
Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida couldn't wait for an invitation much longer, she Had to see how Eden and bub we're going, it felt like years since she saw them and she wanted to hold Eden's daughter for the first time properly, Kida was overly Jealous of Eden, having her own little baby who she could take care of, it was a shame the father wasn't around.
Kida parked her car outside of Eden's house she had to have a little catch up. The Brunette walked up the drive way, it was a beautiful spring day but Kida still wore a light Cardigan over her Summer Dress. Kida trotted up to the front door and let herself in with her set of keys which she was glad she had 'Eden' she sung out as she shut the door softly behind her, she hopped she didn't wake the baby.

Kida looked around the house for her Best Friend 'Eden, where are you hiding?' she asked again as she headed towards the Nursery. She gently pushed the door of the Nursery open and peered in hoping to find Eden.
It had been two weeks since Aine had been born but to Eden it felt like months. She had lost all the baby weight and was back to her perfect body. Picking her daughter up out of her crib. Eden rocked her gently looking into her daughters mint green eyes. When Aine had first been born she had one purple eye and one green but they had both changed to green after she was three days old. "Your growing up so fast. You need to stop little one. I wanna keep you just like this forever." Eden said taking a seat in the chair by the window. James still hadn't seen his daughter. She didn't even know if he knew that Aine had been born. Not that Eden cared she was perfectly okay with him not being around her. Aine had a huge family of people who loved her more than James ever could.

Hearing someone in the house. Eden reached for her wand. Ever since giving birth Eden had become even more cautious about who knew where she lived or even if she was at home. Hearing the sound of Kida's voice Eden called out to her. "Yes Kida I am in the nursery" Soon enough Kida was letting herself into the room. "Well hello there long time no see." Eden said getting to her feet and walking over to Kida. Once she was in front of her friend she placed Aine in Kida's arms. "Hold your goddaughter. Mom needs a coke." Eden said as she walked over to the small fridge she kept in the room. "Want anything?" Eden said with a smile as she opened a can of soda and took a drink.
Kida Walked into the adorable nursery and smiled at Eden 'it's only been 2 weeks' she quipped as she watched the small child in her best friends arms 'she's getting bug' she said.
The next thing Kida knew she was holding her God Daughter in her arms, her heart melted as she carefully rocked the fragile child and slowly paced the nursery 'can I have one' she called out to Eden referring to her child.
Kida smiled 'just water please' she said not raking her eyes off the child.

Kida waited for Eden to return and held the small child out wondering if Eden wanted to take her back, 'how us she going, she's not a trouble child is she?' she asked curiously.
Eden laughed at her friend. "Yes I know its been two weeks." Eden said as she took another drink from her soda. So many things had happened since she had given birth. Her house had changed so much. Not to mention she didn't have people coming in and out of her house at all hours of the night anymore. Eden had also changed as well. She didn't really see the need to go off to America and finalize a contract for the Koshiba in person. "Sure you can have a child anytime you like. You just can't have mine." Eden said as she placed her soda on top of the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water for Kida.

Taking Aine back as she handed her friend the water bottle. Eden smiled. "Aine is a perfect little angel. She almost never cries. She sleeps all night long and she loves seeing people." Eden said as she gave her daughter another kiss on her head. "You know I haven't heard from James in months. Not that I care but you would think he would ask to see if his child was born or not." Eden said as she took a seat by the window again she Aine could see the outside world.
Kida smiled when Eden mentioned Aine being a perfect little angel 'Thats Great Eden, I'm so Happy for you' she smiled as she uncapped her water and drunk from it. Kida smiled at the small child when is gazed out the window, she often wondered what babys thought.
Kida dug her hand into her bag and pulled out a small box and held it out for Eden 'I got something for Aine' she said remembering it took her hours to find the perfect bear

