Molly Flynn

Molly Flynn

Active Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
Molly Louise Flynn.
Molly: Sea of Bitterness.
Louise: Famous Warrior.
Flynn: Descendant of a Red-Haired Man.
Date of Birth:
June 8th, 2014 (It was a Sunday).
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Molly has the hair of a "beach bum" despite being everything but. Her hair is nothing like her Irish father's and rests at her chest. Her eyes are the colour of bistre and possibly the most significant part of her appearance. Her skin has freckles and when she smiles she has dimples on her cheeks. Her playby is Zoe Kimball.
She is a happy, optimistic child who is intelligent but instead of learning by reading she learns through asking question and her endless curiosity. When Molly was younger she would ask her father how something worked and when he didn't know she would obsessively ask until she was pressured into finding out herself. (If she didn't know how something would work she would watch it or take it apart and try to put it back together.) While she is smart she usually finds more interest sports and she is better at it then she is with book smarts.

Mark Arthur Flynn.
Muggle. Father. 32.

Puppy: Goliath. Kitten: Not yet purchased.
Area of Residence:
Derry, Ireland. (Northern Ireland for Fiyero. xD)
Blood Status:
Half Blood.
One half Irish and one half French.
Special Abilities:
*will be applying for something at a later time*.
Interests or Hobbies:
Football, American Football, Rugby and Swimming.
Additional Skills:
Molly's happy attitude can make anyone happy.
Any sort of social activity or sport.
Molly flips from happy to angry rather quickly and there is really no telling what she'll do.
Describe your character in three words:
Optimistic, Bubbly,
Favourite place to be:
At home with her father.
All are currently non-playable characters.
Hogwarts House:
I envision her being a Ravenclaw.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
June 2033 (Will be in Y18).
Your Patronus:
"Huh, what is that?" Molly can't conjure one yet, she doesn't even know what it is.
Your Patronus memory:
Your Boggart:
Grizzly Bear.
Your Animagus:
Sea Lion.
Mirror of Erised:
Molly would see herself with her mother and father as a happy family.
A page from your diary:
Molly does not have a diary, she is out living life instead of recording it but if she did have one it would be filled with doodles.
What does Molly's father do?
What happened to Molly's mother?
Why would her animagus be a sea lion?
How much did Molly learn from finding out answers herself?
Which parent was Irish, and which one was French?
Does she talk about her mother to her father? What is his reaction like?
What is Molly's favourite colour? :)

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