Michiko Yamamoto

OOC First Name
Lemon & Cherry Pizza
Mum's old one.


Now What Shall We Call Her?:

First It Shall Be: Michiko
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: Child of Beautiful Knowledge
Second, Maybe: Cho
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: Butterfly
Finally, She Shall Be: Yamamoto
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning:Base of the Mountain
A Rose By Any Other Name: Michi, Chichi

And When Did She Come To Be?

Of The Twelve Months: June
The Number Being: 13
Making Her Star Sign: Gemini
Significance Of Her Star Sign: Traditionally people with the Gemini sign have positive and negative traits.
Positive: Adaptable, witty, intelligent and lively.
Negative: Nervous, superficial and cunning

She Comes From: Michiko is three-quarters Japanese and one quarter Korean. She lives in New Zealand with her mother, but often stays with her Aunt in Japan. Her father is currently living in Japan. Michiko is home-schooled.

When She Smiles At The Mirror, Does The Mirror Smile Back?

She'll Stare At You With Her: Brown eyes. Her eyes are very expressive, and you can easily tell what she is feeling if you look at her eyes.
Her Wild Locks, Blowing In The Wind Are: Long, black and straight. Michiko has never cut her hair, so it falls past her waist. Her hair is usually tied up.
So, What Shape Is Her Face: Oval
Tall? Short? Stand On Your Tiptoes: 5"4.
You Look Like You Robbed A Department Store: Michiko wears a lot of black clothing. She wears ripped jeans and t-shirts. She likes the 'punk' look. Michiko sometimes wears eyeliner.

Other Features We Should Know About: Scar down her left arm from a car accident.

If You Met Her, What Would You Think?

At First She Seems: Rude and anti-social
But Then You Befriend Her And She's: Thoughtful, artistic and intelligent.
But Make An Enemy Of Her And: Michiko is capable of being a total b1tch.

Inside Her Mind: Michiko doesn't care. She is beyond caring about trivial things such as friends and school. She is rude to everyone, with the exception of her two sisters. She is a total b1tch around most people, but she can be friendly to some. Michiko lives in a dark world of her own, and has shut out everything around her. She really needs someone to bring her back into reality.

Love It? Hate It?:

She Likes:

Black: It is a colour. Michiko likes it. So there.

Rebelling: Breaking rules. If it will annoy someone, Michiko will do it. She particularly likes shoplifting and graffiti.

Music: Michiko is never seen without her iPod. She likes rock music, and anything sad.

Fashion: Yes, Michiko likes fashion. Got a problem with that?

Art: Michiko loves to sketch. Her sketchbook is her most prized possession.

Dance: Any type of dance, Michiko likes them all. She has been learning lots of dance types since she was able to walk.

She Hates:

People: Michiko doesn't understand people. She is very anti-social.

The Colour Pink: It's too pretty and prissy. Michiko would not be seen dead wearing pink.

Anything Girly: Eww.

Neon: For some reason, her sisters love neon. It's too bright and it hurts Michiko's eyes.

Love: Michiko has had her heart broken over and over, so she no longer trusts people. She hates anything to do with love.

Facts You Need To Know, And Some You Don't

Her Achilles Heel(s):

Allergies: None, though Michiko is a fussy eater and won't eat certain foods.

Physical Flaws: She has a weak knee, which bothers her when she is dancing.

- Nothingness, Michiko is scared of the unknown

- Um....

They Love You, Or Do They?

Her Mother Happens To Be:
Kimiko Yamamoto: witch. She ran away from her husband, hoping he would never find her and her family. Kimiko wanted to be a dancer, but settled down to have a family. She now works at a post office. Technically, she is still married as her husband refused to sign the divorce papers. She finds it hard to care for her family, as she doesn’t earn very much money. She has relatives in Japan who always send her some money at Christmas. Her Japanese relatives own her current house in New Zealand, but allow her to live in it free of rent. She worries about everything and is very nervous. Kimiko is very shy and talks to children more easily than to adults. Michiko hates her mother. Kimiko forced Michiko be home-schooled instead of letting her attend HNZ.