Kida Sighed, 'Some men are just.. scuse the language... Bastards' she said as she took another drink of her water.
The Brunette looked down and let her hair fall around her face, Kida looked up and smiled weakly at Eden 'Thats another reason i came here Eden' she said softly 'Men really are *******s' she said as she stood up and pulled her dress back behind her to reveal a small baby bump. She looked at Eden wondering if she would get a talking to for letting someone do this to her. 'We had a fight, he was cheating on me, and i thought he'd given all of that up, but i caught him, i was going to tell him that night over dinner.. but that...' Kida lowered her voice 'f*cking bastard' she snarled softly. Kida let her dress go and ran her hands through her hair 'He's run off now after that fight and i told him, and i havn't heard or see him, and trust me i've looked.' she smiled at the small child in Edens arms. 'I'm 3 months at the moment' she said. Kida knew her stomach was tiny, and it was only just showing, she had given up on the tight T-shirts and stuck to flowy dresses that kept it hidden.
Eden nodded her head. "I'm hoping that she stays like this forever. I keep thinking that one day she is going to wake up and I will have to deal with a terror." She said as she looked at the sleeping baby in her arms. Taking the box Eden opened it and looked at the bear inside. "Oh Kida its perfect." Eden said with a smile. She would put it by Aine's crib later on.

Hearing Kida curse Eden wrinkled her nose. "Not around the baby please." She said as she got up to place Aine in her crib. Looking at her friend closely Eden saw the bump right away. "You've got to be kidding me." Eden said taking a step closer to her friend. As she listened to her friends sad tale Eden could remember feeling that sort of pain. "Kida I'm so sorry. Do you need a bigger place to stay? You can stay here with me or I have another house in the America's or I can even get you your own place. Whatever you need just let me know and I will get it for you." Eden said already starting to think about what she could do to her her oldest friend.
Kida smiled at how Kind Eden was being 'I'm sure my house will be fine, i'm just worried about the hexes and stuff Remus has put around the place since it was his old house.' she said as she ran her hands through her hair.
'Don't be sorry for me, If he comes back then he'll have some explaining to do, if not then i guess this little one will have two mummys' she said as plonked down into her seat 'Will you be This ones God Mother' she asked curiously to Eden as she weakly smiled, this baby needed more then just two half-uncles and a crazy cousin.

Kida smiled at the sleeping child in her crib 'And i hope i'll be able to handle it aswell as you' she said not trying to think of the pain Eden went through just giving birth, yet alone how big she has yet to become Kida has always been thin with some small curves now she was about to be come one big Curve.
Kida sighed as she took another drink of water 'I've never been around kids that much before, what if i screw this up, i don't know about all the things you have to eat or anything like that' she mentioned remembering that she did a quick search the other day and was overwhelmed with the amount of stuff you had to do during Pregnancy.

The Brunette put her hand on her small lump of a stomach and traced her finger around in circles 'What do you reckon, Girl or Boy.' she said trying to lighten the mood 'We should bet on it, I'm Sure Aeon wouldn't mind joining in on this bet... When i tell him, You're the first person to know, aside from the Father ofcourse' she said bringing back a happy smile.
"I'm sure the hexes and what not can be taken care of. I will talk to Tohoru and Hoshi and see if they can't go through your house and debug it." Eden said wondering just who the father of Kida's child was. Whoever he was he would be explaining to her as well. "Let's just hope I don't meet him when I'm in a bad mood or he will be doing his explaining with a wand at his throat." Eden mentioned with a smirk on her face. Now that she wasn't pregnant she didn't really need to worry about being nice anymore. When she wasn't around her daughter at times she could be down right nasty. Realizing that Kida had asked Eden to be her child's godmother Eden grinned. "Of course I will." Eden said already thinking about the huge baby shower she was going to throw her friend.

As Kida looked at Aine fast asleep in her crib Eden couldn't help but smile again. "You'll be fine. I know nothing about babies. The very first time she cried I thought I had hurt her. Just think about it this way by the time your baby is born I will know all about babies and will be able to help you." Eden said winking at her friend. Remembering just how stressed out she had been when she first found out she was pregnant Eden sighed. "It will be alright you know I am here to help you with anything you might need."

