Minoas Stratis

Minoas Stratis

Animagus | Mercenary | Spell Inventor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Olive Wood 15" Core of Aethonan Feather
30 (07/2007)

Minoas Stratis

'Like the Moon I come and go, all around the dream I orb.'



-Minoas Asterion Stratis

Name Meaning:

-Minoas or Minos means royal or ruler, king.
-Asterion means 'starry' or 'ruler of the stars'.


-Friends and family are also calling him Minos. Sometimes he goes even with the nickname Min for shortage.

Date of Birth:

-July 10, 2017

Current Age:

Blood Status:



-Minoas is of Greek heritage. According to his grandfather Neleus and his family tree, he is one of the descendants of the great witch Circe.


-Minoas originates from the wizarding island of Aeaea, where the previous generations of Stratis were born and raised. He and his siblings have illegally visited the island once in the past. He was born and raised in the Greek island of Crete.

Island of Aeaea.

Area of Residence:

-Waiouru, New Zealand near the Rangipo Desert.

-The Stratis Manor, is located away from muggles' eyes, within an enormous, hollowed mesa. The entrance is secret and within the mesa, stretches a large area of plains, olive groves and vineyards. Except from the manor, there is located and one of the Stratis family breeding branch. There is a huge stable for winged horses and gryphons, which are the main species that the family specializes for generations. The whole place is named The Sanctuary.

The manor


-The manor is a neoclassical Greek building with two floors, a basement and a central courtyard. Except from the common rooms that all houses have, the manor contains galleries with Greek artifacts, statues and art. The main characteristic of the place are the numerous columns.




The stables

The stables is the largest building of The Sanctuary. It is Minoas' father bussiness who like his father and his siblings, they continue the family's tradition of breeding flying creatures for centuries. Minoas' father runs the New Zealand branch. The stables house 400 gryphons (griffins) and 700 winged horses. The customers are from all over the world and lessons on how to ride and fly the creatures are offered here as well.




Most Likeable traits: Loyal, Sensitive & Family-oriented
Symbol: The Crab (Possessing an impenetrable exterior covering soft flesh underneath)
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Dominant Keyword: I FEEL.
Magical Birthstone: Moonstone & Pearl (Changes bad fortune into good & discord into harmony. It also brings support from influential people.)
Special Flowers: Larkspur & Acanthus
Special Colors: Sea Green & Silver (The shimmering colors of the water and the moon)
Lucky Numbers: 3 & 7
Lucky Day: Monday
Part of the body ruled by Cancer: The Breasts & the Stomach

'I don't have secrets. I fly in clear skies, the lightnings see in my eyes.'

Basic Appearance:
-Minoas has straight, light brown hair with side-swept banks. The color may change depending on how much time he spends under the sun. Usually during summer, his hair have a sand-blond color but during winter, they tend to get darker. He has perceing, grey eyes that are usually really expressional, sometimes they speak for his feelings and emotions. His face is oval-shaped. He has a fair complexion but not pale. During summer he gets a tan and his has more of a wheat complexion. He has an athletic build and he's tall for his age.

He dresses casually with jeans, t-shirts, shirts, jackets, sneakers and converse. Not really a fan of robes.

-Minoas is mainly left-handed. He uses his left hand for most of his everyday tasks, it is his wand and writing hand as well. However, when it comes to eating, he uses the knife with his right hand.

-Minoas has a versatile personality. He's friendly and social but he can't easily trust someone right away and unfold his character to them. He enjoys hanging around with different people, meeting new faces and making new friends. When he feels comfortable with someone, he becomes more social, laid-back and fun to be around. He also reveals his humourous side which is often quite sarcastic. He's loyal friend and protective to those that he cares for. He's a day-dreamer, lost in his thoughts, his dreams and hopes. Planning for his future. He likes doing the right thing but he's curiosity sometimes isn't the right guide. He's pretty adventurous and he likes experiencing new things. When he doesn't like something he keeps it for himself because he doesn't like to complain a lot. He hates getting other people frustrated. However, he will always speak for himself. His pride is something remarkable and quite reckless. He doesn't change his point of view even though he might know that in the end he's wrong. His huge determination and stubborness, mean only one thing. He never gives up, no matter the difficulties or the obstacles. He has a sensitive side that he prefers to keep secret from other people. He doesn't want other people to see his vulnerabilities and weaknesses. No matter how soft he might be on the inside, outside he has built a hard shell, armed with ambition, generosity, bravery, chivalry and mental toughness that make him a good person overall. Although he's not placed in the house of Ravenclaw, he's really intelligent and resourceful, finding ways on the spot to get out of troubles or from unwanted situations..


