Mitchell David Reeves

OOC First Name
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

The Basics
Character's Name: Mitchell ''Mitch'' David Reeves
Character's Birthdate: August 10th, 2015.
Place of birth: Manchester, England
Hometown: Manchester, England
Blood Status: Half Blood.
Sexuality: Straight.
Wand: Straight, 11 inch flexible Yew wand with dragon heartstring core.
Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland.
House: Slytherin.
Ex-Titles: Slytherin Prefect, Slytherin Quidditch Captain and Keeper
Previously educated at: Abraham Moss Community School and Durmstrang Institute
Occupation: Wimbourne Wasps Keeper

Hair: Brown, long.
Eyes: Light blue.
Height: Five feet, eight inches.
Other Distinguishing Features: A scar on his left and right knee, his left cheek, on his nose and on his forehead

A Little Deeper
Personality: Mitchell is initially disliked by other people due to his narcissistic personality, rude attitude, and his habit of calling everyone by, sometimes offensive, nicknames. However, Mitch grew more mature, kind and caring over the years, mostly because of the death of his twin sister.

Special Talents/Abilities:
> Flying: According to his family and professors at Hogwarts, Mitchell inherited his mother's talent for flying and Quidditch, because she also used to play for the Slytherin Quidditch team, but as a Beater. Mitchell however, showed his talents as a Keeper by guarding the three goal posts and trying to stop the other team's Chasers from scoring whilst keeping a nearly perfect balance on his broomstick.

History: Mitchell was born in Manchester, England with his father, his mother, his twin sister and his younger brother. *WIP*

First Year (2026-2027):
> Start of Year 1 at Hogwarts Scotland
> Is sorted into Slytherin
> Makes some close friends
> Sneaking out of the castle at night & getting caught
> Two weeks detention in October
> Attends the Halloween Feast
> Stays at Hogwarts during Christmas
> Exams
> End of Year 1

Second Year (2027-2028):
> Start of Year 2 at Durmstrang Institute
> Makes new friends quick
> Starts to play Quidditch with his best friends
> Starts bullying first years
> Stays at Durmstrang during Christmas
> Exams
> End of Year 2

Third Year (2028-2029):
> Start of Year 3 at Durmstrang Institute
> Keeps playing Quidditch with friends
> Starts bullying first years again
> Skips a few classes
> Gets detention for a month
> Goes home for Christmas
> Stops bullying
> Exams
> End of Year 3

Fourth Year (2029-2030):
> Start of Year 4 at Hogwarts Scotland
> Is reunited with old friends
> Try-outs for the Slytherin Quidditch team
> Is Keeper for the Quidditch team
> Attends the Halloween Party
> Quidditch
> Goes to a friends house for Christmas
> Exams
> End of Year 4

Fifth Year (2030-2031):
> Start of Year 5
> Is made Slytherin Prefect
> Quidditch
> Stays at Hogwarts during Christmas
> Quidditch final; Ravenclaw vs Slytherin
> O.W.L.s
> End of Year 5

Sixth Year (2031-2032):
> Start of Year 6
> Apparition lessons
> Quidditch
> Attends the Halloween Feast
> Goes home for Christmas
> End of Year 6

Seventh Year (2032-2033):
> Start of Year 7
> Is made Slytherin Quidditch Captain
> Attends the Halloween Feast
> Stays at Hogwarts during Christmas
> Learning for his N.E.W.T.s
> Quidditch
> N.E.W.T.s
> Graduation
> End of Year 7

Mother: Nina Reeves (Née Jacobs), 51 years old, Half Blood witch, Slytherin graduate, unemployed.
Father: Edwin Reeves Jr., 53 years old, Half Blood wizard, Ravenclaw graduate, works at the Ministry of Magic.
Twin sister: Ginger Reeves, 23 years old, Half Blood witch, Ravenclaw graduate, deceased.
Brother: Dillon Stanley Reeves, 22 years old, Half Blood wizard, Gryffindor graduate, works at the Ministry of Magic.


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