Hearing Kida mention Aeon's name Eden glared for a moment. "I never really liked him in school. He always thought he was smarter than me or something." Eden didn't care now but back than it had annoyed her to no end. Wondering just what her friend would have Eden was about to say a boy when something told her to touch Kida's stomach. Placing her hands on the bump Eden closed her eyes and let her mind go blank.

Eden could see that it was a warm summer afternoon. Two little girls where running barefoot in the grass. As they got closer Eden could see right away that one of the girls was Aine. As Aine ran over to Eden the other little girl ran over to Kida and wrapped her arms around her friends knees. "I love you mommy." The girl said as she looked up at Kida as if she was her whole world."

Eden came to and took a step back removing her hands from Kida's stomach. "I know what your having." Eden said her voice sounding dreamy and far off. She wanted to tell her friend right that very second yet at the same time she wanted to tease her friend.
OOCOut of Character:
Remus is her God Father

'I like the house as it is, but i just don't want anything to happen, i'm still finding rooms in this house.. I Might build a small house further up the Hill to live in untill the bub is old enough' she pondered out loud slightly. Kida smiled when Eden Agreed to be Kida's childs Godmother like Kida was to Aine.
The Brunette sighed 'God, There are so many things i can't do, its like i need to have a list i carry around with me i can cross check before i do something.. or like someone following me around telling me yes or no' she quipped as she took a drink from her water allowing the cool clear liquid run down her throat. Kida smiled when Eden said she'd be here to help her 'That means alot to me, i don't have a mother to rely on'

When She saw Edens Expression when he mentioned Aeon she laughed 'He thinks he is smarter then everyone, he can't get over the fact that i beat him in Transfiguration, My God Father the one whos house i live in now was the Transfiguration professor, he could never beat me.' Kida laughed as she Eden reached for her stomach she smiled.
Kida watched Eden's expression and knew what was going on she just waited for her to return.

Kida looked at Eden when she said that she knew what she was having, Kida pulled out 5 Dollars from her dress pocket and handed it to Eden 'I guess you win the Bet then' she said as she leaned forward in her chair and looked at Eden 'Oh come on Tell me' she said as she looked at Eden who seemed to have a look on her face like she was going to enjoy teasing her which she didn't mind. Kida smiled and then put on a puppy dog expression 'Oh Please tell me oh please oh please oh pleasee' she said as she got off her chair and crawled to Edens feet begging and pouting.
Eden nodded her head she knew how that could be. Her house in America was the same way. "Why build a house? Just come live with me. Come on this house is huge. We could have my whole family and all of our friends and still have room for guests." Eden said hoping her friend would say yes but she would understand if she said no. Thinking about all the things that she had to learn and how hard it had been Eden gave her friend a hug. "It will be fine you have me to help you and my mom and sisters. Tohoru I know would be willing to help." Eden said hoping that she could be everything Kida needed.

She could remember Remus he was a good Professor. Granted she never really like Transfiguration but she had been good at it. "It's fine Aeon can think he is smarter than everyone. I know that he isn't." As Kida went to hand her five bucks. Eden waved it away. "I have an unfair advantage." Eden said as she rolled her eyes at Kida. "Get up you silly thing I will tell you." Thinking for a moment how she would tell her friend Eden smiled. Walking over to Aine's dresser Eden opened it hand pulled out a brand new soft pink blanket it brought it over to Kida. "Think of this as the first gift of many from me and Aine." Eden said her smile growing even bigger.
Kida Smiled 'I can't do that to you Eden even though I'll spend most of my time here this bub will need a home' she said knowing that two young kids would be hectic.
Kida got up but had a bit if trouble before she figured out a way 'I'll have to figure out a better way to do that' she said even though she was still small it was getting uncomfortable.

