- Messages
- 17
- Age
- 1/2033
Full Name:
- Mercier Kendra Darlington
Date of Birth:
- January 4th 2033
Current Age:
- 11 years
Basic Appearance:
- Slim, 5' 1 and still growing, long blonde hair, blue eyes, sunkissed skin - I tan easily. Nothing distinctive.
- I guess I would say that I am the fun loving one of the three of us, it's like the serious aspect got dumped on my brother, the physical sporty aspect got dumped into my sister and all the rest - fun, adventurous, quirky got rolled up into me. I don't believe in taking life too serious at all. It's too short for crying out loud, live each day as if it were your last and you had to leave some sort of imprint on it.
- My Dad works at St. Mungos, Silas and Ameko my siblings also my other bits as we're triplets.
- I don't have any yet but Dad has told me that I can get any pet I want as my familiar for Hogwarts, so I will most likely see what is the cutest bundle of huggage that I can find before deciding. I don't think owls would be very huggable so it might have to be a cat ... or kitten.
Area of Residence:
- Breville Cottage five miles from Hastings, North Island, New Zealand
Blood Status:
- Half Blood
- Kiwi
Special Abilities:
- I feel far too strongly - not sure if it's a special ability, I've always seen it as a curse. I'm too empathic. Dad says I have great empathy for every living creature. I dunno I think I just have always found it easy to understand what someone else is going through.
Interests or Hobbies:
- I love making jewellery, designing my own clothes - I did start making them too but I do need more practice with a sewing needle.
Additional Skills:
- Does dancing count as a skill? I have never been professionally trained - I don't mean that kind of dancing but I have natural rhythm
- empathic
- loyal
- witty
- ability to cheer people up
- does not bear grudges (except for one person)
- her family
- big heart
- acts before thinks
- determined
Describe your character in three words:
- fun, quirky, lovable
Favourite place to be:
- craft shops, second hand stores - I don't really have a favourite place as such, I like being in these places because I get ideas for making things and I can get things cheap too.
- my siblings
Hogwarts House:
- I have no idea what house I would be sorted into and I genuinely don't mind not being sorted into the same as my sibs.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- I get through each semester with relatively decent grades, that I learn magic that I can use in my creative endeavours.
Best school subjects:
- I'm not sure to be honest, I'll say Charms for now but that could change when I get to Hogwarts.
Worst school subjects:
- Herbology - hands down, that's Silas's thing, not mine.
Extracurricular Activities:
- I'm looking forward to joining some of the clubs, I can't wait to see what they have. I like being sociable and can't wait to meet plenty of people.
Plans for your future:
- Having my own jewellery or clothing line
Your Patronus:
- probably something cute and furry ... knowing my luck it will turn out to be rat or mouse
Your Patronus memory:
- I don't think I've created a memory that is that strong yet.
Your Boggart:
- my mother
Your Animagus:
- A Goose ... I have no idea why that just totally popped into my head.
Mirror of Erised:
- My family, complete - whole in every way.
A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
I feel as if I wear a mask each day, I smile, I laugh, I enjoy every moment but the reason I am this way is because of her and when I sleep to the first moments of when I wake ... I am reminded of this. Once I pull myself from my bed, I shake it off and leave that behind me until I lay down to sleep again. I have never told Silas or Ameko, I have never told Dad either but I hate her, I hate that she was so stupid to enter a dueling tournament. She was a herbologist, not a duelist! She never stood a chance and we will never know why she did it ... it makes no sense. Sometimes I think it would have been easier if she had died instead of ending up in St. Mungos.
- Mercier Kendra Darlington
Date of Birth:
- January 4th 2033
Current Age:
- 11 years
Basic Appearance:
- Slim, 5' 1 and still growing, long blonde hair, blue eyes, sunkissed skin - I tan easily. Nothing distinctive.
- I guess I would say that I am the fun loving one of the three of us, it's like the serious aspect got dumped on my brother, the physical sporty aspect got dumped into my sister and all the rest - fun, adventurous, quirky got rolled up into me. I don't believe in taking life too serious at all. It's too short for crying out loud, live each day as if it were your last and you had to leave some sort of imprint on it.
- My Dad works at St. Mungos, Silas and Ameko my siblings also my other bits as we're triplets.
- I don't have any yet but Dad has told me that I can get any pet I want as my familiar for Hogwarts, so I will most likely see what is the cutest bundle of huggage that I can find before deciding. I don't think owls would be very huggable so it might have to be a cat ... or kitten.
Area of Residence:
- Breville Cottage five miles from Hastings, North Island, New Zealand
Blood Status:
- Half Blood
- Kiwi
Special Abilities:
- I feel far too strongly - not sure if it's a special ability, I've always seen it as a curse. I'm too empathic. Dad says I have great empathy for every living creature. I dunno I think I just have always found it easy to understand what someone else is going through.
Interests or Hobbies:
- I love making jewellery, designing my own clothes - I did start making them too but I do need more practice with a sewing needle.
Additional Skills:
- Does dancing count as a skill? I have never been professionally trained - I don't mean that kind of dancing but I have natural rhythm

- empathic
- loyal
- witty
- ability to cheer people up
- does not bear grudges (except for one person)
- her family
- big heart
- acts before thinks
- determined
Describe your character in three words:
- fun, quirky, lovable
Favourite place to be:
- craft shops, second hand stores - I don't really have a favourite place as such, I like being in these places because I get ideas for making things and I can get things cheap too.
- my siblings
Hogwarts House:
- I have no idea what house I would be sorted into and I genuinely don't mind not being sorted into the same as my sibs.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- I get through each semester with relatively decent grades, that I learn magic that I can use in my creative endeavours.
Best school subjects:
- I'm not sure to be honest, I'll say Charms for now but that could change when I get to Hogwarts.
Worst school subjects:
- Herbology - hands down, that's Silas's thing, not mine.
Extracurricular Activities:
- I'm looking forward to joining some of the clubs, I can't wait to see what they have. I like being sociable and can't wait to meet plenty of people.
Plans for your future:
- Having my own jewellery or clothing line
Your Patronus:
- probably something cute and furry ... knowing my luck it will turn out to be rat or mouse
Your Patronus memory:
- I don't think I've created a memory that is that strong yet.
Your Boggart:
- my mother
Your Animagus:
- A Goose ... I have no idea why that just totally popped into my head.
Mirror of Erised:
- My family, complete - whole in every way.
A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
I feel as if I wear a mask each day, I smile, I laugh, I enjoy every moment but the reason I am this way is because of her and when I sleep to the first moments of when I wake ... I am reminded of this. Once I pull myself from my bed, I shake it off and leave that behind me until I lay down to sleep again. I have never told Silas or Ameko, I have never told Dad either but I hate her, I hate that she was so stupid to enter a dueling tournament. She was a herbologist, not a duelist! She never stood a chance and we will never know why she did it ... it makes no sense. Sometimes I think it would have been easier if she had died instead of ending up in St. Mungos.