Miles Avery Carter

Miles Carter

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OOC First Name




"Now that you've found it, it's gone
Now that you feel it, you don't
You've gone off the rails"

NAME: miles avery carter
NICKNAME: carter
AGE: twenty-two
BIRTHDAY: 17th december
SEXUALITY: straight
HOUSE: slytherin, hogwarts scotland.



PLAY BY: mark salling
HEIGHT 5''11
HAIR: black hair, shaved at sides, short mowhawk.
EYES: chestnut brown,
FACE: strong jaw line, light stubble, no other distinctive features.
BODY: well built, miles trains hard at quidditch at least four days a week as a beater, also likes to go jogging on a regular basis.
SPECIAL FEATURES: miles has a scar on his right elbow from a quidditch accident, it runs for 5cm up the back of his arm. he also has a tattoo of a green serpent which curls around his knuckles. he got it when he was seventeen, and quickly went through a stage of regretting it. however now he's coming to turns with it and has actually gone back to liking it. it represents his pride and his time spent being a slytherin.



LIKES: sailing, firewhiskey, german shephards, partying, quidditch, jogging, cigarettes, hitting bludgers, smell of the ocean, mythical creatures.
DISLIKES: cancer, early mornings, dentists, reminiscing, exotic foods, performing magic in front of others, being rejected.
SECRETS: at the age of fifteen miles became an avid partier and drug user (he rarely uses now), miles prefers being around muggles than wizards, miles is afraid of relationships, he secretly resents his brother for his success, he has never forgiven his mother for his parents divorce.
FEARS: being alone, relationships, the death of a family member, puffskins.
GOALS: learn an instrument (muggle or otherwise), become a better quidditch player, have a mcdonalds, fall in love.
STRENGTHS: strong leader, easy going, good sense of humour, fearless, protective, loyal, fighter, charismatic, blatently honest.
WEAKNESSES: cunning, expressing feelings, guarded, careless/risk taker, messy, need for attention, easily jealous, unimaginative.
OVERALL PERSONALITY: although miles might seem like an easy read, there is a lot going on under that mohawk of his. his outer shell may project an image of a carefree, party-hard, womanizing twenty two year old but in reality, there's a lot more depth to miles person. miles has trust issues, which can be traced back to his parents messy divorce. it takes a lot for miles to fully trust a person but once he does, he is incredibly loyal, but if he is loyal to you, he expects nothing less in return. a warning: this trust should never be broken or tampered with. although this makes miles sound all scary, he really is not at all. miles is actually extremely easy-going and fun to be around, his smart wit and charismatic personality will undoubtedly catch everyone's attention. just as he likes it. just because miles doesn't trust easily, doesn't mean he can't have a little light-hearted fun with random strangers right? having light hearted fun with random strangers is actually something miles excels in and is something he's been practicing since the age of sixteen, attending party's that were a little too adult for him enticing him into the whacky world of drugs and alcohol. it's clear miles doesn't have much self-control and often blames his binges and outbursts on dealing with his parents divorce, or dealing with failing almost every subject in his NEWTs. this generally comes back to bite him in the ass though, leaving him with fickle friends and passing lovers. people that miles can't fully open up and people that he really doesn't care about.[/color]



HOMETOWN: born in chicago. now living between his flat just on the suburbs of obsidian harbour and his fathers house.
MOTHER: katherine norah thompson (formly; carlson, carter. katherine is a mixed blood and a healer in a wizarding hospital in chicago, when miles was fourteen katherine found her husbands drinking problem too much to handle and initiated the divorce. two years later, after becoming involved in various relationships, she settled and became engaged to another healer at the hospital. miles has never forgiven his mother for abandoning his father at a time where he most needed help. she is now married and has two children. miles feels that katherine, as a mother, has always favoured his older brother jonah for his academic successes as opposed to miles', rule-breaking, partying and dim future. her feelings towards him are now irrelevant to miles because he has more or less detached himself from her and her new family.
FATHER: stuart martyn carter. stuart is a muggle and was a fisherman until he moved to chicago for greater things. here, he found katherine, their relationship was always a little rocky but stu's persistence demanded the marriage between the two. stuart was always a traditional man and so having children was always the plan and again, more or less demanded this off katherine. unfortunately the difference between stuart and katherine became too much to handle, stuart turned to drink while katherine just turned away. after the divorce, stuart moved back to his hometown in new zealand, where he was reunited with his first love, fishing. this is where miles' love for sailing and for boats and the sea in general came from. unfortunately stuart is now living with stomach cancer, miles has recently moved to new zealand to look after his father.
SIBLINGS: jonah lucas carter is three years older than miles, and has always outshined him. jonah was always very ambitious and resulted in him receiving excellent grades in his OWL's and NEWT's and now works as a dragonologist. he currently lives in chicago with his girlfriend, marie, but he is often sent to foreign territories for work. miles and jonah were not close as teenagers but now their relationship is growing, as young adults.
IMPORTANT PEOPLE: *to be continued...
PETS: none at the moment. as a child he had a german shephard tommy, but he died four years ago. he is planning on getting a new dog in the near future.