'Aeon gets so competitive, he is so competitive because I'm on a professional quidditch team'
Kida laughed remembering how he was so competitive that he raced her around trying to proove he was better ever since they were kids.
Kida grinned widely when Eden said she'd tell her the gender, Eden handed her a soft plush pink blanket, 'really?!' she said as her grin widened.
'a beautiful baby girl really' kida hugged the blanket closer to her.
Eden smiled at her friend. "Fine but I will help you out as much as I can." Eden said wondering if Kida would allow her to give her goddaughter a house was seventeen. Even if she said no Eden would probably do it anyways. "Have you eaten today?" Eden asked realizing that she hadn't eaten and she was starting to get hungry.

"Lilith is playing Quidditch. Shes caption and a Seeker. We are all so proud of her." Eden said glad that her sister was following her dreams and becoming her own person instead of living in her shadow. Seeing Kida smile Eden grew happier. "Yep your really having a girl. Aine is going to have a little playmate." Eden said looking over to the crib where her daughter was sleeping. She wanted to go over there and hold her again but she knew that Aine needed sleep.
'well I'm hoping to be captain one day, along with Gwad of Department at the ministry for Quidditch' Kida said as she snuggled the pink blanket closer to her 'it would be a dream come true' she added as she smiled at Aine.
Kida grinned 'hopefully maybe one day my girl and Aine will be beat friends like us' Kida said as she pet the blanket enjoying the soft feeling 'now I have to think of a name and organize a baby shower... Once I tell everyone else' she began letting her excitement get away from her Kida smiled at Eden 'Should I let the father know the gender i can send an owl to him or should I wait to see if he wants to be apart of her life?' the brunette asked her best friend hoping Eden would have an answer for her since she has dealt with all of this allready.

Kida hugged the blanket again 'hmm a beautiful baby girl'
"I think that Lilith wants to play professional Quidditch once she is done with school." Eden said wondering if there was anything else that Lilith would want to do besides playing Quidditch. "That would be awesome if our girls would be best friends as well. I don't see why not since they are going to be around each other all the time." It was nice that Aine would have a girl to play with since Haruhi, Tohoru and even that women Daisie had given birth to boys. "You know Aine has a brother who's a few older than her. His name is Jason. Eden had 't seen the baby and she had only seen the mother once.

"I would wait to tell him the gender until you find out if he is going to be in her life or not. As for the baby shower you don't get to plan that I do. Eden said enjoying watching her best friend get all excited. Remembering how hard it had been for her to decide what to name her daughter. "You will think of the perfect name for you daughter it just takes some time and a lot of thinking." Eden said as she lightly petted her friends stomach.
'a brother or a half brother? It's not that bad having half siblings, as long as you know about them' she said smiling since she has two half brothers both of which she met a bit further into her life and theirs aswell. 'does she like her half brother?' kida asked curiously as she folded the small blanket neatly and put it on her lap.

Kida nodded at Eden when she saud to wait and see 'it's really sad that I still want him back even after he cheated on me' Kida hung her head slightly. 'Should I want him back?' she asked Eden as she smoothed out the blanket on her lap

'I allready have some names picked out but I don't think the father would like them, I like different names I mean after all my name is Kida' she said as she pulled out her phone and opened her notes full of names she has thought of and added another before putting it back into her bag.

Kida smiled at Eden 'professional quidditch is awesome it's alot more competitive than school quidditch but it's still heaps of fun, I've always been a beater though so I find it tons of fun, but I won't be playing now I guess' she said as she patted her stomach 'can't afford a bluffed to the stomach, and to think I was sending weeks toning up my abs to handle the impact more' she said.
Eden realized that Kida didn't know the whole story. "Aine has two half brothers. One is named Ben and I think he is two or three and the other his name is Jason and he is about a month now." Eden paused trying to think of a way to explain it. "Aine's father James had a girlfriend Daisie when we met. He never told me about her. Her and I got pregnant around the same time. We never knew about each other until she walked into the ice cream shop. Aine has never met her older brothers or her father. I'm not even sure if I want her to meet them. Shes my baby and I want to protect her." Eden said as she picked up her sleeping baby and held her close.

