Mikayla Blade

Mikayla Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash

So I got my boots on,
Got the right amount of leather
Full Name: Mikayla Alana Blade
Pronunciation: Mhik-ae-lah; Al-ah-na; Blayde
Nicknames: Mikki, Mickey Mouse
Date of Birth: 23rd April 2012
Current Age: Currently Twenty Five</FONT>
And I'm doing me up with a black colored liner
And I'm working my strut but I know it don't matter

Basic Appearance: Brown hair that she always dyes blonde. Fair skin that she rarely puts make up on. She is about five feet six and sixty five pounds.
Personality: Mikayla is very spiteful in a way that she tends to do the exact opposite of what people tell her simply to spite them. She is kind of a wild card and often does not follow through with plans that she had made. Mikayla is a little rough around the edges though as both her brother and father have been in trouble with the law which resulted in her brother being thrown in Azkaban. Whilst she does still love her family, she doesn't want them anywhere near her child. She doesn't support either the light or the dark and prefers to stay neutral because it is much safer for her to play Switzerland. She is still in contact with her children's father who she allows access, but mostly he is out of the picture. Quick to judge and painfully oblivious, Mikayla often relies on her best friend for support in her life. There aren't many things that Mikayla is passionate about, but Art is one of her biggest inspirations.
Family: Father: Gregory Blade
Mother: Alice Blade
Older Brother: Chase Blade
Younger Brother: Alex Blade
Younger Sister: Keye Hayes
Son: Caedan Blade
Son: Ezra Blade</SIZE></SIZE>
All we need in this world is some love
There's a thin line 'tween the dark side,

Pets: Though they are not technically hers, Mikayla has numerous animals running around her house, because her eldest son Caedan is an animal enthusiast like his father.
School: 1-5 Homeschooled
6-7 Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff House
Blood Status: Halfblood
Heritage: English/New Zealand
Interests or Hobbies: Art and Music as well as fashion are the key interests in Mikayla's life. She doesn't have an official job, but rather works to make magically embalmed jewellery which she then sells.
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
And the light side, baby tonight
</i> It's a struggle, gotta rumble, tryin'a find it

Describe your character in five words: Oblivious, Hardworking, Artistic, Altruistic, Spiteful
Best school subjects: Charms and Muggle Studies
Worst school subjects: Potions
Current Job: Not Applicable
Plans for the future: Unknown
Patronus: Probably a squirrel
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: Dementors
Animagus: Squirrel

<COLOR color="#000"> But if I had you,
</i> That would be the only thing I'd ever need
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "If I Had You" by Adam Lambert.​

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