-Reckless Pride

-Adventurous, courageous, stubborn

-Colors:Midnight Blue and Red
-Food:Meatballs with tomato, basil sauce and mashed potatoes.
-Ice-cream flavour:Yoghurt and berries.
-Creature:Winged horses.
-Plant:Pine tree.
-Ingredient to use:Pomegranade syrup.
-Spell:Melofors, engulfs the victim's head into a pumpkin.
Quidditch team:Thundelarra Thunderers.-
Quidditch player:Andrew Belo and Stephen Duquette.
Favourite place to be:
Minoas favourite place to be would be somewhere close to the sea. Specifically, his favourite place is the lagoon and the islet that could be viewed from his family's house in Crete. The house is located on the foot of a mountain, at the beginning of a gorge, whilehaving a great view of the lagoon stretching miles away. He learnt how to swim in that lagoon and love the sea world. He also had often excursions at the small islet with other children from his village.

Although he is quite social, Minoas has a few friends that he can blindly trust. His best friend although four years older than him, is Briar Rowan. He looks up at her like she's his older sister. He also trusts several other Gryffindors like Madlyn Margera, Lola Caracola, Gwen Graves as well as people from other houses like Kate Moon and Artemis Jackson. He also hangs around with his friend centaur Aspen.

Interests or Hobbies:
-Minoas has a thing about music. He plays the guitar from the age of five and since then he had started writing his own melodies and lyrics. He likes swimming and as he was brought up on an island, he has a unique connection with sea and watersports. He enjoys snorkelling and he has started learning surfing. Flying for him is a way to express freedom. Whether it is on a broom or on a magical creature, it is the same pleasure. He plays quiddtch a lot and sometimes he tries basketball as well. When he's back at home, he's experimenting with his father on muggles' stuff and help him with the animals they breed. He's an outdoors person, having long walks in the nature, searching for beautiful sceneries and venturing for new discoveries.

Additional Skills:
-Minoas is receiving extra education, before even attending Hogwarts. His family's traditions and customs are not limited on the education that Hogwarts offers. Minoas speaks currently Greek, ancient Greek and English, while he studies Latin. Like all young wizards and witches in Greece, he is receiving a kind of education that it is not used to other parts of the world. This kind of education, offered by centaur tutors, has given him several skills. He can weild the sword and the bow, he can read the stars and navigate with their assistance, he know a lot about herbs and their healing properties. He is studyng music, philosophy, pottery, sculpturing and blacksmithing. In the future, he will have to master the arts of stealth, acrobatics and elemental magic.

-He has a good balance that helps him while flying or climbing. Because of his father's job, knows how to ride a horse but not yet how to fly with one. He relies a lot on his intuition which is most of the time right when it comes to on the spot desicions. As a good swimmer, he can keep his breath underwater around a minute. He had accomplished that by practising during summers. He has a broad knowledge of mythology.

'The candle on the table and the walls dressed with shades. My mind is playing in games full of flames.'

Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
-Minoas hoped to join the quidditch team and he did. He played as a beater for his very first match and he hopes to be able next time to play in his favourite position which is the post of the chaser. He would like to become a prefect in the future and the captain of his house's team. He tries to do well with his lessons and get good grades that will help him with his future career. He would like to make as many good friends as possible. School one day ends but friends stay forever.

Best school subjects:


Worst school subjects:

-History of Magic
Favourite professor:
-Professor Ava Davershire

Least favourite professor:
-Professor Kalif Styx

Most visited place in Hogwarts:
-The forbidden forest.

Least visited place in Hogwarts:
-The library.

Extracurricular Activities:
-If the duealing club was operating, he would have joined it as he's realy interested in defensive magic. He recently joined Midnight Society, a group of students, gathering some night in the forbidden forest, sharing stories of horror and mystery. He would like to join more school clubs but he had realised that most of them don't work properly and he didn't want to waste his time.

