Mizelea Amanda Brooks

Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn

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[color=8560a8]FULL NAME:[/color] Mizelea Amanda Owen Brooks
[color=8560a8]NICKNAMES:[/color] Mizel, Lea, Mizzy, Amie or Zel
[color=8560a8]AGE:[/color] Seventeen (17)
[color=8560a8]BIRTHDAY:[/color] May 20
[color=8560a8]SEXUAL PREFERANCE: [/color] Straight
[color=8560a8]EDUCATED AT: [/color] Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
[color=8560a8]WAND:[/color] Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
[color=8560a8]EYES:[/color] Dark Brown, deep and lustrous darkness, like a forest pool under the shade of ancient oaks.
A black rim around the iris itself and a vivid reddish-orange around the pupil. Within the iris
itself seems to be a balance of gold and lighter-brown rays. Wide and alive, quite rounded and glistening.
[color=8560a8]HAIR:[/color] Brunette, from curly to wavy. Brown with a bit of lighter highlights on it, flowing all through her back above
her buttocks. Mizzy likes to braid her hair and put it up into a pony tail and bun. She usually straightens it with a hair straightener when she feels like it.
[color=8560a8]HEIGHT:[/color] Around 5'3" standing.
[color=8560a8]WEIGHT:[/color] 125 pounds or 57kg
[color=8560a8]BUILD:[/color] Since she's athletic, Mizzy developed muscles on her biceps and triceps. Still her body is proportionate and is feminine. She tried to stay fit at all times and have a balance diet. Her arms and legs are toned.
[color=8560a8]STYLE:[/color] Mizelea loves fashion and just adores it! She's always up for the latest trends, from shoes, coats to bags she's updated. Heels are a major must haves for her, since she's small to wear flats. A bit preppy with a hint of chic and class, she goes for branded clothes and never refuses to own fake clothes.
[color=8560a8]DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:[/color] Dimples on both of her cheeks.
[color=8560a8]PLAY BY:[/color] Crystal Reed
[color=8560a8]BOGGART:[/color] Complete and utter darkness.
[color=8560a8]PATRONUS:[/color] Dove ; It is a universal symbol of peace. It is a feminine energy symbolizing maternity, and the gift of prophecy. It represents dawn, and twilight. It also signifies feminine, creative energy. The message of the dove is that no matter what present conditions are, new life, rebirth, is always possible. Dove is a symbol of creation and possibilities deep within.
[color=8560a8]MIRROR OF ERISED:[/color] If given the chance to face the mirror of erised, Mizelea would look at the said mirror and see herself in a happy marriage. Her own kids beside her, happy and blessed. Then seeing her future husband to see, his arms holding her with full love and care.
[color=8560a8]AMORTENTIA:[/color] Peppermint, Pine, Rasberries, Lavender and Vanilla.
[color=8560a8]LIKES:[/color] Clothes, Fashion, Shopping, Quidditch, Muggle Sports, Music, Poems, Love Stories, Ice Cream and Flowers
[color=8560a8]DISLIKES:[/color] Violence, Death, Accidents, Blood, Needles, Traffic, Bullies, Indoors and her sister (sometimes).
[color=8560a8]STRENGTHS:[/color] Sports, Quidditch, Academic Related Stuffs, Fashion and Music.
[color=8560a8]WEAKNESSES:[/color] Love, Boys/Men, Clothes, Shoes and Perfumes.
[color=8560a8]PERSONALITY:[/color] Mizelea is a sweetie-pie. She inherited the beauty of her mother and the spirit of her father. Mizelea's enthusiastic, bubbly, and easily able to make friends with people she had just met. She's eager and would often help people if they needed it. Often regarded as a obedient, punctual, smart, correct and high-grades student, Mizzy always tells others what's right and what's wrong, which showed when she was made a Prefect. She gets very nervous when in trouble or under pressure and is not fond of people that yell a lot. Mizelea is a natural kind of person, she's down to earth and loves to share her blessings. God-fearing and is also intelligent, she may look lazy at time but she's just really a not-so-serious gal. She's also the most friendliest ans sweet person you will ever meet, nothing can bring her down as her mood in too overpowering for anybody. Also Mizzy's cheery, familiar way of speaking and adorable dimples hide a girl with ferocious curiosity, a strong belief in justice, and loyalty. Some people sees Mizelea as some teacher's pet, it is due to her outstanding remarks and grades which makes her lovable by Professors. On her extra-curricular activities, Mizelea is only connected to sport at the moment as she thinks that her education is what matters the most. She also loves to wanderlust all the time and most of the time alone, window shopping and shopping for clothes when her allowance arrives.


