the famous vampire slayer.

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