'I demolished mountains for my dream and I drown hundreds fears in my sea.'


-This wand is not the first one that he got before his first year in Hogwarts. This one is made by his grandfather, a gift for him as he states that 'the wands are no longer made as they should be.'. Minoas is using this wand better than the one he had purchased. It feels more natural to him. It's of rigid olive wood, 15 inches with the core of a winged horse feather. At the end of its handle, a sunstone is wedged for more powerful spells. Minoas has decorated the handle with a wrapped, red string which symbolizes his house, Gryffindor and with a tiny horse shoe charm. Olive wood is a symbol of abundance, glory and peace. The winged horse feather is a symbol of freedom.


-Minoas is a very ambitious person. He already has many ambitions for his future, after he will graduate from Hogwarts. His love about flying and quidditch, have made him think to become a professional quidditch player a lot of times. On the other hand, he would like to help his father with his bussiness as the firstborn. Magical creatures is a subject that he's interested in it and he could imagine himself breeding creatures. He's good morality and his likeness of justice, have put him on thinking that he could also becoma an auror. He likes the idea of catching the bad guys and protecting the innocents. Last but not least, he has been affected by his hobby of inventing new things, combining muggles' technology with magic. He would like to become a magic inventor, create his own spells, potions, artifacts and write books about them like his father did over his work. He could consider the last one though more of a hobby rather than a career path.


-He's too young to create a patronus but when he'll be able to do so, his patronus will be a golden winged horse. He was brought up with those creatures and they are closely connected with his father.

Patronus Memory:
-The memory he would use to create a strong patronus would be that of a family reunion.



-A Gorgon, a terrifying female creature. The name derives from the Greek word gorgós, which means "dreadful". Gorgons have the face and the torso of a very beautiful woman with hair of living, venomous snakes and instead of legs, the body of a large snake. Their horrifying glare can cause petrification to those that look them straight in their eyes. They are known for destroying their petrified victims into pieces with their strong, snake tail.

-Minoas was afraid of those creatures from a young age, when some of the fairytales he was listening to, included gorgons. He dislikes serpents so the combination of a human-like being with snakes for hair is not appealing to him. Plus, their power to turn into stone just with their gaze and then torn into pieces their victims, makes them even more horrifying to him.


-When the redikulus spell is casted, the gorgon's eyes are covered with sunglasses and her snake hair fell down. Then, on the gorgon's bald head sprouts an increadibly thick afro wig.

-He's not one but he would like to become in the future. He's not sure yet what he would like to be. Probably an animal that it could fly or swim.


-The smell of orange blossoms.

Mirror of Erised:

-Surrounded by his united family. His family members healthy and proud for him.

'I'm old enough to be scared anymore. Too young to stand this crazy world.'

-Minoas is not really a materialist but he has a number of possessions that are very important to him. With some of them he's emotionally connected.

Scarlet Streak


-Minoas' first broom. He was longing for a broom from the age of seven. This one is a present for his 12th birthday from his father. He used this Scarlet Streak at his first quidditch match.

Bronze Cauldron


-He uses this cauldron for his own potions.
His father used the same one when he was at school

Potions Kit


-This potion kit has over 80 drawers for potion ingredients storaging.
Minoas' mother as a healer, supplies her son with ingredients useful
for common and healing potions. The kit has also some secret drawers
that Minoas uses to hide small objects

Falcon Quill


-This is Minoas favourite quill.



-A present from his mother at his 5th birthday.
This guitar helps him express his feelings and
relax after a long, hectic day

Kopis Sword


-Minoas crafted this sword with the assistance of his centaur educator, Boreas.
The sword is mainly made of platinum along with gold.
The blade can be retracted in the handle for easier transpotation and storage.

Thracian Bow


This bow was a gift by his centaur educator, Boreas.
During holidays he practises with him in archery.
This bow is quite hard to weild but if done successfully,
it has a good aim.

Aeaea Coin


-This coin is a proof of his connection with the magical island.
All members of the Stratis family have one and all wizards and witches
that come from this island.
The symbol on the silver coin, is the symbol of Aeaea.

