- Messages
- 173
- Age
- 12/2013

Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining
Full Name: Meredith Amelia Belrose nee Smith
Pronunciation: MARE-a-dith; a-MEEL-yah; s-mi-th
Nicknames: Mere, Smithy, Mer
Name Origins: Meredith is of Old Welsh origin, and the meaning of Meredith is "great, noted ruler".
Amelia is of Latin and Old German origin, and the meaning of Amelia is "rival, eager work".
Smith is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Smith is "blacksmith".
Date of Birth: 15th December, 2013
Current Age: Currently twenty six</FONT>
Basic Appearance: Merediths hair is red, but she often dyes it blonde, much to the chagrin of her younger sister. Meredith likes to have her hair up on most occasions because she is mostly doing something for art. Often found with moulding, glue or charcoal on various parts of her body, Meredith also moisturises frequently and so she has very soft skin on her face. Her hands however are quite rough, as she has lost various layers to all types of artistry. She has blue eyes and is always wearing studs. Meredith is about five ft seven, the same height as her twin brother.
Personality: A true free spirit, Meredith doesnt care what someone does for a living or what they wear, or even how much money they have, when she meets someone for the first time the first question she asks is not what do you do for a living, but I want to know what you ache for, what is that longing in your heart? What is it whispering to you? She very much desires to know a person deeply, to know what they want out of live and their values. Where do they seem themselves and how much understanding to they have of their own desires. Meredith does, however, tend to get a bit caught up in the moment and loses herself in her work. This means that she tends to neglect the work she is supposed to do, as well as her social connections. This tends to make her extra generous with her time, however, because she feels guilty about the neglect she inflicts on those closest to her and she rushes to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Meredith is irresistibly fun loving and is definitely always trying to be inclusive of everyone. She always looks for the good in others, especially when they cant see it for themselves. She tries her hardest to never give up on a person and tries really hard to make everything better, despite not actually having much control over anything. Though she is often mistaken for a shy person, shes not and is actually a very passionate and person. This tends to make her feel as though no one understands her and has her often feeling isolated and alone. For most of her life, Meredith was searching for that special someone and when she found him usually exploded in a fountain of inspiration and happiness. She often feels happy and excited when in the company of her family. Meredith is commonly guided by her own principles and often doesnt allow the will of others to stray her from her chosen path as she feels she is lead only by the purity of her intent. Meredith communicates on more than one level. She is a very deep person and tends to see the very soul of others. When she is trying to express her emotions, often in the height of inspiration, Mere will sometimes speak in metaphors often confusing those around her. She is very intuitive and often knows a person more deeply than they know themselves. Meredith strives to understand the world and by extension her place in it as she feels like understanding the way the world works would help her to make everything how she feels it is supposed to be. There is an ingrained talent for self-expression that all her siblings share. Whether it be through creative endeavours or simply talking, they all seem to know on some level how to express themselves emotionally and very deeply. Mere is extremely gifted with learning languages and as such can pick them up very quickly, though she rarely speaks them openly as she feels that would be a form of boasting. Meredith likes to find the harmony in all things and does not appreciate the chaotic world she is presented with, this helps her to focus her talents on a single act rather than multiple as she doesnt want to be spread too thin. However, Meredith can sometimes feel overwhelmed by the bad in the world and this causes her to break down periodically which can be a scary sight for some people who arent used to it. She often neglects the daily upkeep of her life and so her living space tends to be quite messy. Merediths worldview often inspires others to compassion and kinds. [x]
Family: Paternal Grandparents:Alfred and Mary Smith
Maternal Grandparents:Mackenzie and Hailey Mckay
Parents: Michael and Sophia Smith
Brothers: Parker Smith, George Smith, Timothy Smith, Abel Smith and Troy Smith
Sisters: Rachel Connors, Isla Smith, Kialla Smith, Emilee Smith, Florence Smith and Fiona Smith
In-laws: Akilina Sarkozi-Belrose, Maxime Sarkozi-Belrose, Stephen Connors, Annalise Smith, Clement Sarkozi-Belrose, Etienne Sarkozi-Belrose, Alicia Sarkozi-Belrose, Yvain Sarkozi-Belrose and Matthieu Sarkozi.
