Mimi Development

Noemi Costello

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust


Name Meaning:
Noemi: Noemi has two origins, one is Hebrew meaning beautiful, pleasant and delightful. The other is Japanese for beautiful and honesty.
Dylan:Dylanis Welsh in origin, it means born near the sea and influence.

Character's Birthdate: 19th January
Hometown: Malta
Current residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
School House: Home Schooled


Hair: Noemi's hair is a soft shade of Chocolate with loose curls falling past her shoulders.
Eyes: Noemi's eyes match her hair colour. They are a lighter shade of chocolate with darker flicks of brown and golden mixed in them.
Height: Noemi is tall for her family but average height for her age. She is around 5"5.
Style: She wearscasual clothing but makes it look glamerous, if she's in the mood then she will wear posh clothes.
Other Distinguishing Features:

Noemi is an interesting girl. She goes through different moods and isn't that predictable. She is often flirty and a bit easy but her mood can change quickly. She isn't much of a fighter, her older brother Mitchell usually does that for her, but she can kick pretty hard and usually bites if she thinks she is in danger.

Magical talents: Healing spells
Other talents: Strong biter, Quidditch
Weakness: Easily manipulated if it is done right.
Likes:New people, dancing in clubs, working in the Kennels
Best subject:Charms, Potions
Worst subject: Astronomy
Patronus: A rabbit
Boggart: Being completely alone in the world with no one who even knows her and no family.

Sign: Capricorn
Element: Earth
Ruling planets: Saturn
Symbol: Goat
Stone: Black Onyx


Mary Louanne Reynolds-Costello
2nd November 1975 - 50
Stay at home Mother/Grandmother and Kennel owner

David Eli Costello
7th April 1979 - 46
Professor of Body Language and Facial Expressions.
Pure Blood​

Sven Alistair Whitlock
14th February 1997 - 28
Muggle Lawyer
Mixed Blood

Mitchell Brodie Costello
16th May 1998 - 27
Ministry Official
Mixed Blood​

Robyn Lilian Costello-Whitlock
18th August 2000 - 25
Stay at home mother
Mixed Blood

Rhys Paul Costello
5th September 2010 - 15
Mixed Blood​

Kayne Andrew Costello
24th June 2011 - 14
Mixed Blood

Bailey Robert Costello
29th March 2015 - 10
Mixed Blood​

Chloe Whitlock
11th December 2018
Mixed Blood

Joey Whitlock
11th December 2018
Mixed Blood​


Snowy the Canaan Dog - Robyns' Dog.
Vann the Akita Inu Dog Rhys's Dog.
Ebony the Candanian Eskimo Dog Mitchell's Dog
Max the Siberian Husky Bailey's Dog
Pepper the Italian Greyhound Puppy Noemi's Dog
Tamsen the Elo Dog Mary's Dog
Jitterbug the German Spitz Caysi's dog
Jinx the Ridgeback dog David's Dog
Spotty and Dotty the Dalmation Puppies Joey and Chloes Dogs.
Roleplays Noemi has been in: (Latest first)

Family time together - Ryan Porter, Melanie Porter (New Zealand)
Due date - Ryan Porter (Obsidian Harbour)
Not sure why I'm here. - Morgan Le Fey (The Inner Eye)
No, This Can't Happen. Not Now! - Michael Glass (Tākarokaro Park)
That's right, you saw correctly. - Emma Ryder, Ryan Porter, Diego Jakeman (Obsidian Harbour)
An Actual Friend? - Adele Smith (Leaky Cauldron)
I Have Something To Tell You - Ryan Porter (The United Kingdom)
Drinking For Two - Dervish Green + Mitchell Costello (Leaky Cauldron)
But...No...I can't be. - Robyn Whitlock + Mitchell Costello (Oceania)
Wedding Bells - Porter Wedding party (Europe)
More people to suffer my friendship - Saria Kuang (Obsidian Harbour)
Look at you - Ryan Porter (Europe)
Welcome to the house of fun - Riley Smith (The Medley)
Not sure what to make of the situation. - Robyn Whitlock (New Zealand)
An invite and more - Ryan Porter (New Zealand)
Bored and Lonely - Selwin Snape (Obsidian Harbour)
#Woah, I don't know you. - Ryan Porter (Obsidian Harbour)

Noemi was born the nineteenth of January of the year 2008. When she was born she already had two siblings. Her eldest brother Mitchell was nine when she was born and her older sister Robyn was seven. When Noemi was three her younger brother Rhys was born. When she was four her younger sister Caysi arrived and at age eight Bailey was born.

