Miss family, Good News.

Margarette Woodlock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 8 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Margarette missed her family from the muggle world. She went to the owlery and brought, Ayesiah, her owl. She began to write the letter there.

Owl Mail said:
Dear Mother,

I hope you are reading the letter just fine. I miss you and Father from here. I wish you were here with me to help me in my studies. But I'm fine Mother, because I have good friends now from my house, Ravenclaw. Don't worry Mother I'll always send you letters. Say hello to Father for me. I love you both.


After writing the letter she folded it and tied it to Ayesiah's leg and Margarette let her go. She hopes that her letter get safely to her mother.
Jennica noticed a familiar owl reaching their house and not long before she knew that it was Ayesiah, Margarette's owl. She got the letter and read it. After she read it, she began to write a letter to reply to her daughter.

Owl Mail said:
Dear Margarette,

Don't worry me and your father are just fine and I'm proud of you because you are doing good in your studies. I have good news for you. You now have a brother. His name is Gerald. He is your father's daughter from another woman. You were just a year old when your father had another woman and I knew it. We decided not to tell you because we didn't knew that the woman was pregnant. The woman died a few weeks ago. And your brother tried to find us. Another good news, he received his letter because his mother was a witch. He will go to Hogwarts next school year.


After writing, Jennica tied the folded paper onto Ayesiah's leg and let her go back to Margarette.

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