Mid Year Slump...

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Aliyah Wright

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Anna Lee
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Hello All and Happy 2037! :party: So I have 3 characters in various stages of development that need plots and relationships and stuff to do. If you think any of my characters can help you out or visa versa, let me know! ^_^

My first year Ravenclaw, Frederick Mensah, is in need. I am still working on finding his voice, but his character is more or less developed (his character development and biography). Freddy is a muggle born struggling to find his place in Hogwarts and the magical world. He is slowly growing more and more confident with his magic and I can see a lot of potential in him. Right now he is just kind of doing lessons and trying to figure stuff out, but he really needs a life. He could use a little bit of everything in terms of relationships (friends, study buddies, I am open really). Mainly he needs someone to get him out of his shell and help him be not so much of an loner. I am hoping for him to try out for the quidditch team next year and anyone who could introduce him to that would be great as well.

I also have my newest character Isabel Rivera (here's her development topic). She is a 19 year old, half blood, habitual transient wanderer who just moved to the New Zealand area. She is currently living in a hostel outside of Obsidian and is trying to secure a job working at the Leaky Cauldron. She is feisty, friendly, and lacks focus (which often leads to hard partying and reckless, impulsive behavior). She needs a bit of everything as well. Friends, annoyances, flings, etc. An immediate relationship she needs is a roommate with a stable place for her to live.

And last, but most certainly not least, I have Aliyah Wright, my tenacious little mix-blood first year Slytherin. She my most developed and active character and she is still available for plots and stuff too. She needs more interaction with girls her own age (frenemies maybe?). Feel free share any ideas for her as well!
Hi Anna Lee! I have a few characters for you. ^_^

So I have Raymond Mandy for Aliyah or Frederick. He and Aliyah had a bit of an argument at the Halloween ball. I think it's funny how they never want to see each other again, but it is inevitable because they are both in Slytherin. xD Maybe they see each other over the break and that goes wrong? I don't know if she would be in New Zealand or not. Ray Ray is normally chill to be around, but he does have those times when he is ridiculously sensitive. Raymond finds muggleborns interesting. He does not understand how muggles could live without magic, and that curiosity could lead him and Frederick to become friends or close acquaintances.

For Isabel, I have Javarius Askolov. They are a lot alike because Javar does not like staying in one place, and he does not have good experiences with permanent living situations. He is 22, and he recently moved back to New Zealand. I neglected him for awhile, so I don't have a bio of CD for him. He is flirty and very honest. He likes to make things difficult and have interesting conversations. He doesn't sleep at the same place twice, and he has saved up money from the songs he has wrote while traveling. He just doesn't like to be still. Maybe they could be friends that like to party and stuff? Or they could be flings. Javar is the type for that too.

So, this one is a longshot I think. I have Adrian Maley for Isabel. She is a necromancer, and she is not likely to have friends. Adrian is cold and apathetic. She has a strange sense of respect when it comes to the homes and businesses of others. I always have bunch of muse for her, but I don't use her as much as I would like to. She graduated from Durmstrang, and she doesn't smile. After one of her older brother's died, she has not been able to smile, and she took a darker route. She likes to shop, so I was thinking they could bump into each other while shopping or something. But, tell me what you think! Tell me if you have any other character that you want to thread together. :)


Hey Lovi! Thanks for the reply! :)

For Aliyah and Raymond, I really didn't have any plans for her break so that could work! They could run into each in Obsidian Harbor or something. And if Raymond doesn't mind Frederick being curious and asking whole bunch of questions, they could probably work as well. Would he need any help with his school work? Maybe Fred could help him out next term.

I def like the idea of Isabel and Javarius and she could use a some honesty in her life. How about just rping them meeting at night out and seeing how it goes from there? Although, Isabel really wouldn't have too much of an interest in anything dark, she probably would be super amused by Adrian's grimness. It might be fun to rp them just because. :D
Aliyah: Raymond would think that he is being punished. xD That sounds awesome!

Fred: Raymond would have plenty of questions about the muggle world as well, so I believe they will balance each other out with answers and questions ^_^

Isabel: Javar would love to throw some honesty in someone's life. :r For Adrian, I think that sounds good. I can start this one if You want. Adrian would be walking home g on the shop, and i think other would be fun!
Super! :) Yeah, feel free to start the Isabel/Adrian topic and I can start the Aliyah/Raymond one in Obsidian. My muse and I have been playing a mean game of hide and seek lately, so perhaps we can revisit the other two after the first ones get going but they sound good as well. ^_^
That sounds great! :hug:
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