When Noemi was ten her older sister, Robyn, who was seventeen at the time, met Sven Whitlock while he was on holiday to Malta, their home at the time. They continued their long term relationship for a year before the Costello family moved to New Zealand, Svens' home and David Costello's, Noemi's father, home town.

Robyn moved out of the family home to live in an apartment with Sven after he proposed when she was seventeen about three weeks after they moved to New Zealand. All through this time Noemi was being home schooled. Everyone in the Costello family was home schooled in magical and muggle subjects.

A while after the family moved to New Zealand Mary, Noemi's mother, started up the kennels. The kennels are open for people to have a place for their dogs to stay and be cared for when the owner isn't capable of doing it themselves. The families personal pets live in the kennels as well (Pets are listed above).

When Noemi was nine the news came that Robyn was pregnant with twins and, later that year, she gave birth to Chloe and Joey Whitlock. When the twins were about two Robyn and Sven got married. Caysi and Noemi were the bridesmaids while Mary was the maid of honour. The twins were the 'flower children' and Mitchell Rhys and Bailey stood at the front with Sven and his best man, his brother.

Noemi still lives with her parents and the younger children in the family house. She has now finished her education and is spending her time having fun around the town, occasionally popping in a seeing Robyn's family and Mitchell in his apartment.

Just after Noemi and her family settled into their new house Noemi found someone she liked. Ryan Porter was a bit of a fling really. They met up a few times and had fun and that was really all their relationship was. Noemi didn't know, until the last minute, that he was engaged. She was invited to the wedding and decided to show up in a very revealing dress. She arrived early enough that her and Ryan were the only people there. That resulted in an unexpected 'time together' before his wedding.

During the wedding, Noemi met Melanie and saw Ryans paternal side around his adoptive daughter. She didn't stay through the wedding, not being able to handle seeing the guy she liked marrying someone else. An few weeks later she was forced to go to the hospital by Robyn after being ill for a while. It turned out she was pregnant. Noemi tried to tell Ryan but he got the wrong idea about why she was there and she didn't manage to get around to the subject of it. In the end she chose not to tell him.

After Noemi decided not to tell Ryan she had to choose what to do next. She knew it was too big a risk to stay where she was. She could always run into Ryan when she went out, if he was looking for her then he would find her in New Zealand. That is where he expected her to be after all. In the end she decided, and most of her family agreed, it would be best if she moved for a while. At least until the baby arrived.

Noemi bought a lovely flat in Paris and is currently living there peacefully. She has a temporary job and is showing quite a bit, being six months pregnant by now. Her mother, father and siblings usually visit her often and Robyn has assured her there has been no sign of Ryan, even though she didn't know what he looked like there hadn't been any guys around asking for her so she assumed Ryan wasn't looking.

Noemi had excepted the fact that Ryan had, most likely, moved on from her and found another person to help him cheat on his wife. She wasn't looking for that any more. Now she excepted she was going to be a mother she was trying to improve her own lifestyle as well. That meant less of the flirting and the sleeping around.

While in Paris, Noemi made friends with a photographer. They tried dating but found they were better as friends, one of the first mature decisions she had made as a soon to be mother. They ended up moving in together when he needed someone to help him pay the rent.

When she was around six months along both her and her roommate, DJ, moved to New Zealand. At first she was worried but soon she got over it and enjoyed being home again. During a shopping trip she ran into Ryan and one of his dates. Of course, they fought, She got angry enough to let slip that the baby boy was his. He had had a go at her when DJ had arrived, having previously agreed to meet up. They both left angry and Noemi returned to her life living with DJ.

Ryan and her met up a few times later into her pregnancy as he wanted to make sure his son was alright and she was being taken care of. About a week after her due date, while meeting up with Ryan, she went into labour. After having broken Ryans' hand, she was apparated to St Mungo's where they discovered a complication. The baby had managed to wrap his umbilical cord around his neck. She was rushed into surgery for a C-section. They both came out happy and healthy and Ryan demanded that she stay with him, at least until she recovered from the surgery.

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