George Gregory Brooks​
48 y/old, Former Muggle Studies Professor in Hogwarts Scotland, Bussinessman (Farm Owner/Trader)
Mizelea's father is kind and humorous. As she's a daddy's girl, Mizelea is the closet to their father. George was born in Dellas, Texas and is a muggleborn. He came from a wealthy family and used to go to Hogwarts Scotland. George was a former Professor for a few years in Hogwarts Scotland but decided to retire and just enjoy his bussiness. He's not the typical father as he for one acts like a child and likes to play jokes on his children.

Cecilia Amore Brooks nee Owen​
47y/old , House Wife.
Cecilia or known as Lili is a full-time mother and assist her children and everything. She's quite of a nagger at time but she's dearly lovable. She's used to be an actress but when he met Mizelea's father decided to settle down and have a normal life, Lili is a pureblooded wizard and doesn't regret marrying a muggleborn wizard. Cecilia's life was far different from her husband as Lili was raised in India, her wizard parents were scientist and researchers which decided to reside in India.
[color=8560a8]SIBLINGS (Older Sister)[/color]

Ximena Abigail Owen Brooks​
24 y/o, Muggle Kindergarten Teacher
From the moment Mizelea was old enough to make her own decisions, she knew that there was no way that she would ever get along with her sister Ximena, at least not without a lot of hard work. It's not like Mizzy just decided she didn't like her sister; they're just completely and utterly different from one another. Ximena grew up loving everything having to do with muggles, which was something that her sister could care less about.
[color=8560a8]SIBLINGS (Younger Brother)[/color]

Dezandre Ashton Owen Brooks​
8 ½ y/old, Student
Mizelea is very close to her brother as she spoils him. She loves pinching his cheeks and loves him so much. Unlike Ximena, Ashton loves magic and adores it. The two would pull pranks on their older sister, Mena. Since they both agree with each other, it's the time where Mizzy can be her joker self. Mizelea is the mentor of her brother and tries to visit home just to see him. Currently Ashton is in prep-school and hope to be a wizard like her sister.

[color=8560a8]PERSONS OF IMPORTANCE:[/color] n/a
[color=8560a8]PETS:[/color] Sachie ; The golden lion tamarin or lion monkey, a native of Brazil, is one of the most brilliantly colored animals of all the mammals. The little fireball monkey has a big gold-orange-yellow ruff or mane of long hair around its face and neck covering its ears. Some of them are a very light golden color, others are rather bright orange and still others have some dark brown coloration as well. The hands, feet and face however are a dark brown or purple-ish color. It is a small-medium sized monkey averaging about 8 inches (20 cm) tall with a tail about that long also. Sachie is always with Mizzy, he'll climb up on her shoulders and just stay there the whole day. Out of her pets, Sachie is the one she considers her best friend.
Chef ; The Alexandrine Parakeet belongs in the Psittacula genus, that are known as Ringneck Parakeets. This genus has the distinguishing characteristic of a colored collar going around the head in the males, or a pronounced stripe running through the chin area. Parakeets are very social, active, and outgoing birds. They adapt well to captivity and will adjust easily to their cage or aviary. They are intelligent little birds and are generally easy to tame. They will bond to their keepers, and may soon begin to mimic their sounds. They are relatively good at learning to talk and adept at learning tricks. He always likes to wear his chef hat that Mizzy made. Which is why his name is Chef, he's like Sanchie as this parakeet is a total joker. He loves to mock Mizelea and compliment her. Chef is a complete charmer when it comes to the ladies.
Bench ; The Border Collie is a medium sized, energetic working dog. The body is slightly longer than it is tall. The relatively flat skull is moderate in width. The skull and muzzle are about the same length, with a moderate stop. The strong teeth meet in a scissors bite. The oval eyes are set well apart and brown in color, except in merles where one or more eyes may be blue. The medium sized ears are set well apart, either carried erect or simi erect. The front legs are straight when viewed from the front but slightly sloping when viewed from the side. The medium sized tail is set low reaching at least to the hock, raising somewhat when the dog is excited. Bench is a very smart dog, Mizelea's grandfather own a herd of sheeps in New Zealand and decided to gift Bench when their sheepdog gave birth. Bench is tough and strong, he is their guard dog though he is quite the attention seeker to. Once he saved Mizelea from drowning when she was three years old.