Water Amulet


-This is the proof that Minoas had been initiated in the Elemental Ceremony.
During this ceremony, the initiated wizard or witch, learns which is their main element.
The ceremony includes an ancient chalice filled with a mysterious liquid.
The initiated must place in it a piece of colorless quartz.
After a while, the quartz emerges from the liquid with a different color.
Red for fire, blue for water, green for air, yellow for earth and purple for quintessence.
Minoas' is of the water element and that's why his quartz is of color blue.
He's closely followed after water by the elements of air andquintessence.
His grandmother has made this amulet from his elemental stone.
He's always wearing it on his neck, under his clothes.

Amphorea of Danger


-The substance in this tiny amphorea amulet is unknown.
However, the transparent liquid turns bloody red
when a member of Stratis family is in grave danger.

Signal Ring


The signal ring is a ring that every member of the family has one.
By tracing across the decorative, sculpted, ancient greek ornaments,
a signal is send to those who were a similar ring.
The ornaments shine with a mysterious green color, indicating
that the wearer sending the signal is alright or to remind of something.



-He awaits patiently to use them at the first Professsional Quidditch match to watch.

Biting Chocolate Frog Container


-This is the result of his first magical experiment.
Along with his father, he managed to give life to
this chocolate frog container and make it
bitting anyone who tries to touch it.
He keeps it inside his trunk, hungry
for the unauthorised fingers that migh reach
for his trunks' content.



-This is his mother's sneakoscope, containing an amatyte sphere inside it.
Minoas likes have it in his hand, playing with it whenever he wants to

Sun Stone


-Every family that descends from Circe's bloodline, give upon their children birth, a sun stone.
The sun stone is sacred for the family and symbolized their ancestory.
Minoas' wand has a similar sun stone within its handle.

Pocket Sunwatch


-Given to Minoas by his grandfather.
According to him, it was the possession of his greatgreatgrandfather
who was given to him by his grandfather. The travelers of the family
used to have it to navigate. It has also a compass and a star chart.

Falcon Amulet


An amulet consisting of feather and a wooden depiction of a falcon.
A gift from Minoas' cousin Athena who is a magic archeologist.
She had found this amulet in a cave during her long excursions.

Family Photoalbum


-An album containing photos of his childhood and his family.
He's running through the pages every time he misses his family.
A gift from his grandmother, who attached on it a wind pendant.
The wind pendant prevents the albums stealing, as it recognises its owner.
If someone unauthorised tries to take the album, a strong gust of wind
sends the album away.

'Don't look for wonders in a nothing so small. Find a new sky, be guided by your hope.'

<COLOR color="midnightblue">

-Stratis family consists of a lot of members, mainly living around Greece but also in other parts of the world.
It's one of the seven families, claiming to be coming straight from the descendants of Circe, one of the greatest Greek witches of her time. She established a magical community on her island Aeaea and the seven families descending from her are currently rulers of the island which is open only to mixed and pure-bloods.

-There are a lot of distant relatives that there's no communication anymore but the immediate family stays strong despite the distance between its members. Devotion is the key and the family works as a covenant, ready to defend its members.

<COLOR color="firebrick">Asterion Stratis


Age: 31
Father of Minoas.
Occupation: Magizoologist-Breeder
The younger of the three brothers.
Shares special bonds with his son. Minoas is a younger version of him.
They look like a lot. Both physically as they have the same grey eyes and hair color,
but also in personality. Minoas looks up at him and see his father as a friend as well.

Callirhoe Kavoulaki-Strati


Mother of Minoas.
Occupation:Ex-Healer-Running her own bussiness of healing products.
She's overprotective and the one who says the most 'no's' to Minoas'
reckless ideas. Opposing her husbands, carefree ways, she's a bit strictier
but her mother love is always strong. Minoas knows that whenever she argues
with his is for his own good. Their personalities clash a lot as their stubborness
is evenly matched

Perseus & Theseus Stratis


Twins. Brothers of Minoas
Occupation:Home Education
The younger members of the family.
They are twins although as they grow up,
they are starting looking less and less similar.
They are both little devils, however, causing havoc in Stratis household.
They are known for not being able to control their power,
causing swamps and rainforests, spring into the house.
They like playing a lot with Minoas but that doesn't last long,
as their older brother can't always tolerate them.

