Meera Gupta

Meera Gupta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust

The Basics
Character's Name:Rajkumari Meera Samarjitsingh Jayantilal Gupta(Patel)

Character's Birthdate: 1st Jaunuary 2017
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Martial status: Single (Not looking)
Hometown: Ahmadabad, Gujrat State, India.
Current residence:Outskirts of Paris, France
Blood Status:Half blood
Educated At: Beauxbatons (Years 1-5)
Currently studying in Hogwarts New Zealand (Year 6)
Hogwarts House:Hufflepuff
Occupation: Student

Fluent in: Hindi, Gujrati, English and French

Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Characteristics:
Symbol: The Goat
Element: Earth
Group: Theoretical
Polarity: Negative
Favorable Colors: Brown
Chinese Counterpart: Ox
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Cross/Quality: Cardinal
House Ruled: Tenth
Opposite Sign: Cancer
Lucky Gem: Onyx
Period: Dec 22 - Jan 19

Responsible, good managers, disciplined, self-control, dark sense of humor.
Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst.
Charismatic marks:
Medium build, can get in shape with effort but tends to be a bit soft.
Family, tradition, quality craftsmanship, understated status, music.
Almost everything at some point.
Best environment:
Positive work situation, urban environments with culture and style, anyplace to be in charge.


Wand:Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
A feminine wood commonly used for healing, health and protection. It is good for spells involving potion charming, astronomy and herbology related charms. However this wand can also unlock very dark magic, to the person with the right mind to do so. The pinkish tone comes from the fairy dust that gas consumed the wood.

Powerful in The subjects of Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions are the ones where Meera is at her best. She is a smart student so is generally good in all branches of Magic. She has enjoyed learning DADA as she feel it will give her one more way to help protect her family during time of need. She finds Potions very interesting because it is so vast and there is no end to it. The way different ingredients can be mixed to make something useful or something poisonous intrigues the young princess.


Character's Playby: Sonam Kapoor
Hair: Long, soft and silky dark brown hair. Its naturally curly. Meera loves to try different hair styles and colors her hair black sometimes. She also straightens her hair temporarily when she feels like it.
curly brown, straightened, single pig tail, messy loose bun,pony tail,hair accessories, fashionista

Eyes: big, almond shaped, black colored eyes. Meera usually puts make up that makes her eyes stand out.This includes eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow.
eye look

Height:1.77m( 5 feet 9.5 inches) At her age she is easily considered taller than most of her friends. As Meera wears heels from time to time she look even taller but she likes being tall.

Style: Meera loves dressing up. She wears designer clothes all the time and has an excellent choice in clothes, jewelry, bags, sun glasses, perfumes and of course shoes! She avoids wearing jeans because she considers jeans and trousers to be for men. She mostly wears designer dresses, sometimes tops and skirt, other times saree and which is a traditional outfit of her home land India.

Chania Choli Style,Saree style, dress style 2, dress style 2Skirt and Top Style 1, skirt and top style 2

Other Distinguishing Features:Meera has a tatoo on the centre of her back. It is a peacock bird with its feathers. This tatoo is given to Meera because of her heritage as a Princess, a secret she protects with her life.

Piercing: Ears and nose. She does not usually wear nose rings. Only on some Indian traditional occasion, Meera is seen with a nose ring. She always wears earings that matches with her outfit.
royal nose ring

A few small, hard to notice unless closely observed scars are found on Meera chest. These are usually hidden by clothing. Meera got this scars when she was a beginner at practicing hand to hand combat and sword fighting. Magic and medicines have reduced them greatly.

A Little Deeper

Meera is smart and very sharp. She takes some time to make new friends because she has been taught to not trust people very easily. She does not let her guard down easily because she knows she is not safe, not even in the wizarding world. However, as she is a teenager and has to live life normally, for now she makes friends with people she finds are loyal to her. She would not make friends with anyone who did not have a very good sense in fashion. She likes to keep her surroundings clean and tidy, dress up presentably and speak proper sentences with good grammar. She does not use slang language or curse words because she believes those are for people with no class. Once she does make friends with people she hangs out with them but does not allow new people to join them without prior notice and discussion. Meera acts in this way so that she cannot let anyone get very close to her. She has to hide her identity as a Princess until the right time.

Special Talents: As a Princess Meera has to learn a lot of things. All of these are not known to people. She is good in horse riding, Swimming, Painting, Playing the piano and sitar, Singing and Dancing the Bharatnatiyum, ball room dancing and salsa. Her secret abilities include handling weapons like swords, shields and of course guns. She is also trained in archery and hand to hand combat.