Nephews: Albert Connors, Ethan Connors, Rafaelle Kaster-Smith, Denis Brodrick andDavid Jacobs
Nieces: Katherine Smith and Claire Smith
Aunts: Amathine Mckay, Ginevra Mckay and Alice Jones
Uncles: George Jones, Richard Mckay and Jonathon Mckay
Male First Cousins: Ricardo Mckay, Dinali Mckay, Adam Mckay,Michael Mckay, Corey Mckay, Thomas Jones and Luke Jones
Female First Cousins: Dorothy Mckay, Emilia Mckay, Angelica Mckay, Veronica Mckay,Fiona Mckay, Paisley Hayes-Smith, Denise Jones, Diane Bradford, Camille Jones, and Hayley Jones
Second Cousins: William Dartmouth, Maria Dartmouth and Samuel Bradford
Husband: Romiah Belrose
Children: Mackenzie Belrose and Maxime Belrose
Pets: Meredith has no pets.
School: 1st 3rd year: Homeschooled
4th - 7th year: Beauxbatons
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Scottish and English
Interests or Hobbies: --
[li]Seek and Value Harmony
[li]Open-minded and Flexible
[li]Very Creative
[li]Passionate and Energetic
[li]Dedicated and Hardworking
Weaknesses:[ul][li] Too Idealistic
[li]Too altruistic
[li]Dislikes Dealing with Data
[li]Take Things Personally
<LI>[li]Difficult to get to Know
Describe your character in five words: Difficult, Idealistic, Sensual, Hopeful, Bright
Best school subjects: She did not get more than an A in any subject
Worst school subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration
Other subjects: Potions, History of Magic, Charms, Astronomy, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology
Current Job: Artist and Mummy
Plans for the future: Anything and everything
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --</SIZE></SIZE></SIZE></SIZE>
Pronunciation: MARE-a-dith; a-MEEL-yah; s-mi-th
Nicknames: Mere, Smithy, Mer
Name Origins: Meredith is of Old Welsh origin, and the meaning of Meredith is "great, noted ruler".
Amelia is of Latin and Old German origin, and the meaning of Amelia is "rival, eager work".
Smith is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Smith is "blacksmith".
Date of Birth: 15th December, 2013
Current Age: Currently twenty six</FONT>
This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining
Has a frozen heart worth mining
Basic Appearance: Merediths hair is red, but she often dyes it blonde, much to the chagrin of her younger sister. Meredith likes to have her hair up on most occasions because she is mostly doing something for art. Often found with moulding, glue or charcoal on various parts of her body, Meredith also moisturises frequently and so she has very soft skin on her face. Her hands however are quite rough, as she has lost various layers to all types of artistry. She has blue eyes and is always wearing studs. Meredith is about five ft seven, the same height as her twin brother.
