Meyke Liechandra

Meyke Liechandra

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elise (main)
Oak 14 3 / 4 Essence of Raven Feather
It's Me


There's something inside me that softly kills everyone around
They don't know they're dead to me cause intent never makes a sound

Full Name

Meyke Liechandra
Which is Said : May - Ke Lee - Jan - Dra
Name - Meanings : A pretty girl.
Nick - names : Mey.

Date of Birth

July 4 2014

Current Age
She is 11 years old.


Sexual Orientation

Oak 14 3 / 4 Essence of Raven Feather

Indonesian, English, Chinese, Japanese

Makassar, Indonesia


Blood - status
Muggle born

Blood Type



132 pounds

Current year
Slytherin First Year in Hogwarts New Zealand

Single and looking for someone.

Basic Appearance
Meyke has long, messy black hair. It's quite wavy and unkempt, but sometimes she'll straighten or style it. Her eyes are brown, like her mother and father, and she has nice smile. Meyke is quite tall and has a good figure from all the sport she plays. Her style is very brave and smart, and she's been known to wear long pants of jeans and T-shirt all year round. It's not uncommon to see her wearing a tanktop or short pants. She is tomboy and don't want to exposure herself like that.


*Meyke has a very large juvinile criminal record; ranging from petty theft to car theft.
*She is inherently Slytherin, but also has moments of kindheartedness.
*Don't get on her bad side; she's sadistic and loves to get revenge.
*Meyke was shot when she got caught in the middle of a gang fight. she was hit by two bullets; one entered herchest, and the other hit her in the thigh.
*Egotistical, mean, cold, distant, outspoken.
*Intelligent, Resourceful, Ambitious.
*Brash, Quick to Anger, Cunning.


She hates everyone. It matters little to her if you are a pure-blood, half-blood, mud-blood, or muggle. She hates equally. She have no friends nor do she desire any. Friends will either back-stab you or die on you or leave you alone. Family is even more of a joke since you can not choose your family. It is best to be alone, makes survival a lot more easier. She believes to be truly powerful, one has to know what it is like to have nothing at all and survive that. If you have done this that you can truly call yourself all powerful. I will work with others; if it benefits me in some way. On her good side, Meyke is an intelligent young girl with high aspirations. She is always aiming higher and intends to be the best at all he attempts - sadly she neglects morals and feelings in doing so, and will often hurt others to achieve what she wants. Usually giving off a cold facade, Meyke can quickly become angered, and when she does so she makes brash decisions and loses her cool. Among those that she trusts, or actually shows a liking for, Meyke will revert back to her cold self and display a sense of sarcasm. To those who she cares about (though rare) Meyke is fiercely loyal and relies on primal instincts.

Meyke can be unexpectedly moody, and it takes people by surprise when she turns on them. She doesn’t hesitate when insulting someone to their face, but only does so when she has a good enough reason. She can be rather judgemental, and it isn’t difficult to irritate her or get in her bad books, and unfortunately she’s not the type to forgive easily (more often than not he prefers to hold a grudge). At the same time though, Meyke can be extremely charming. She is quite the seducer when she wants to be, and enjoys flirting a great deal. She rarely gets attached to someone, and usually it is other people who chase after her.

When it comes to school work, she can be unknowingly lazy about it, and the same often happens with the way Meyke confronts anything she doesn’t want to do. This frequently results in Meyke falling behind in class, but if it means getting a cute tutor then she finds it works more to her advantage then she could hope for.

Meyke is very rarely serious, managing to twist every comment or confidence anyone gives her into something flippant or twisted. As a result, she is a difficult person to get close to; her habit of answering questions with something light-hearted comes off as amusing, but has the deliberate intention of making sure no one ever is truly let into her secret inner life. She has the talent of remaining friendly while never giving anything away.

Things that She like
Being alone, reading a good book, messing around with potions, and watching people make such fools of themselves.

Meyke is a mugle - born.

Area of Residence
She was born and raised on Gorontalo city, Sulawesi island, Indonesia, then she moved to Makassar city. Meyke is being proudly one of them, call it home. It must a beautiful city with a beautiful white sands of beach.

Meyke is tends to mask her emotions, trying not to let anyone know the real her. On the inside she has a pretty short temper and will fuss over small imperfections. Also, she's a bit paranoid about her surroundings, especially in floral areas. She is very nonchalant. She is not mean but its just that she doesn't care about anything. She has a habit standing out in a large crowed. It might be the air of elegance around her or just the way she looks.

Meyke loves sweet foods aswell as chicken dumplings and jelly.


Meyke prefers to stay away from dentists and doctors as when she was young she had a bad experience. In addition, Meyke detests insects and will oftenly run out of sight until it is shooed away.

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