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Raafe Khatri

Glib | Anisha's Shadow
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
04/2046 (15)
Raafe stared up, squinting and tilting his head a few times, but no matter how long he looked it didn't change. There was definitely a sock hanging from the arch overhead. A plain black school sock by the looks, but a sock none the less. Raafe had been looking at it for easily a few minutes now just trying to first process its presence and now, how in Merlin's name it got up there. Did someone slip so hard their shoes and socks flew off? Did someone get so tired of their roommate's laundry laying around they were taking extreme measures? Was this where your missing sock pairs went? Raafe had so many questions and no answers.
Leah yawned as she walked down the corridor. She had stayed up far too late reading the new quidditch magazine her father had sent her with his letter last night and she was paying for it today. She smiled as she saw Raafe ahead and raised her hand to wave but she realized he was stuck staring at something above him. She slowed and eventually stopped next to him and mimicked his stance. "Anything interesting up there?" she asked brightly.
Raafe look at Leah when she joined him, only tilting his head slightly to indicate he was listening before motioning to the baffling sock above him. "Loose any socks lately?"
Leah glanced sideways at Raafe when he asked about her socks. But when she glanced up at the ceiling again and saw what had been stumping him. "Huh." she said and let her head tilt to the side. "How do you think it got up there?" she asked. "And it's not mine. At least I don't think it is."
Raafe glanced over at Leah, tilting his head the other way to match her as he looked back at the sock. "Dunno. You think this is what happens when someone actually 'knocks your socks off'?" He mused. "Think we can get it down?"
Leah raised her eyebrows. "Must have been a heck of a blow, if so." she said with a sense of reverence. She considered his next question and she could practically feel the gears of her brain working to figure out a solution. "Do you think accio would do the trick?" she asked as she pulled out her wand.
Raafe nodded, matching Leah's reverent tone for a moment before considering her suggestion. "Yeah probably, but my general opinion on old socks of a mysterious origin flying at my face is pretty low. Maybe that's just me," he said, still pondering. "Maybe we can levitate something up there to knock it down first?"
Leah laughed. "Are you that bad at the spell?" she teased but he did have a point. There might be a less direct method she hadn't thought off. His suggestion wasn't bad. "Do you have anything that would do the job?" she asked. She hadn't brought her bag with her and she didn't think she had anything in her pockets that would do much good.
"I'm bad at catching high speed objects," Raafe said simply. "High speed socks especially. Laundry is perilous," he added, before glancing around the corridor for something they could use the knock the sock free. Times like these Raafe wished Anisha were here. He could poke a hole in a plan pretty easy but she was the best at coming up with hole-proof ideas. "I've got.. an inkwell in my bad? Sock's black already so.."

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