Hearing Kida ask her if it was sad that she wanted the father of her child back in life. "It's not even after all these years I miss Chase very much. I think about James from time to time but I don't love him like I loved Chase." It had been four years since he had gone to Azkaban. Eden hoped that he would still love her when he got out but who knew.

"I like different names as well. How many times have you met a child named Aine?" When Eden had found out she was having a girl she had wanted to make sure that her child stood out. "Don't worry about what her father likes or doesn't like until he decides if he wants to be in her life or not."

Eden had never understood what her best friend and little sister found so interesting about Quidditch. "I prefer cheerleading but than again that's nothing new." Eden had always been the girly girl out of all of her friends and family. It had really come out after Aine was born. She had lost all of her baby weight and her body looked perfect once again. 'Don't worry after the little angel is born I can help you lose the weight." Eden offered.
'what a...' Kida bit her tongue but mouthed the last word 'prick' she shook her head in disbelief when Eden told her about her about the father of her child knocking up someone else. Kida bit her lip when age was struck with the sudden realization that Ash could be out there right now getting another Girl pregnant. Kida sighed and unfolded the blanket placing it on her stomach as if to show the child on the inside 'if the daddy wants to come back it will be hard for her, he should come back soon' kida thought allowed.

'I dont want something to different, I got made fun of so much for being called Kida when mum pulled me out if hogwarts, it was horrible.' she said remembering her final years at school, she did do sone sneaky wandless magic on the taunters though.
'gosh Eden, you know how active I like to be it's killing me bit being allowed to do anything now, I want to go run or kick something or fly' she said being way to eager now.
Kida leaned back in her chair and drew images on her stomach with her finger over the soft pink blanket.
'Eden Do st mungos deal with pregnancies? Or Do I have to go to a muggle hospital, either way...' kida looked Down at her hands being slightly embarrassed 'can you come with me, I don't want to be judged for being pregnant at 19' she said smiling weakly.
"I couldn't say it even better." Eden said with a smile on her face. "The only thing he has ever done right was give me Aine." Eden hoped that Kida would be able to make the right choice for her and her baby. "James should be glad that I didn't kill him when I found out about Daisie." Watching as Kida played with the blanket. "I hope that she likes it. Aine woke up and let out a tiny cry. "Are you hungry little one?" Eden said softly as she went to get a bottle for her.

"I like your name and no one ever made fun of you at Hogwarts." No one had ever made fun of Eden her whole entire life. Than again everyone was afraid of her. "Kida there are things you can do so that you can stay active. You can go for a walk and even do some running." Eden had stayed active the whole time she was pregnant.

"Yes St. Mungos handles pregnancies. I have never been to a muggle hospital nor would I ever let myself go to one. I choose to give birth at home so that I could have a midwife and be comfortable." No matter what Kida decided Eden would be there by his side. "Yes I will be there with you the whole way." Eden said as she sat down in a chair and started to feed Aine.
Kida smiled 'That He did, She must be alot like you because She's an Angel' She smiled as she ran her hand over her stomach again 'Why am i doing this, I've only been pregnant.. what... 3 months and i'm constantly touching my stomach' she said not being able to stop herself from playing with it, she had caught herself at home alone walking her fingers over it like a hill or transfiguring some object into a toy car to drive over it.
Kida put her hands on the arm of her chair and tried not to touch her stomch.

'I know, It was my stupid Muggle school with their Stupid Muggleness' she said cursing under her breath of what she was. Kida ran her hands through her hair and then went to touch her stomach again but caught herself and put them back on the arms of the chair.
'Yes but Walking will become waddeling and that just isn't attractice, and c'mon Eden, you know that when i want to go excerise i want to go full out i never do things at half measures.'