Personality: A true free spirit, Meredith doesnt care what someone does for a living or what they wear, or even how much money they have, when she meets someone for the first time the first question she asks is not what do you do for a living, but I want to know what you ache for, what is that longing in your heart? What is it whispering to you? She very much desires to know a person deeply, to know what they want out of live and their values. Where do they seem themselves and how much understanding to they have of their own desires. Meredith does, however, tend to get a bit caught up in the moment and loses herself in her work. This means that she tends to neglect the work she is supposed to do, as well as her social connections. This tends to make her extra generous with her time, however, because she feels guilty about the neglect she inflicts on those closest to her and she rushes to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Meredith is irresistibly fun loving and is definitely always trying to be inclusive of everyone. She always looks for the good in others, especially when they cant see it for themselves. She tries her hardest to never give up on a person and tries really hard to make everything better, despite not actually having much control over anything. Though she is often mistaken for a shy person, shes not and is actually a very passionate and person. This tends to make her feel as though no one understands her and has her often feeling isolated and alone. For most of her life, Meredith was searching for that special someone and when she found him usually exploded in a fountain of inspiration and happiness. She often feels happy and excited when in the company of her family. Meredith is commonly guided by her own principles and often doesnt allow the will of others to stray her from her chosen path as she feels she is lead only by the purity of her intent. Meredith communicates on more than one level. She is a very deep person and tends to see the very soul of others. When she is trying to express her emotions, often in the height of inspiration, Mere will sometimes speak in metaphors often confusing those around her. She is very intuitive and often knows a person more deeply than they know themselves. Meredith strives to understand the world and by extension her place in it as she feels like understanding the way the world works would help her to make everything how she feels it is supposed to be. There is an ingrained talent for self-expression that all her siblings share. Whether it be through creative endeavours or simply talking, they all seem to know on some level how to express themselves emotionally and very deeply. Mere is extremely gifted with learning languages and as such can pick them up very quickly, though she rarely speaks them openly as she feels that would be a form of boasting. Meredith likes to find the harmony in all things and does not appreciate the chaotic world she is presented with, this helps her to focus her talents on a single act rather than multiple as she doesnt want to be spread too thin. However, Meredith can sometimes feel overwhelmed by the bad in the world and this causes her to break down periodically which can be a scary sight for some people who arent used to it. She often neglects the daily upkeep of her life and so her living space tends to be quite messy. Merediths worldview often inspires others to compassion and kinds. [x]
Family: Paternal Grandparents:
Maternal Grandparents:
Parents: Michael and Sophia Smith
Brothers: Parker Smith, George Smith, Timothy Smith, Abel Smith and Troy Smith
Sisters: Rachel Connors, Isla Smith, Kialla Smith, Emilee Smith, Florence Smith and Fiona Smith
In-laws: Akilina Sarkozi-Belrose, Maxime Sarkozi-Belrose, Stephen Connors, Annalise Smith, Clement Sarkozi-Belrose, Etienne Sarkozi-Belrose, Alicia Sarkozi-Belrose, Yvain Sarkozi-Belrose and Matthieu Sarkozi.
Nephews: Albert Connors, Ethan Connors, Rafaelle Kaster-Smith, Denis Brodrick and
Nieces: Katherine Smith and Claire Smith
Aunts: Amathine Mckay, Ginevra Mckay and Alice Jones
Uncles: George Jones, Richard Mckay and Jonathon Mckay
Male First Cousins: Ricardo Mckay, Dinali Mckay, Adam Mckay,
Female First Cousins: Dorothy Mckay, Emilia Mckay, Angelica Mckay, Veronica Mckay,
Second Cousins: William Dartmouth, Maria Dartmouth and Samuel Bradford
Husband: Romiah Belrose
Children: Mackenzie Belrose and Maxime Belrose
So cut through the heart, cold and clear
Strike for love and strike for fear
Strike for love and strike for fear
Pets: Meredith has no pets.
School: 1st 3rd year: Homeschooled
4th - 7th year: Beauxbatons
Blood Status: Pureblood
Heritage: Scottish and English
Interests or Hobbies: --
[li]Seek and Value Harmony
[li]Open-minded and Flexible
[li]Very Creative
[li]Passionate and Energetic
[li]Dedicated and Hardworking
Weaknesses:[ul][li] Too Idealistic
[li]Too altruistic
[li]Dislikes Dealing with Data
[li]Take Things Personally
<LI>[li]Difficult to get to Know
See the beauty, sharp and sheer
Split the ice apart!
Split the ice apart!
Describe your character in five words: Difficult, Idealistic, Sensual, Hopeful, Bright
Best school subjects: She did not get more than an A in any subject
Worst school subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration
Other subjects: Potions, History of Magic, Charms, Astronomy, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology
Current Job: Artist and Mummy
Plans for the future: Anything and everything
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --</SIZE></SIZE></SIZE></SIZE>
And break the frozen heart
<i></i><i></i> Hyup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"> <i></i><i></i> Hyup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Frozen Heart" by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez.