Michael Regan

Michael Regan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name: Michael Charles Regan
- Birth Date: 12 September 2011(?)
- Current Age: 11 years old
- Basic Appearance: Michael is roughly 5ft 1" tall at the moment, and has the general appearance of a rugby or an American Football player. His eyes are a light blue and he has brown hair. (See signature)
- Parents: Isabelle Regan (nee Murphy): Muggle born witch, graduated from Hogwarts Scotland in 2008.
Charlie Regan: Muggle born Wizard, graduated from Hogwarts Scotland in 2007. Currently a International Magic Co-Operation Representative.
- Siblings, if any: N/A: Michael's an only child.
- Pets, if any: One owl, Querty, family pet
- Area of Residence: North Cork, Republic of Ireland.
- Blood status: Having two Muggle born parents, Michael is technically a Muggle-born, but has grown up with magic all his life.

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Michael's Patronus would probably be a big cat, a tiger or something similar, because of his confidence and independence.
- What would their Boggart be? Michael's Boggart would be his mother dead, because he's very protective of her while his dad's away working.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) I would go with a tiger once again.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? His dad changing jobs and staying at home with his mother once in a wonder.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Probably himself and his dad playing rugby in the field behind their house.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

God, I'm wrecked. Rugby practice went on longer than usual today, mainly because we have a semi-final on tomorrow. Looking forward to that; I'm pretty much guarranteed a spot on the pitch because I've been improving a lot since the start of the season.

Dad came back from France today, wrecked as usual. Went straight to bed without saying hello or anything. I wish he didn't go away so often. Mom's getting sick of it.
Hey Laura. Right you know the drill, answer IC or OOC or both, completely your choice :)

OK first of I see your a bit unsure about you DoB, according to Nick
Something Nick said said:
Unsorted Students were born sometime between September 2, 2011 and September 1, 2012.
So you're spot on :)

Also, Michael technically wouldn't be a muggleborn because his parents are. Muggleborns are only people who have two non-magical parents. So Michael would be a Half - blood :)

1. What are you parents like (5 words to describe them)
2. What houses were you parents in?
3. No siblings eh? Would you like some?
4. If no, why? If yes, why?
5. Why are you travelling so far to go to school and not attend Hogwarts in England?
6. What house do you think you are best suited for/not best suited for?
7. What house do you want to get into?
8. What house do you not want to get into?
9. What subjects are you looking forward too/not looking forward too?
10. What subjects do you think you will be good at/not good at?

Sorry that's all I got. Might think of more =-/
Thanks Pat. ^^ I'll edit that stuff in. You are awesome :wub:

1. What are you parents like (5 words to describe them)?
Charlie: Dedicated, loyal, hard-working, friendly, sporty.
Isabelle: Kind, clever, dedicated, motherly, curious.
2. What houses were you parents in?
Isabelle was in Ravenclaw and Charlie in Hufflepuff.
3. No siblings eh? Would you like some?
Sometimes Michael wishes he did, so he could have company while his father was away, but he likes things as they are at the moment.
4. If no, why? If yes, why?
I think above pretty much sums it up ^_^
5. Why are you travelling so far to go to school and not attend Hogwarts in England?
Because Michael's father has heard that children of his old rival will be in Michael's year, and he doesn't want Michael to associate with them.
6. What house do you think you are best suited for/not best suited for?
Michael, I think, is best suited for Gryffindor, and not suited at all for Slytherin.
7. What house do you want to get into?

Gryffindor would be preferable. ^_^
8. What house do you not want to get into?
Michael is a laid-back person, so he doesn't really care, but I doubt he'd enjoy Slytherin too much.
9. What subjects are you looking forward too/not looking forward too?
Michael is looking forward to DADA/ Transfiguration, and not especially HoM.
10. What subjects do you think you will be good at/not good at?
Michael is probably going to be good at Flying and DADA, and not be good at HoM, because he'll probably fall asleep in class :lol:

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