The Brunette smiled when Eden mentioned St. Mungos handeling Pregnancies 'Great! i didn't want to go to a muggle one, do you know the rate of baby mix ups they have, and its just all yuck' she said smiling at the child as Aine woke up, she bit her lip and tried not to touch her stomach but it got to much. She put on hand on it and walked her fingers across like they were walking up a hill. 'Thanks Eden, it means alot' she said when Eden said she'd be there with her. Kida didn't want her mother being any where near her child's life after what happened with her, she decided that she was better off without her mother and so was her daughter. Kida walked her fingers across her stomach and made them turn around and walk back again before huffing rather loudly. 'Can it be over yet, i'm bored of waiting' she said pouting like a child.
Eden laughed lightly as Kida compared her to an angel. Oh if she only knew her best friend was a death eater and if her loyalties where ever questioned she would kill her in a heartbeat. Eden thought all the while looking at her feeding daughter and smiling. "It's normal to do that. The very second I found out I was pregnant I couldn't stop touching my stomach and talking to it." Eden said remembering just how hard it had been to not touch her stomach.

Eden couldn't agree more with Kida's statement. "Yes stupid muggles." Eden said trying to be helpful. "Hey I made waddling look good. Your just going to have to remind yourself that you have someone else to think about now as well. Its no longer all about Kida." Eden said in a motherly tone.

"I wouldn't have let you go to a muggle hospital they creep me out." Eden had been to a muggle hospital once in her life and that had been enough to scare her away from them for life. "You know I would do anything for you Kida. All you have to do is ask." Aine choose at that moment to let out a giant burp. "Interesting you must get that from your father." Eden said giving her child a look. "Kida my dear its going to go by faster than you could ever guess. Just remember the last month is going to feel like years." Eden said as she wiped Aine's mouth and offered her the bottle again.
Kida pouted 'But I've always kind of really been a.. Lone Wolf so to speak' she said as she remembered all the times where she had to do things alone because most of the people around her had deserted her. Kida giggeled remembering Eden's Waddle 'What Ever you say Miss Duck' she joked as she put on hand infront her mouth as she laughed.
'I hate Doctors and Nurses aswell, i don't know how i'll do at a Magical one but I hated the Muggle ones, they always looked at you like you were diseased and had no compassion what so ever, i tried to talk to them have a laugh and they just nod or something then walk off, its like HELLO!' she said as she lay her hand flat on her stomach.

Kida sighed and smiled at the small child letting out a giant burp 'You might have been a grotty child as a kid Eden, you never know' she pointed out 'And its good that she's doing that you don't want her to get colic' Kida realised what she said nd double took on herself 'I've only read one book and allready i'm reciting things from it' she sighed 'Well Eden, i'll ask you this favour then. Help. Me!' she said smiling 'What can i do and what can't i do or eat for that matter, i have hardly eaten enough in the past few months cause i don't want to eat anything bad for her.'

Kida looked at her stomach again 'I Don't feel like talking to it, i've had the urge but i don't know if i'd be talking to a growing someone or not. its weird i know, but she hardly moves at all, sometimes i feel like i'm just getting Fat'
Eden glared at Kida when she called her a duck. "Keep making fun of me and I will cast a spell on you so you will have a beak on your face while your waddling." Eden said a smile crossing her face. It wasn't very nice of her but Kida should know by now not to make fun of Eden and her weight. "Don't worry the healers are nothing like that. They listen to everything you have to say and really take care of you." Eden had been glad to find that out. She had worked with a midwife the whole time but the one healer she had seen was great and she couldn't have been more thankful.

Kida was right about the colic thing. "I wasn't expecting it. At least she hasn't thrown up on me yet." Eden had heard that her nephew had thrown up all over Tohoru the other day. She had laughed for ten straight minutes. "Kida just make sure you eat a good mix of everything. Fruits and veggies. Lay off the coffee and soda. As for being active. Stay off your broom. Don't go anywhere near it until shes born." Eden said really trying to get her point across.

