Minerva Evans

Minerva Evans

New Member
OOC First Name

Full Name: Minerva Dusme Evans

Date of Birth: March 16, 2022

Current Age: 11

Basic Appearance: Minerva is a long blonde haired girl with green eyes and "pink" cheeks. She is also tall for her age.

Personality: Eh, Minerva is funny and outgoing but in class, you better watch out. Minerva can be very stubborn and snappy if you get in the way of her work.

Pets: Tawny owl named Remus

Wand information: Dogwood, supple, 12 and 1/2 inches, pheonix feather


Blood Status: Half-blood(Muggle father)

About Minerva

Special Abilities: Minerva found out while she was younger that she could do future readings well.

Interests or Hobbies: Minerva likes "IMing" her friends with her owl, Remus, although that greatly tires him out because Minerva's friends are at different schools. She also is very eager to begin classes, especially Transfiguration.

Strengths: Studying, focusing

Weaknesses: Partners, getting to places on time

Favourite place to be: She doesn't know yet, she wasn't sorted. But Minerva thinks its probably going to be her House Common Room.

Friends: All of her friends went to different schools, so none yet.

Hogwarts House: None yet.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Get at least 5 O.W.Ls!

Best school subjects: Most likely Divination. Ugh.

Worst school subjects: Minerva was never good at brewing potions to help her mother. So, Potions, probably.

Current Job: Um, student?

Plans for your future: To become the Headmaster of Hogwarts!

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