Raul ; The history of the Rocky Mountain Horse is a legend. Its claimed the pioneers had taken a special horse to Kentucky, a beautiful, young stallion of spanish descent. This stallion was crossbred with a mare. This foal was the foundation sire of the breed. It had good character, verstil and stable gaits in four tempi. He was used for breeding his 37 year life. Most rocky mountain horses are his descendents. It is now a rare breed. Breeding is meticulously inspected and only horses with the right characteristics are registered. Raul have good character, natural gaits, broad chest, easy to deal with, sure footed, calm and very intelligent.

Stanley, Jessica, Meghan and Trisha ; The pioneers often called the horses of the natives Americans "Cayuse Ponies" but the Cayuse Indian Pony is in fact a breed tracked back to the 19th century. Like many other horse breeds the Cayuse Indian Pony was some what fuzzy history but it is believed to be a descendant from French horses. Today you can rarely find the breed outside of California. Stanley and Meghan are sibling while Jessica and Trisha were gift from her grandfather when she was a child. Mizelea solely took care of the four horses, including Raul.

[color=8560a8]SIGNIFICANT OTHER:[/color] n/a
[color=8560a8]HERITAGE:[/color] American & Cherokee Indian
[color=8560a8]BLOOD STATUS:[/color] Half-Blood
[color=8560a8]HOMETOWN:[/color] Dallas, Texas
[color=8560a8]CURRENT LOCATION:[/color] Studying in Beauxbatons, near the city of Cannes in southern France.
[color=8560a8]ECONOMIC CLASS:[/color] Upper Class
[color=8560a8]SPECIAL ABILITY:[/color] Training to be skilled at Legilimency
[color=8560a8]PERSONS OF IMPORTANCE:[/color] n/a
[color=8560a8]HISTORY:[/color] Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Mizelea grew up in their farm which has three barns, corn fields and many many vegetable gardens including trees that bears fruits. Her parents were quite wealthy back in Texas and was know as suppliers of commodities. Cecilia Amore Owen-Brooks, Mizelea's mother. Graduated at Hogwarts Scotland, Lili is easily one of the most frustrating girls in the entire school. She is a pure-blood Slytherin who will tell any lie and work her way towards anyone's trust just to backstab them in the end. She is wildly controlling and not afraid to use her wicked ways to get whatever it is that she wants. Lili's a bit of a cynic during her days, always doubting everything that is being told to her without hard facts. She spent a lot of her time on the Quidditch field as she wants to take over as Quidditch captain during the following year. Is excellent on the field and cunning in the classroom, achieving high grades through just about any means. She is daring and some might consider her a bit crazy once they get to know her. On the outside, though, Lili is just as calm and collected as the next girl. Like so many of her housemates, she dreams of an idealistic school where only pure bloods rule the land. However, she does not always agree with the means some of her housemates would use to achieve such an ideal. Like her namesake, Lili's can talk her way through just about anything. Getting on her bad side is nothing short of a bad idea. This was until she met George, a former muggble-born Gryffindor Student. Who had a odd fascination with magic since he didn't knew that he'll recieve a letter saying he's a wizard. He strived his best to get high grades and managed to graduate with flying colors, at some point he almost gave up and hoped to transfer schools. He met Lili during their last year in Hogwarts Scotland and fell in love.

