Mimosa Elva Andrews

Mimosa Andrews

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


A brief understanding..
Name: Mimosa Elva Andrews
Age: 11
Date of birth: 25/3/17
Blood status: Pureblood (Pending)
Sexual orientation: Straight
Appearance: Brown mid/long hair, blue eyes
Height: 4"7
School: Will be going to Hogwarts
House: N/a
A development

First name:

Middle name(s):


Name Meaning:
Mimosa is the name of a planet, or means 'tropical shrub' and originates from England
Elva means white, noble and bright, and possibly foreign and true

Date of birth:
25th March 2017



Hair colour:
Light brown/slightly ginger

Hair style:
Usually loose, just past her shoulders, sometimes slightly wavy

Eye colour:
Ocean blue

Fashion sense:
Mimosa is usually seen in some sort of frilly top, with baggy trousers. She is rarely seen in jeans, but likes skirts. She dislikes tops with straps or long sleeves, preferring a t-shirt. Her clothes are usually pink or yellow, depending on her mood

Distinguishing features:
A beauty spot on her forehead, usually covered by her long fringe


Mimosa is an optimistic young girl who seeks wealth and tries to do the best in everything she can. If an oppurtunity arises for something, she will be certain to accept it and make the most out of it. She is friendly with everybody if she can be, and making friends is something she has a natural talent for. She strives to suceed and will also help her friends do the best they can too by helping them when they need her. She is brave, and willing to stand up for herself, as her mother taught her to, and is not scared of a fight. However, she avoids these situations as much as she can. She hates bullies, and will always grass them up. It would be unfair not to, especially for the victim of the bullying. If she feels something needs to be done, she will go to all lengths to make sure it gets done. She never gives up on something she wants, and hopes to be sucessful in life.

Five words to sum her up:

Even if something is going terribly wrong, Mimosa can always find a positive view on things. She hopes for the best as often as she can, which often helps cheer her friends up too. She believes that there is no such thing as being miserable. The try, try again motto is something she remembers every day.

Mimosa has had a fairly easy life, but when it gets rough she does not cry. She stands up for herself when she needs to and wont back down. Even if something is truly terrifying, she will try to handle it as best she can.

Mimosa will take advantage of any circumstances which could be benificial to her. If she does not, she regrets it and it hangs with her for days. She tries to grab opportunities by the head and make the most of them whilst she can.

Whilst she is brave, Mimosa is also known for being accident prone. She gets better as she grows up, but as a child, Mimosa was always hurting herself, knocking things over or tripping over things. Luckily, she seems to be growing out of this trait.

If Mimosa wants something, she'll make damn sure she gets it. She is polite in doing so, and never rude about things, but she will certainly go to all lengths to get something she wants. She hopes this will make her more successful.

Mimosa was born in the small town of Lepperton in New Zealand, exactly 7 years after their most recent daughter, Riley. Her birth was simple and with no complications, and Mimosa was taken home 2 days after she was born. She was christened Mimosa Elva Andrews on the 4th April 2017. The name Mimosa was something her Mother had wanted to call one of her children since the first one she had, but they had made an agreement that Vladimir would choose the first two children's names. They had planned all along to have 3, and were delighted to know that they had a third girl. Aphrodite (Mimosa's Mum) was keen on girls, and not so much on boys, as she found them to be too rough. She wanted her children to grow up to be charming young ladies.

Throughout Mimosa's first year, her older sisters Phoebe and Riley didn't pay much attention to her. They didn't really understand that they had a younger sister, as they had been the only two for several years, and the new addition to the family was awkward for them. Mimi craved her mother's attention for this reason, as she could not find it anywhere else. Vladimar worked long shifts and could not spend much time with her either. Aphrodite's life was hectic, bringing up three children practically by herself, but not once did she complain. She didn't want her children growing up thinking that they could spend their time groaning about things that had gone wrong, and instead, they could look at the bright side of everything.