Neleus Stratis


Grandfather of Minoas
Occupation: Winged Horse Breeder
Neleus is the head of the family, running
the main branch of the family's breeding bussiness.
He lives in the island of Aeaea, where he was born and
he's one of the seven rulers. A very social and intelligent person
from who, Minoas has taken his intelligence and resourcefulness.
Neleus loves equally all his grandchild but he has established a
special bond with each one. Minoas admires him and loves his stories.

Myrsene Malea-Strati


Grandmother of Minoas
Occupation:Housewife, a Seer.
Myrsene is a babbly and fun person to hang around.
She's a Seer and one of her ancestors was Calchas,
the ancient Greek Seer who was defeated by the
Seer Mopsus. She complains about the fact
that non of her grandchildren, have taken her gift.
She uses her divination abilities to help people.
Minoas reminds her of her husband's intelligence.
She's a great cook and a specialist in family dinner parties.

Deadalus Stratis


Uncle of Minoas
He's the second older brother.
A skillful breeder and owner of the breeding branch
on the island of Santorini. Except from winged horses,
he breeds dragons as well. He's quite strict but he has
a big heart. He disagrees with his older son's decision
to become a professional quidditch player.
Alcmene Kervi-Stratis


Mixed Blood
Aunt of Minoas
It is said that her greatgrandmother was a Siren,
thus her extraordinary beauty.
She wanted her older son to become a healer as well.
She feels guilty that she made him run away to become
a professional quidditch player.
Icarus Stratis


Mixed Blood
Cousin of Minoas
Occupation:Flying Professor
Elder son of Deadalus and Alcmene.
He left his family and traveled to New Zealand
to find his uncle's family and become a professional
quidditch player. For now he's working as a flying professor,
which he also likes a lot. Shares strong bonds with his younger brother.
He's a role model for Minoas and he's the one who taught him surfing.
<B>Cadmus Stratis


Cousin of Minoas
Younger son of Deadalus and Alcmene, brother of Icarus.
Currently studying at Olympia School of Magia. He's in his sixth year.
He wants to become an auror when he'll graduate.
He's a perfect and the quidditch captain of his house like his brother used to be.
Along with his brother, he taught Minoas how to surf.
Nestor Stratis


Uncle of Minoas
The elder brother. He runs along with his father the breeding branch in Aeaea.
He's a very good person, down to earth and hard-working. He has four children for
which he's very proud. It is Minoas' favourite uncle as he's very friendly and has the
best relationships with his father.
Phaidra Filipou-Strati


Aunt of Minoas
Occupation:Herbology Professor
Wife of Nestor. A good wife and even better mother.
Minoas likes her for her honesty and because she's humourous.
She's good at cooking and when she was younger she wanted to work as a muggle chef.
Her four children are her life, having a special bond with her older son.
Amyntas Stratis


Cousin of Minoas
The eldest of the new generation of Stratis and the elder son of Nestor and Phaidra.
He's engaged and soon to be married.
He's going to inherit the breeding branch in Aeaea as he's the firstborn,
grandchild of Neleus and he has been working along with his father and
grandfather since he had graduated.
Minoas is impressed with Amyntas' strenght and body build.
He's really tall and quite bulky, ideal for his work.
Theron Stratis


Cousin of Minoas
The second older son of Nestor and Phaidra.
The black sheep of Stratis family.
An adrenaline junky and a daredevil.
He gets money from bets, from dueling other wizards and witches or creatures.
He has faced cyclops, gorgons even manticores.
Very skillful and smart.
He loves free-falling from his broom.
He likes taunting and teasing his younger brother and cousins.

Orestes Stratis


Cousin of Minoas
The younger son of Nestor and Phaidra.
Quite secretive but friendly. He likes mysteries and that's why he became an Unspeakable.
He has a strong bond with his younger sister with who shares the same passion about mystery.
He doesn't have the best relationships with his brother Theron.
He tries to show to other people and Minoas that not everything is known to magical community.
He believes that exist forces that wizards and witches can't explain or understand yet.​
Athena Stratis


Cousin of Minoas
The only girl of the new generation of Stratis.
Fond of the unexplained and the mystery.
She shares the same beliefs with her brother Orestes.
She's a really good students and she wants to become an investigator when she'll graduate.
More specifically, she would like to investigate mysteries and magical conspiracies
She believes that the ministry of magic is conspiring and is hiding a lot from the magical community.
She has very good relationships with Minoas and sends him owls very often.
Minoas likes her as well but he believes that a lot of her opinions are farfetched.