Her Father, Who Is He:
Someone: muggle. Michiko’s family left him when she was eight. He is not very nice. He was rude to his children and treated them with no respect. He hated them because they were witches.

Friends Leave, Sisters Stay:

Amaya Yamamoto: younger sister. She is a witch. Amaya and Michiko are very close. Amaya's Character Development

Sakura Yamamoto: younger sister. Often fight, but Sakura and Michiko are extremely close.

Megumi Yamamoto : younger sister. She is a witch and will attend HNZ. Megumi and Michiko are quite close, but they do fight a bit.

My Home Away From Home
Sorted Into: N/A If she was at HNZ, she would probably be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw
Best Subject: Potions/Transfiguration
Worst Subject: Charms
Favourite Place In School: N/A
Least Favourite Place In School: N/A

Template made by Elphie.

I would really appreciate questions!

Another wonderful job .. This character is beautifuly original. Lets begin:

You and your sister seem like you would be at each others throats all the time, Is that the case?If not then how have you been able to bring the best out of each other? How is your relation ship with your mother? With your aunt?

You were in a car accident, How did this happen? Who was inolved? How has your character handled such a scary event in her life? What does she feel when she looks at the scar?

Does Michiko have any close friends? How did she handle school growing up, since early child development puts a great push on childern to be social? Does she make friends easy ? If not is it possible to become friends with her? If so How?

What brought about Michikos seclusion? Why?
You and your sister seem like you would be at each others throats all the time, Is that the case?If not then how have you been able to bring the best out of each other? How is your relation ship with your mother? With your aunt?
Michiko and Megumi are always at each others throats, but their fights never get too serious. Megumi is influenced a lot by her elder sister, and they are similar people. Their age gap is quite large, which is mostly the reason they fight. Megumi wants to be like Michiko, and Michiko doesn't want to be copied. Michiko and Sakura are always fighting too. Sakura always manages to bring the best out of her sister in the end. Sakura is one of the few people that know about Michiko's good side.

Michiko doesn't have a good relationship with her mother, as Michiko likes to do the opposite of what her mother wishes. Michiko and her aunt Chikako have an okay relationship. They respect each other, and Michiko usually obeys her aunt's wishes. Chikako doesn't push Michiko to do anything, and Michiko doesn't do anything to annoy her.

You were in a car accident, How did this happen? Who was inolved? How has your character handled such a scary event in her life? What does she feel when she looks at the scar?
Michiko and her uncle were involved in the car accident, and her uncle died during the accident. It was raining and nighttime and her uncle was speeding. He couldn't see very well though the rain and the dark, and flipped the car. Police say that it was a miracle that Michiko survived. She was badly injured, but she healed well. Michiko did not handle the accident well at all. She began to be more rebellious and secluded. When she looks at the scar she feels grief and a lot of emotional pain. She always wears long sleeves to cover her scar. Michiko believes that the car crash and her uncle's death was her fault.

Does Michiko have any close friends? How did she handle school growing up, since early child development puts a great push on childern to be social? Does she make friends easy ? If not is it possible to become friends with her? If so How?
No, Michiko has no close friends. Her family are the closest thing she has ever had to friends, Sakura mainly. When Michiko was younger she had quite a few friends, but she became more anti-social as she grew older. When she was a child, her mother pushed her to invite people to her house, and Michiko resents her mother for that reason. She feels that her mother is trying to push her to be something she's not, which is mainly why she doesn't like people.

What brought about Michikos seclusion? Why?
Mentioned before, the car crash and her mother pushing her to do things she didn't want to. As Michiko is Kimiko's first child, she struggled to raise her 'the right way'. There are millions of other reasons, each of them tiny and seemingly insignificant, but they all build up Michiko's personality.

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