On Mimosa's first birthday, Phoebe and Riley took her to the park with their Mother close by, for them to have some sisterly 'bonding' time. Aphrodite watched closely as they wandered off without Mimosa, but she tried not to intervene. She was left on the climbing frame, and Aphrodite had to call for Phoebe to come and get her. After this, Aphrodite didn't trust Phoebe or Riley to look after her. But she wanted them to learn responsibility, and she also wanted Mimosa to be able to look out for herself, instead of needing her Mother's attention constantly. The more time Mimosa spent with her sisters, the more they started to realise that they could get along, and Phoebe and Riley wanted to include her in everything they did. Aphrodite was pleased with her accomplicment, and hoped that they would all learn from mistakes and carry on.

When Mimosa was two years old, she cried less and didn't ask for her Mother's attention so much. This pleased her mum as well as the other daughters, as they all felt she was annoying. Mimosa was crawling around by this time, and trying to pull herself up on the furniture to walk, but failing and falling on her bottom. Her sisters had laughed in amusement but eventually helped her to keep her balance. By three years old, Mimosa was toddling around stabley. She could also say several words, her first being 'Phoebe', then 'Mummy'. Riley had spent the least time with Mimosa (Apart from her dad) and so she didn't learn her name for a few months after her first word.

By four years, Mimi had her new nickname, but the family were worried. She hadn't learned any new words, and was refusing to say anything at all. However, she grew out of this fairly quickly and started learning new things like the alphabet, and also wizarding words and famous wizard's names. She turned out to be quite a talker, and the family eventually found it hard to shut her up. They wished a little inside that they hadn't been quite so keen to make her talk, but were glad that she was alright. Phoebe and Riley took her swimming, though she just paddled in the shallow end with her armbands. They enjoyed spending time with her, and even Vladimar came swimming with her, and began to bond with her more.

At the age of five, Mimi's hair had slowly turned from blonde to brown, and was usually tied back in a neat ponytail. She had already learned a lot of manners and was walking and talking with ease. Her next few years were straightforward, although her grandad died two days after her eight birthday. This was a hard time for Mimi, as they had got along very well, but she got over her struggles and was back on her feet. Her Mother had a hard time dealing with her dad's death, but did not let on to her children about this. When Mimi turned 9, Phoebe moved away and Riley was looking for a job. A lot had changed and she didn't like it. She wanted her sisters back and was missing them a lot.

On her tenth birthday, Mimi's parents told her that she was magical, and that she would, next year, be recieving her letter to tell her she was going to Hogwarts. Mimi was thrilled, having known something was odd for most of her life but not managing to suss it out, she finally understood why her older sisters had gone to boarding schools, and why her dad worked so much. Things were finally starting to slot together and her life was looking like it was going to get a lot better already. Mimi couldn't wait till she turned 11, and the days seemed to drag on endlessly.



Aphrodite Andrews


Blood status:
Pure blood

Ministry Official

Long, dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes, average height. Wears glasses for reading

Aphrodite is a loving Mother who tries to get the best for her children. She is wealthy and hates dirt, making sure her house is spotless. She takes pride in her children and hopes that they can become Professors at Hogwarts like she once was, before she became a ministry official. She was the youngest of 3 children like Mimosa, and knows how she feels.


Vladimar Andrews


Blood status:
Pure blood

Ministry Official

Light brown/gingery hair, short, hazel eyes, fairly tall.

Vladimar is a strict Father who enjoys taking the time to lecture his children about personal appearance and manners. He would hate to see his children fail at school and will not feel bad about punishing them if they do something wrong. He was an only child, and has no understanding of having siblings. He suffers from favouritism, his favourite child being Phoebe.

Sister one:

Phoebe Andrews


Blood status:
Pure blood


Short, black dyed hair, hazel eyes. Average height.

Phoebe is a thoughtful, caring sister who enjoys spending time with her other siblings. She lives at home and keeps her mother company whilst Mimosa is at school. She loves to play quidditch, and hopes to be a professional quidditch player in the future. She hopes that Mimosa will one day enjoy quidditch too so they can practice together. She is a hard worker, and also brave.

Sister two:

Riley Andrews


Blood status:
Pure blood


Riley is a bouncy, over dramatic young adult who seeks success like Mimosa. She dislikes her sisters and prefers time on her own, and has moved out of her home to live above the shop she works in with her parter, Morrigan.