-Although they are animals, they are also members of the family. Minoas loves pets and his family has a variety of them for sending letters and parcels. Different species so that they will be able to keep a low profile with their mail.

Bengal Cat
Found by Minoas when he was a kitten.
He was strayed, lost into the rain.
He's quite lazy and bored.
He prefers lying on a high spot so that he can inspect everything around him.
He took his name from his bad habit of chewing everything he finds.

Little owl. Minoas' owl.
Quite small but able to carry a heavy load.
She's really fond of Minoas and she likes roosting on his shoulder.
Glauce means 'blue-gray' in ancient Greek.


Red-footed owl. Used mostly when a mail has to be sent as soon as possible.
Really agile and fast. She competes with Glause for Minoas attention.
Claea is the name of a mountain nymph.​

Emperial eagle. Able to carry very heavy loads.
Was find injuried in the gorge close to their house in Crete.
After nursed by the family he preferred to stay with them.
He's quite intimidating and he doesn't show any signs of likeness
towards Minoas although he feels protective over him.
The name Brutus matches his toughness.

Dalmatian Pelican. Used to secretly transfer letters and parcels within the pouch of his beak.
He doesn't really like Minoas and he shows his dislikeness by bitting him or spitting the parcel or the letter
he carries on Minoas' head. Pelekys means 'axe' in ancient Greek, from which is derived the world pelican.
-Stratis family along with other six families, claim to be the descendants of the great witch Circe that established on her own island, Aeaea, a big magica community. Stratis family claims some more famous wizards and witches as their ancestors, these claims moved down from generation to generation.


The establisher of the magical community on her island of Aeaea.
She's also known to muggles as the minor goddess of magic.
Her name means falcon. She was the daughter of Helios, believed by muggles to be the god of the sun, and Perse, an Oceanid and the sister of Aeetes, the keeper of the Golden Fleece, Perses and Pasiphaë, the wife of King Minos and mother of the Minotaur. She was known for her advanced transfiguration skills. Circe transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals and she was known for her vast knowledge of drugs and herbs.
Her island was guarded by drugged lions and wolves which she had them under her control. She liked transforming interlopers sailors into hogs. She was also able to purify. She had purified the Argonauts for the death of her nephew Absyrtus.

Odysseus of Ithaca


From the many consorts that Circe had, it is said that Stratis are coming from the descendants of her and the Greek hero Odysseus who was a muggle. He was king of the island of Ithaca, husband of Penelope, father of Telemachus, and son of Laërtes and Anticlea, Odysseus is renowned for his guile and resourcefulness, and is hence known by the epithet Odysseus the Cunning. He is most famous for the ten eventful years he took to return home after the ten-year Trojan War and his famous Trojan Horse trick. During his visit on the island of Aeaea, Circe turned half of his men into swines after feeding them cheese and wine. Odysseus with the help of a drug called moly, a resisted to Circe’s magic. Circe, being attracted to Odysseus' resistance, fell in love with him and released his men. Odysseus and his crew remained with her on the island for one year. He had three sons with Circe named Telegonus, Ardeas and Latinus.​



Niece of Circe. Daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis, granddaughter of the sun god Helios, and later wife to the hero Jason of Argonatica with whom she had two children, Mermeros and Pheres. With her magical skills she assisted Jason to plough a field with fire-breathing oxen that he had to yoke himself. She gave him a potion to protect himself and his weapons from the bulls' fiery breath. Then, Jason had to sow the teeth of a dragon in the ploughed field. The teeth sprouted into an army of warriors. Jason was forewarned by Medea, however, and knew to throw a rock into the crowd. Unable to determine where the rock had come from, the soldiers attacked and killed each other. Finally, Aeëtes made Jason fight and kill the sleepless dragon that guarded the fleece. Medea put the beast to sleep with her narcotic herbs. Jason then took the fleece and sailed away with Medea. It is said that she was so in loved with Jason that she killed her own brother Absyrtus, dismembering his body and scattering his parts on an island, knowing that her father would stop to retrieve them from proper burial, so that they could escape. Medea was also a good healer as she had healed Atalanta one of Jason's companions. Her love for his was so blind that she killed their children in revenge when Jason married another woman.

