Meeting ford

Pungahn Naihanchi

Well-Known Member
Pungahn waited by the lake, waiting for ford, as she was instructed.
Ford walked down the from the castle, "Hey," he said to Pungahn. He stopped walking when he got close and paused. He looked like has considering something, he finally said, "So, this isn't going to work. I thought it would, and I thought I liked you. But, I've done a lot of thinking and it's not."
Pungahn was saddened. "why not?"
He was on a roll, might as well keep going, "I thought I liked you a lot. But I guess I don't."
"why, just because im not a slytherin? because im not pure-blood?" Pungahn was looking straight into his eyes firmly to see if he was telling the truth. her voice was calm, but firm.
"No, not really. I'm not even pure-blood," Ford said, meeting her gaze, "I just feel the way I thought I did about you."
"do you still want to be friends? i could use someone to practice charms and flying with."
"I guess," Ford replied, "If you want to you can come with when I'm practicing. But I've got to write a foot of parchment on potions for tomorrow."

He stopped, and looked around, "I guess I'll see you around then." And he walked back towards the castle.
"yeah, bye." Pungahn headed back up to the Hufflepuff dorms.

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