It wasn't a good relationship since when they got married, George once cheated on her wife Lili with another woman her co-teacher. Everyone in the family didn't knew only, Ximena. The affair lasted for about a year that ended when Lili confronted the girl in which ended in a girl fight. With Lili threatening the woman, the affair ended and she won George. The affair was purely caused by a spell that the woman cast on George. Year after the Brooks started to be wealthy, with their farm and trades going swell. As Mizelea and Ashton grew up, the family had a great relationship. But life isn't that always perfect, George again got seduced by another woman and left the whole family devastated again. Lili wanting a divorce and the children worried of their family, for three months the family drifted apart. When they met up, it didn't end as they expected. George held a loaded gun and was going to kill himself, Lili tried to persuade her husband to kill himself. George being a weak and emotionally broken, as his family torn. With another chance, the Brooks reunite this time again. Only this time it was like before, Mizelea grew a grudge against her father. She tried to face him during vacation but hated to confront the issues with him, the whole family acts civilized with each other. Just a few months ago, Ximena or Mena got engaged to her long time boyfriend Travis. Since the two didn't get along pretty much, Mizzy was left inside her room worrying about their family. It took a year or two when the issue slowly faded, even though they didn't returned back to normal, they tried their best to. Whenever Mizelea would go home, it just for the sake of going back to Dallas, Texas and seeing her pets. She wasn't allowed to bring them all but sometimes she'll sneak in Sanchie from time to time.

At the age of eleven Mizelea started to be independent, she entered Beauxbaton to escape from her family trouble and just study hard. It wasn't easy befriending people there at first but when she got used to the whole environment of the school, she made a lot of friends. Mizelea always adored Quidditch same as muggle sports. She trained herself during her first years just so she could be on the Quidditch Team as a Keeper. On her fifth year she got the position of being one of the Beauxbatons Quidditch Team Captain as well as her prefect badge. She couldn't be more happier, since she'll be the first one to be a prefect from the Brooks family. Along the way, she met a lot of new students, old and new. Also, meeting two guys that made her heart pound like crazy. The first one being James Green, they only met twice but after that they didn't saw each other. The possible reason she could think of was that James was going to Poland. The other being Devlin Howard, in which she found her name to be similar to Devil. He didn't liked Mizelea at all but during their second meeting, Mizelea cut her finger and from their they started to bond. It's been a while since she had since the two, both were older than her and from Dumstrang. After meeting the said two person, she never saw them again. Still Quidditch Team Captain, Mizelea would held out try-outs but sadly they never got a chance to have a real game. In her whole stay in Beauxbaton, Mizelea really enjoyed it. Since she could leave during her free time and just shop, like a lot. Surprisingly in her seventh year in Beauxbaton, she got promoted and was given the title of being a Head Girl. Mizelea couldn't be more thrilled for this, at the moment she's on her last year in Beauxbatons. As of the moment, she's training to be skilled at Legilimency. With the help of her new mentor, hopefully she could master the said special ability. As of the moment, she remains single and still she's in hopes to find her mate someday. In the past, there have been a lot of times where Mizelea felt like she would never fit in until she woke up one day and said to herself that she'll never fit in. She was born to stand out!

[color=c7c7c7]Credit goes to[/color] [color=8560a8]petitfleur[/color]@[color=8560a8] CAUTION 2.0[/color] [color=c7c7c7]
do not claim this as your own or my basilisk
will come and kill you with its stare.
Thanks to Annaleise for the header and pictures.[/color]​
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