Andros the Invincible


An ancient Greek wizard that at some point, he learned how to conjure a Patronus. He was very skilled with it, and it was claimed that it was of giant-sized. He earned the nickname the Invincible for his skill. It was said that he was conjuring his famous Patronus wandlessly. It is said to be a descendant of one of Circe's son Telegonus.​



An ancient Greek wizard also later named Falco Aesalon, for being able to transform into a falcon at will.
He was the first recorded animagus. It is said to be a descendant of Circe's son Ardeas.



Calchas was a seer, famous for correctly predicting many events of the Trojan War. Upon being bested in a contest of soothsaying by Mopsus, he killed himself in shame. Minoas' grandmother is said to be a descendant of Calchas, having his gift as a Seer.



A powerful ancient Greek wizard. He lived during the ancient area when wizards and witches were practising magic openly to muggles. Muggles believed he was a god something that he used to his advantage like many other wizards and witches of his time. User of magnificent fire spells and able to control the cycle of the sun and other celestial bodies, he was named by the mesmerized muggles as the god of the Sun. He was the father of Circe and the first one to use winged horses on his chariot. The tradition on winged horses in Stratis family it is said that it began from him. He was very popular among muggles who built huge statues for him like for instance Collosus of Rhodes. He was always wearing a halo that was radiating sunlight.

'It's a mystery where love decides to hit. Where you don't expect it and where you don't seek for it.'


Minoas Asterion Stratis is the first son of Asterion's Stratis and Callirhoe's Spanou. He was born in 10th of July in the island of Crete, south Greece. His mother was born there also. His father Asterion though has a different background. He was one of the 5 sons of Neleus Stratis, a descendant of the great witch Circe. Him like his son Asterion and all their ancestors were born and brought up in the all wizarding island of Aeaea known also as the island of Circe. The community of wizards and witches living on the island were and are strictly-pure bloods. The island like other magical locations such Hogwarts, is completely hidden from muggles and in addition is quite difficult to be found by wizards and witches too as its actual location is unknown or changes. Only those who have been its inhabitats or have been given permission, can access it. Mixed-bloods, half-bloods and muggle-borns are not really welcomed. Only in few rare cases the entrance might be permitted.

Asterion was the younger of the five sons of Neleus. He attented the magical school located on the island of Aeaea. Not the best student but he had a huge passion for magical creatures, a passion that he pursued after his graduation by traveling around Europe and Asia, leaving behind the island and his family for a few years. While he was studying some creatures in Peloponesse, southwestern Greece, he was attacked by a hydra dragon concluding into several burns all over his body. Luckily, a group of wandering healers was in the area and he got the treatment that he needed. It was then that he met Callirhoe, Minoas' mother. They fell instantly in love and they kept in touch via owls as their jobs were demanding and put some distance between them. When Asterion published his first book about the creatures he had met, he decided to take a summer break and find Callirhoe. Knowing that her hometown was in the island of Crete, he traveled there to meet her. They passed together a beautiful summer and in the end they secretly got married.

Asterion had completely forgotten the rules of his homeland. In case he wanted to return in the island of Aeaea, he couldn't bring his wife. Nor his unborn child. All those years away from home the only way to keep in touch with his family was via owls. His father Neleus and the rest of his family had learnt about Asterion's marriage and the unborn child and they were concerned that they wouldn't be ever accepted in the island. Asterion wanted to return back with his new family and to do so he had to return alone back to talk and compremise with the prime rulers of the island. One of them was also his father.
He requested their permission to bring back his family to the island but only his father accepted that request. The rest of the rulers declined it as the rules were not meant to be broken.

