Jake walked to the end of the street when he saw a girl hanging around all alone. She was immensly pretty with long blonde hair. Surprising himself by his rare kindness, he asked her,
"Hello? Are you OK?"
"I'm Jake," he replied, "Jacob Whitlow. Slytherin? That;s immense, I'm in Slytherin. My dad was in it too! Wow, we have so much in common! You're really pretty by the way." he blushed.
James walked into Obsidian Harbour and saw a boy to the exact description that Kate had met and had been rudly abused by. He drew his wand slightly from under his clothes and wandered up to where a gorgeous young woman was standing talking to him. "Hey you to, are you both ok doing your shopping? Want any help? I take it that you," indicating to the blond "are a unsorted student. And you," indicating to Jacob, "are a Slytherin first year. Need any help getting your stuff?" He winked at the blond and turned his attention to Jacob. "How much stuff have you got?" He asked politley, "I have some really good tips as to where to get them quickly!"
" Your in Slytherin. Thats good." Kirsty said. " Your nice looking to." Kirsty said she could feel herself blushing. Then she seen a boy walking over to them. " No thanks."
Jake stared incrediously at the boy who was holding his wand, and who had winked at Kirsty.
"And I take it that you," he began, angrily, "are an ignorant hufflepuff first year, and you need to leave us alone! can't you see that we are having a conversation, or is that too difficult for your pea-sized duffer brain to handle?"
He turned away from the interrupting boy and looked at Kirsty.
"Anyway, as I was saying, Slytherin is so cool!" he blushed. "Thanks."
James smiled good naturedly, "Alright, if you need me yourl see me around!" He winked at her again and raised his eyebrows at jacob "I see you are like the rest of the Slytherins i have offered to help, Ignorant and stuck in their own ways. Well goodbye to you both!" And with that he made a slight bow to Kirsty and turned to walk away. As he did he couldn't help himself but add, "And you can stop phisically abusing Kate Johnson when she offers to help or you will have me to deal with." And with that he wandered into the next shop.
"Ooh how threatening!" Jake yelled at the stupid boy as he disappeared off. "And I didn't physically abuse her, I gave her a small nudge when she gave the impression that I couldn't look after myself! So mind your own buisness, or I'll set my dad on you! Who are you anyway, her bodyguard?"
His chest heaving, he turned back round to Kirsty and smiled.
"Annoying, isn;t he? Just accused us slytherins of being ignorant and rude. Stupid kid." he sighed. "Dya wanna go get a drink somewhere?"
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