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BEST MEMORY: there's no one specific memory that miles can call his best. but the summers he spent in new zealand with his grandparents and his father, fishing and generally sailing on the sea have never left him. aside from miles' love for the outdoors and the sea, these moments were so special because it was precious times spent with his father, prior to his drinking problem. those days make up his childhood and well forever resonate deeply with him.
WORST MEMORY: when his parents told him they were getting a divorce and in the same night, his father telling him he was moving back to new zealand. this is the moment where miles suddenly felt a little adult, where he knew he couldn't handle the situation by crying and running into this father or mothers arms, because at that moment he was furious and disappointed in both of them. instead he held it in, and it became the start of a very long tradition of hiding behind a different persona.
HISTORY: miles was born on the 17th december 2008 to katherine and stuart carter. he's a mixed blood (his father a muggle, his mother a half blood) and is a boarderline squib. miles had a pleasant childhood, spending most of it playing quidditch, wrestling with his older brother, jonah and sailing with his father during the summer months in new zealand. both miles and jonah attended hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry in scotland, because katherine herself attended there, like her parents before her. although jonah breezed through his wizarding education as a ravenclaw, miles, a slytherin, struggled. the only thing he actually excelled at was quidditch and funnily enough, was something jonah could not do, with a fear of heights and not a competitive bone in his body. miles was actually an extremely talented flyer and strongly contributed to slytherin winning the quidditch cup in 2023 by taking out most of the hufflepuff team, he even has an aggressive looking scar on his left elbow to prove it. unfortunately for miles however, katherine didn't appreciate a spot on the slytherin house team as much as jonah's flawless OWL results. in fact, she constantly compared the two and if miles was ever asked about it, he would freely admit that she preferred his older brother to him. as a young teenager, he used to laugh this off with his brother but it eventually destroyed the relationship he had with his brother and his mother and as a result miles began to rebel. he attended parties that were too old for him, began to use drugs and refused to spend the summer sailing with his father in new zealand like he used to. but these habits became a lot more common and severe as stuarts drinking habits became too much for katherine to handle. after years of fighting and threatening to divorce, katherine finally couldn't take it anymore and told stuart to leave. the effect this had on miles' character was dramatic. and it began to influence his 'womanising' habits, his inability to trust or open up to anyone and above all, his guarded smart-ass shield. the summer of his sixth year at hogwarts was his most reckless as his relationship with his mother completely deteriorated, his brother was away studying abroad and his father remained somewhat uncontactable in new zealand. miles got a tattoo that year of a green serpent that curls around his knuckles on his left hand. at the time it seemed like a good idea, the serpent representing how being a slytherin helped him always keep his guard up... or something like that. but by the time he graduated he really was beginning to have second thoughts about it.

after graduation, miles had no where to go and after receiving a T in almost every subject, he had no job offers. as usual miles put up a shield when he talked about his NEWTs, or his lack of skills in the magic department, he used to cover it up by saying 'he really didn't give a sh*t' or 'who needs a wand when you have tequilla?', but really miles was truly embarrassed about his difficulty with grasping even the easiest of spells, in fact, it was a miracle he even made it to his NEWTs. deep down he always felt he didn't belong in the wizarding community, and those days spent with muggles during the summer on the boat, were times when he was most at ease. he hates being in situations where he has to perform magic for fear of being called a squib or being made fun of. miles continued to practice quidditch after graduating from hogwarts, but that was just about the only thing he had to show for himself because when night fell, things got messy. however, it was a fresh spring day that miles life undertook serious change. it was the simplest thing, a phone call. the call was from his father, asking him for help. he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer and has been living with it for the past few months, but things had suddenly taken a turn for the worst, and he couldn't manage. miles realised what a terrible son he had been. he barely kept contact with his father, he didn't even know he had been living with cancer. he knew what he had to do and within the week, miles packed up his things and left chicago. he now currently lives between his new studio apartment outside obsidian harbour and his fathers original home, caring for him, maintaining the boat all the while trying to settle in. *to be continued

This application was made by Jenna
AKA _PotentialBeauty of Caution 2.0!

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