Meet Rory!

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Aurora Palmer

Active Member
OOC First Name
Miss Bee <3
Yew Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Phoenix Feather
Well, this is Aurora Sage Palmer! She likes to have a small group of friends(Girls and boys) and she hates not having a boyfriend! Her dad refuses to talk to her because she "makes his life hard by leaving him with Annie". Her mother died 4 years ago and she has 1 younger sister. Her name is Anniston(Annie) who is 5. If she's not around a best friend or a boyfriend, she feels unloved. She used to attend Beauxbatons but her father got a job transfer to New Zealand so she had to leave behind her friends and boyfriend. She is really fun to be around!

Wanna be her friend? Or more than a friend ;) ? Just let me know!
Daniel is a similar age to Aurora so they could be friends. Or more seeing as though she wants a boyfriend. What do you think?
Either sounds good :) They could start off as friends then maybe become something more later? I haven't done anything with Rory so pretty much anything would be great.
Well I haven't rped with Daniel that much so he just needs someone in his life.
Alrighty we can just have them meet and see where it goes. Would you like to start it or should I?
Maybe Isabella could be friends with my character Jennette. Shes younger than Daniel so closer to her age.
She's in school yeah.
Well it's still a weekend so wee could start something. I think we were wanting Oliver and Isabella to meet too?
Yeah sure thing. Could you start something? I'm busy catching up on all of Jennette's missed lessons.
Sorry guys! I've had such a busy week! As soon as I can get to my computer(which is tomorrow), I'll start a topic. And sounds great! Aurora could always use some friends! Could you start a topic or would you like me to tomorrow?
No problem. I'm really busy tomorrow so if you could make a topic that would be great I'll reply to it when I find myself at home.
Where could they meet since he's in school and Aurora isn't yet?
Anyone else?! Could use some friends and maybe a boyfriend...? Well a friend that is a possible boyfriend in the future?
Hey, not sure if I mentioned this before but my character Daniel is a similar age to Aurora and is single and I've been looking to me more active with him. So if your interested they could be friends or he could be her boyfriend in the future.
Yes you sure did :) Where could they meet? I'd be glad to start a topic(unless you want to) once we know where they're going to meet
They could meet in Obsidian harbor or somewhere around the Wizarding world.
Okay I sent you the link! :)
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