Other things:

Favourite colour:
Pink, because it reminds her of the summer and flowers in full bloom

Favourite animal:
A tiger, because they are fierce yet they look cuddly and soft

Her goldfish, Bobble. She won him from a fair a year ago and he's still going strong

Area of residence:
New Zealand, although she used to live in England

Blood status:
Pure blood (Pending)

75% English (Mother's side)
25% Spanish (Father's side)

Mimosa enjoys drawing, and exploring new places she's unformiliar with. She is not frightened of getting lost


Hopeful Gryffindor

Best subject:
Mimosa thinks her favourite subject will be Potions, as she loves experimenting

Worst subject:
Mimosa thinks her worst subject will be arithmacy, as she has never liked maths

A lion, brave and feisty, but also fluffy

An eagle

Patronus memory:
Being with her sisters in the park, because it was an enjoyable day she remembers well



Mimosa aged 2 hours


Mimosa aged 1


Mimosa aged 5


Mimosa aged 10


Mimosa's muggle best friend, Katie


Mimosa's teddy collection: Creamy, Edward, Caramel and Bourbon


Bobble, her one year old fish


Mimosa's house, in New Zealand


Mimosa's bedroom

Diary entries


Dear diary,
It's really annoying me now, I've been waiting for my Hogwarts letter for ages. Mummy says I should get it any day now. I'm really excited because i'm going to a special school for witches and wizards. My parents are both magical and they have blood which is called pure and means they are really good witches i think. I hope I will be a good witch, if I turn out to be rubbish though I'm sure I'll be ok. I have to go now because Mummy is calling me for dinner. I'm going to miss being at home but I think I'll like Hogwarts even better. I hope I get into Gryffindor.
Mimi xxxx

Dear Diary,
I've JUST found out that I'm getting my Hogwarts letter on my Birthday! At least now I know when I'm getting it, but it seems such a long way away! Truth is, I'm more excited about the letter than I am about my Birthday!

Dear diary,
I can't believe it's only 5 days till I get my letter. I really want to tell Katie about this but I know it's not right. I've told her I'm going to a boarding school but she wants to know more, and I feel really bad because she's my best friend and I'm keeping it from her.
Still, I'm trying not to think about that because I can still write to her, and I cant wait to go! I know my family will miss me because they keep telling me, which I don't think is fair. It's like they're trying to make me feel guilty about going. But nothing can dull my mood today because I'm 11 in 5 DAYS! Wooo!
I'll write again soon but my pen is running out and me and Mum need to go to the shops for some food.
Mimi xxxx
Hello! Just a few questions;

What is her relationship with Riley and her parents?
Does she like muggleborns?
Why does she think she would be a gryffindor?
Does Katie know she is a witch?

Brilliant development so far!

Thank you so much for your questions!

What is her relationship with Riley and her parents?
Her relationship with Riley was never as good as it was with Phoebe, as Riley was younger and didn't know how to look after a younger sister as well as Phoebe did. Mimi does enjoy spending time with Riley though, as she is a lovely sister and they have a lot in common. She is sad that she will be going away as it means she wont get to see her as often. Mimi loves her Mum, she has been there for her throughout her life and has been the most helpful, and she is grateful for that. Her dad was always working long shifts and never found the time to spend with Mimi, until she was about 8 years old when he started realising he needed to bond with her more if he wanted to be a good dad.

Does she like muggleborns?
Mimosa loves muggles and muggleborns, and is very keen to find out more about them. She knows they are just ordinary people, and once she thought she was too, so she treats them no differently to magical people. She will probably take muggle studies when she chooses her electives because of these reasons.

Why does she think she would be a gryffindor?
Mimosa is brave, and whilst she had a caring heart, she is willing to stand her ground and not back down. Not much makes her scared, and she will do anything to get what she wants. She feels that her strong and bold personality will put her in Gryffindor.

Does Katie know she is a witch?
No, Mimosa has never told anybody she is a witch (Except her family) because she knows that it is wrong, and doesn't want anybody to get into trouble.

I hope that answers your questions, and thank you!! ^_^

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