Asterion had to say goodbye to his parents and brothers and return to his pregnant wife. They settled in the island of Crete in a farm house at the roots of a mountain, next to a gorge, not far from the sea. Asterion continued his journeys, he had a new family to support but after the birth of Minoas, he decided to stop travelling and be closer to them. With all his knowledge gathered by his journeys, he became a breeder and like his father he specialised in winged horses. His wife Callirhoe continued working too, aiding as a healer the nearby small community of witches and wizards. When she was working Minoas was left home with his dad who was writing his second book about his latest encounters with griffins.

Minoas became a strong little lad, getting home education mostly from his father and his mentor, a centaur named Boreas who was friend of the family. Minoas was helping his father and Boreas with the farm house and the magical creatures they were breeding. He was also really enjoying the excursions with his father at the nearby gorge, his flying lessons on his broom and some astronomy and herbology lessons from his mom and Boreas in the afternoons. At the age of 5 and after his mother bought him his first guitar, he also realised that something in music was captivating him. He soon starting learning playing the guitar and then at the age of 7 he started writing melodies, rythms that slowly turned into songs. At the age of 7 were also born his two little brothers, the twins. Polydeuces and Castor soon became a new company for Minoas. As he didn't attend to a muggle school he didn't have a lot of friends and the twins were more than welcome by him. He became a really protective brother regardless his brothers' explosive attitude.

When Minoas turned 8, his father decided to do something bold and dangerous at the same time. He wanted his sons to meet their grandfather Neleus and of course introduce Callirhoe to the rest of his family. So he took his wife and his 3 sons and secretly entered in the island of the Aeaea. Neleus was extremely happy to meet his younger son's wife and his own grandchildren. He was concerned at the same time that his son's dangerous acts were going to be uncovered and unfortunately his fears were true. Words spread across the island about the intruders and Asterion had to act quickly. He left the island once more leaving behind his parents and brothers, taking his wife and sons away. He managed to make a good escape for them, avoiding leaving traces behind them of where they were going or where they were living. They returned back to their farm house in Crete.

Minoas was fascinated by their visit to his father's homeland. From the time he stepped on the sandy shores of the island and faced the magnificent city located on it, he was mesmerised. He was also glad for finally meeting his grandpa, that his father had told him a lot of stories, his grandma, his uncles and cousins. He even received a gift from his grandfather. A family heirloom. A wand made from olive tree's wood with core of two different feathers. One from a winged horse and another from a falcon. He kept his newly received treasure safe, hoping that one day he could return back to the island.

One more year passed. Minoas became 9 years old. His mother stopped working and dedicated herself on the upbringing of the twins which were quite the troublemakers. Minoas was passing his time by helping his dad with the creatures, at the same time his home education was becoming more demanding. Except from his general and magical knowledge he also started learning english, something that he found quite enjoyable as he was a quick learner. His free time was devided between his siblings and his music. The summers, his favourite season, his family was passing their time closer to the sea. There Minoas discovered his love about the sea world. Swimming was something for which he was born to do, pretty much the same as with the music and flying. Those days were the best for him until one day returning back to their house they came across some unexpected visitors.

Right outside the house were waiting several wizards. His father recognised them immidiately. They were from Aeaea and they were there to arrest them for breaking the rules of transpassing. Callirhoe immidiately disapparated with her sons. Asterion left to defend their house and his family. They found refuge in a cave somewhere in the gorge nearby their house and soon Asterion came to find them. He managed to escape but it was a matter of time to be found. Minoas and his family started moving around the island for a few months. Staying in muggles summer houses that were later left closed for the winter. More and more wizards from the island arrived on Crete, looking for them. There were a couple of times that they were almost found and Asterion didn't want to risk his family's well-being anymore. He decided for them to leave the country and find a place faraway for his family.

He decided that New Zealand was the most appropriate place. It also had a magical school for his sons. Soon they left Crete and Greece with the aid of polyjuice potion and several other tricks and they made it to New Zealand. Asterion decided that the best place in this new country for their new home would be near Rangibo dessert in the south island. There they would be more difficult to be discovered and they would be also away from muggles. Soon the family found their new home, a dessert house outside the city of Waiouru with a land ideal for Asterion to resume his winged horse breeding.

Two peaceful years passed. Minoas is in his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and enjoys it.

-The code and the ideas for the development of this character are created by me. I don't own the artworks nor the photos-

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