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Name: Mortimer Collen Bones
Birthdate: December, 18 1988
Age Now: 32
*Blood Status: Muggle born-ish
Hair : Pitch black
Eyes : Black
Patronus: A Rino
The Bones Family in general was pureblooded at one point when the generation spit started. A set of twins where born. One was a wizard one a squib. The squib married a Muggle and the wizard married a Muggle-born destroying the blood line in one blow. Since then magic has been a on and off thing with some children weather from wizarding parents or not are born without magic. A history of violence and hatred has followed those without magic towards those with magic ending maybe perhaps in the extream case that their niece Zazuka had been placed in. Mortimer followed his sister Alex to New Zealand to make sure that she stays out of trouble. Though Mortimer is the oldest of the two given birth by Rosalba Bones there is actually an brother older than him Joseph Bones. Though his mother seems to have dropped off the grid.
Harold Benjamin Bones:
May 20, 1962 - October 17, 2018
Age at the time of death was 56 years old
Father to Joseph, Alex and Mortimer All a few years apart and Ministry worker right up until his death cosed by a minor but well placed spell to the heart.
Rosalba Esmeralda Bones:
February 14, 1967 - present day
Current age: 54
Mother to Alex and Mortimer but not Joseph. He was the child of another mother who drilled into him that magic was evil. Born into a family of Romani decent she was not a stranger to magic and in fact was celebrated when she got accepted into her school. Though it was against her culture to marry Harold she did it anyway but brought some of her roots with her. She lives in Florida now and is still a member of the International Confederation of Wizards.
Alexandra Gurtude Bones:
April 7, 1993 - Present day
To Alex, Mortimer had always been the one put there to suck all the fun out of everything but she had to admit that his stiffness got her out of a few scraps in school before he had to leave. Being five years older Alex was a third year when Mortimer graduated then heard little of him afterwards. Going their different ways after Alex somehow passes and got her job at the Ministry. It wasn't long before she was inducted into the Auror Core. From what Mortimer had heard of her she was good at her job but for some reason she got removed when it was felt that Alex was compromised. The reason for Alex's removal is still unknown to both of them.
Mortimer is the middle child really but had always been treated like the oldest. Especially with little Alex getting into trouble where ever she went. It was not that she looked for trouble she just had a talent for it. Mortimer was always the one cleaning up after her. Being five years older finally got it's advantage when he left Hogwarts Scotland which they attended because their father wanted them to go the best school for magic.
Following in his father's foot steps Mortimer became part of the Ministry but as a part of the Department of Mysteries. It seemed like everything was perfect because he also had met who he thought was the love of his life Claudia. The marriage lasted about seven years before everything went sour. It turned out that his beloved Claudia was a part of the U.S Death Eater faction and had been order to kill him before he got wind of anything. She did as she was told. Mortimer was devastated making it easier for the Ministry to have it's way with her. One of the ones gathering intelligence from her went to far and now Claudia is a permanent resident of St. Andrew's in the U.S. As for Mortimer, after a couple of years of sulking he decided go right back to work though not all him self.
Mortimer found out about Alex's termination though the higher ups in the Ministry. They where going to get someone else to look after Alex while in New Zealand, which he assumed they thought was one of the places that they thought Alex wouldn't get into too much trouble. Mortimer volunteered his time and his job because Alex was his sister. Also because it would get him away from the memories of the woman he thought he loved.
Birthdate: December, 18 1988
Age Now: 32
*Blood Status: Muggle born-ish
Hair : Pitch black
Eyes : Black
Patronus: A Rino
The Bones Family in general was pureblooded at one point when the generation spit started. A set of twins where born. One was a wizard one a squib. The squib married a Muggle and the wizard married a Muggle-born destroying the blood line in one blow. Since then magic has been a on and off thing with some children weather from wizarding parents or not are born without magic. A history of violence and hatred has followed those without magic towards those with magic ending maybe perhaps in the extream case that their niece Zazuka had been placed in. Mortimer followed his sister Alex to New Zealand to make sure that she stays out of trouble. Though Mortimer is the oldest of the two given birth by Rosalba Bones there is actually an brother older than him Joseph Bones. Though his mother seems to have dropped off the grid.
Harold Benjamin Bones:

May 20, 1962 - October 17, 2018
Age at the time of death was 56 years old
Father to Joseph, Alex and Mortimer All a few years apart and Ministry worker right up until his death cosed by a minor but well placed spell to the heart.
Rosalba Esmeralda Bones:

February 14, 1967 - present day
Current age: 54
Mother to Alex and Mortimer but not Joseph. He was the child of another mother who drilled into him that magic was evil. Born into a family of Romani decent she was not a stranger to magic and in fact was celebrated when she got accepted into her school. Though it was against her culture to marry Harold she did it anyway but brought some of her roots with her. She lives in Florida now and is still a member of the International Confederation of Wizards.
Alexandra Gurtude Bones:

April 7, 1993 - Present day
To Alex, Mortimer had always been the one put there to suck all the fun out of everything but she had to admit that his stiffness got her out of a few scraps in school before he had to leave. Being five years older Alex was a third year when Mortimer graduated then heard little of him afterwards. Going their different ways after Alex somehow passes and got her job at the Ministry. It wasn't long before she was inducted into the Auror Core. From what Mortimer had heard of her she was good at her job but for some reason she got removed when it was felt that Alex was compromised. The reason for Alex's removal is still unknown to both of them.
Mortimer is the middle child really but had always been treated like the oldest. Especially with little Alex getting into trouble where ever she went. It was not that she looked for trouble she just had a talent for it. Mortimer was always the one cleaning up after her. Being five years older finally got it's advantage when he left Hogwarts Scotland which they attended because their father wanted them to go the best school for magic.
Following in his father's foot steps Mortimer became part of the Ministry but as a part of the Department of Mysteries. It seemed like everything was perfect because he also had met who he thought was the love of his life Claudia. The marriage lasted about seven years before everything went sour. It turned out that his beloved Claudia was a part of the U.S Death Eater faction and had been order to kill him before he got wind of anything. She did as she was told. Mortimer was devastated making it easier for the Ministry to have it's way with her. One of the ones gathering intelligence from her went to far and now Claudia is a permanent resident of St. Andrew's in the U.S. As for Mortimer, after a couple of years of sulking he decided go right back to work though not all him self.
Mortimer found out about Alex's termination though the higher ups in the Ministry. They where going to get someone else to look after Alex while in New Zealand, which he assumed they thought was one of the places that they thought Alex wouldn't get into too much trouble. Mortimer volunteered his time and his job because Alex was his sister. Also because it would get him away from the memories of the woman he thought he loved.