Megan Hirst

Megan Hirst

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Apple Wand 13" Essence Unicorn Hair

The Basics
Character's Name:
Megan Elizabeth Hirst
First name: Megan: Little Pearl
Middle name: Elizabeth: My God is a vow
Surname: Hirst: Deer
Character's Birthdate: 5 April 2009
Hometown: Cambridge, England
Current location: Cambridge, England
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Apple Wand 13" Essence Unicorn Hair
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Occupation: Aspiring Actress/Waitress
Martial Status: Single

Shoulder length dark blonde hair with some brown accents. Usually wore straight or tied up.
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 5’ 6”
Style: Megan likes to wear a lot of girly clothes, dresses and the like but also enjoys skinny jeans, ballet flats with a nice girly tops. Or there may be days you find her in baggy pants and a oversized hoody – but everyone had those days.

A Little Deeper
Megan is a very bubbly girl with a great determination. From a young age she always wanted to perform and loved taking the spotlight even just among her family! She is a great singer and has a natural grace about her that makes her a very good dancer. She has a happy-go-lucky look on life and doesn’t let things get her down too much although when she gets upset she is like a typical woman so it would be best to not let her show that side around you!

History: Megan grew up in the countryside in Cambridge, England. She and her 3 siblings had a good childhood compared to most others but Megan was never into the extravagant lifestyle. Sure she loved travelling the World and experiencing all the different cultures. It was obvious from a young age that she had an interest in the finer things in life, the arts, music and dance and the like, often going off to see street performances when in a different country on her own or going to the ballet with her parents. Megan loved to sing and dance from a young age and got to do all she wanted to do, take lessons for singing, ballet and piano. Even when she had to leave home to go to Hogwarts she never let her love for the arts leave her.

It was these interests that lead her to meet her best friend at Hogwarts, Maia Prude. Megan and Maia became inseparable from the moment they met, they just seemed to click right away. Megan was quite close to her brother, Taylor, who was a year above her at Hogwarts so the three became good friends and always hung out together and before she knew it Maia and Taylor became an item. She was a bit worried at first that they would just want to hang out together and she would lose her only two friends but it made the three stronger in a way. That was until Taylor went and messed it all up and broke up with Maia at the end of his last year. Megan didn’t know why and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t figure out why Taylor had broke up with Maia!

Megan didn’t hear much from her brother until after her final year when she heard Maia and Taylor had gotten back together again! All was right with the World again but of course Taylor couldn’t let things be as they were and had to go mess it up by being married to another woman and have a child with her. After this Megan never heard from Maia again, no matter how hard she tried to correspond with her and subsequently she didn’t talk to her bother for a year or so. Right now Megan is an aspiring actress, doing a few small time shows in local community halls which she enjoys but has yet to make it big. To tide her over she works part-time in a small restaurant and hopes and prays everyday that she could just get out of there already. She knows that she doesn’t really need to earn money as her family is wealthy enough to let her live of them but she is too proud to let that happen.


Father: Drake Hirsh (Muggle)
DOB: June 3rd 1972
Occupation: Pilot

Mother: Hilary (Kent) Hirsh
DOB: 13 May 1974
Occupation: Housewife

Older Brother: Steven Hirsh
DOB: 15 July 2000
Occupation: Professional Quidditch Player

Older Brother: Jason Hirsh
DOB: 6 October 2003
Occupation: Bookshop Owner

Older Brother: Taylor Hirst
DOB: January 18th 2008
Occupation: Pilot

Neice: Sophie Hirsh
DOB: 27 January 2027
Occupation: N/A

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