Eden let out another laugh. "Your not going to really feel her move until about month five or six." Eden said calmly explaining that to Kida. "When I first found out I was pregnant I was so scared that I was going to be a bad mom that I started telling her I was sorry right away." Eden explained putting the bottle to the side and burping her daughter.
Kida laughed when Eden Threatened her 'You wouldn't use Magic on me while i'm pregnant' she said as she ran her hands through her hair and stood up stretching her back.
The Brunette smiled when said that the healers are really good and that relieved her a bit 'Good, I Hope so.' she said as she went for a walk around the nursery looking at everything and getting idea's to expand on hers.

Kida laughed 'Don't be Afraid to belt her when you're burping her, My dad once told me that one of their friends was so gentle that their child kept on getting Colic. My Mum how ever belt the crap out of me, i never got Colic.. and look at me i turned out fine' she said smiling knowing that someone would think different.
'No... Broom...' she said when Eden told her to stay off her Broom 'But i'm a good flyer, nothing could go wrong while i'm on a broom' she said trying to convince her friend other wise 'I hate coffee and Soda anyway, i'll just eat everything normally apart from the bad stuff' she said.

'I'm in Month Three... come on little one hurry up i want to have a good long chat to you' she said to her stomach. Kida smiled at Eden 'You could never be a Bad Mum Eden' she said in comfort as she looked around the Nursery 'And even if you were.. which you're not.. the father is like triple times worse so anything you do wrong gets covered up cause he's so bad' she said trying to put some of her twisted logic in to help the situation.
Kida sighed 'I just don't want to be like my Mum' she said softly.
Eden couldn't help but laugh at Kida's comment. "Kida my dear I said I would charm your face and from the looks of it your face isn't pregnant." Eden said with a wink. As Kida walked around the nursery Eden gave it a once over as well. Maybe when Aine was around three months Eden would remodel it. No make it six months to a year. Eden couldn't help but want to continue to redecorate the room. Her own bedroom never stayed the same for more than six months.

"I got this under control. I never got colic and Lilith was fine the whole time she was a baby and I am doing everything Haruhi has told me to do so I should be fine." Eden said sounding sure of herself but deciding once Kida had left she would send her adopted mother another owl just to be on the safe side. "No broom Kida Frost and I mean it. Don't make me take it away and hide it until after the baby is born. I promise you I will." Eden said keeping her voice firm. There was no way Kida was going to get on a broom until after she had her daughter.

"I'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure that Aine knows that I love her with my whole heart. I never knew I could love someone so much until the first time I felt her kick." Eden said as Aine gave one last burp and let out a sigh of happiness. Hearing Kida mention James, Eden rolled her eyes. "James is a childish little boy who needs to grow up. He's got three kids by three different women and hes probably still hooking up with others." Eden thought she had felt something for James but in the end she had realized that the feelings she had for him where only because she was pregnant and nothing more. "Kida you could never be like your mother. Your to kind of a person and not to mention your not insane." Eden said in a knowing voice.
Kida pouted when Eden strictly told her no Flying 'I guess i have to show you where my cupboard is..' she said refering to her small quidditch pitch in the back yard 'You havn't seen my Quidditch Shed yet, i have Every broom ever made.. almost i'm collecting' she said smiling but knowing Eden would tell her no 'Put a Magical lock on it or something you know i can't resist my Brooms' she said, she never knew that she wouldn't be allowed to fly while pregnant, that just ruined all the fun.
Kida sighed and nodded with Eden 'I'll be the babys daddy if i have to' she said smiling putting some light onto the topic 'Theres nothing wrong with replenishing the magical population, but he took it to far' she said with her kind tone. Kida smiled when Eden said she could never be like her Mother 'Not insane... yet, Don't Children make you go insane' she quipped.

Kida smiled at Eden 'How Old till i can fly with the baby being born' she asked secretly planning to get her Daughter into Flying as soon as possible, she smiled cheekily.

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