Likes & Dislikes
Favourite person: Her father
Favourite food: Paneer curry(Indian dish)
Favourite drink: Buttermilk
Favourite subject:DADA
Favourite Professor: Trasnfiguration Professor cuz he's so hot
Favourite brand of clothes: Dolce and Gabbana
Favourite brand for jewelry: Dior
Favourite colour:purple
Favourite music: Hindi songs
Favourite Hindi singers: Shreya Ghosal and Mika Singh
Favourite English Singer: Taylor Swift
Favourite place to be :paris
Favourite animal: Puppies
Favourite chocolate: Flakes
Favourite Book: The Host by Stephanie Meyer
Favourite Hindi Movie: Dilwale Dulhania le Jaynge
Favourite English Movie: Devil Wears Prada
Favourite English Actress: Anna Hatheway and Kiera Knightley
Favorite English Actor:Johnny Depp.
Favourite Hindi Actress: Priyanka Chopra
Favorite Hindi Actor: Rabir Kapoor

Least favourite food: Steak
Least favourite drink: alcohol, for now
Least favourite person: Her step uncle(whom she has never met)
Least Favourite subject:None
Least favourite place to be: Crowdy areas
Least favourite animal:Cats
Least favourite music: Classical
Least favourite English movie:Dirty Dancing


On 1st January 2017, Radhika Patel and Samarjitsingh Patel were blessed with a daughter. The start of a New Year and the birth of the young baby girl seemed to bring a lot of happiness to the royal family of Gujrat.This day had been awaited in whole of Gujrat for three years now. Radhika and Samarjitsingh had been trying to conceive and they had found no success. After two miscarriages, Radhika finally gave birth safely to a daughter and the entire state of Gujrat celebrated. It was a royal birth and the celebrations were grand. The young baby girl was weighed and gold weighing hundred times her weight was distributed amongst the poor. Grand feast was organized by the palace and all the royal cousins and family members of the Patel dynasty came to see the young girl that would one day grow up to be a princess.

On the seventh day after her birth, according to Gujrati traditions and customs the priest announced that the baby princess ought to be named from the letter 'M'. The 'faiba' (blood sister of Samarjitsingh) was given the task of choosing the name as per the Gujrati custom. She named the baby girl Meera after the the 16th century Indian princess Meera or Meerabai who devoted her life to worship the Indian God, Krishna.Radhika had been visiting a religious place for prayers when she went into labor and Meera was born in the city of Rajkot. After the naming ceremony was over the young princess and her mother along with the rest of the family came back to Ahmadabad were the royal palace was located.

Being of royal birth, princess Meera was naturally the most loved baby one could imagine. Every living royal person in the family played with the young princess and she was only put down when she wanted to sleep. Naturally many maids had been hired to take care of Meera but her mother Radhika insisted she did everything for her daughter on her own. Happiness was however short lived for the royal Patel family. One and half year after Meera's birth Princess Radhika got pregnant again and the doctors informed the family that it was a boy child. Samarjitsingh and Radhika were overjoyed by the news and soon it spread to all the royal relatives.Meera was turning two years old and her mother's delivery date got closer. The earliest memory which Meera recalls is the day of Diwali festival when she was dressed in 'chania choli'. The young gujrati princess was excited for the fireworks and sweets but that wish never came true.All the royal relatives of the Patel dynasty had gathered in the royal palace of Ahmadabad.

Meera's grandfather, King Jayantilal Patel had married twice. His first wife, Late Queen Ranjan had born him one son, Samarjitsingh(Meera's father) and one daughter,Chitra. Ranjan had died after giving birth to Chitra and Jayantilal had married again, this time to Queen Prafula. Prafula had one son, Suryaprakash. All the three children grew with love under the care of their parents in the royal palace. Samarjitsingh was elder followed by Chitra and Suryaprakash. The royal family looked up to Samarjitsingh who as the older son was lawfully the one who would take forward the title of the King from his father. As children there was never any favoring or discrimination amongst the children. They were given the best education and trained in music, dance, archery, horse riding, sword fighting and swimming.

When Samarjitsingh turned twenty five he had completed his Master's degree in Psychology from Oxford University. His return to Gujrat made the people of the kingdom so happy and celebrations were in order. During the celebrations everyone expected King Jayantilal to announce Samarjitsingh as the next King but this did not happen. Queen Prafula had played a dirty trick on the King's mind as she wanted her son, Suryaprakash to be King. Prafula suggested that the King should wait two more years and see how Samarjitsingh handled fatherhood before giving him the responsibility of an entire kingdom. During the celebrations King Jayantilal announced the wedding of his son Samarjitsingh to the 22 year old Princess Radhika Khetia. a Rajput princess of Baroda. They were happily married and the entire kingdom now waited for the royal couple to get a child.

Radhika had come from a royal family but of lower rank than Samarjitsingh. Before they married Radhika revealed a secret to Samarjitsingh. She told her future husband about a wizarding world that co-existed in hiding with the muggle world. Radhika was a muggle born witch. Samarjitsingh had grown to love Radhika since the day of their engagement and he said he had no problem with magic only that it would continue to be a secret. Thus Radhika only practiced some simple magic in hiding when she got the chance and as wands and spells were not of much use her talents grew in Potion making.

Meanwhile Queen Prafula and her son, Suryaprakash plotted ways to get the throne for themselves. Suryaprakash was distracted as Queen Prafula died of malaria and the entire kingdom mourned with the royal family. The mourning increased as Radhika Patel had two miscarriages and finally after a long sad time Gujrat found happiness as Princess Meera was born. King Jayantilal saw Samarjitsingh handling fatherhood very well and decided to crown him king. Suryaprakash was back on his guard and after hearing the news that his step brother would become father to yet another child but this time a boy he decided it was time to take matters into his own hands and play dirty.

On that day of Diwali festival Suryaprakash poisoned the food in the royal kitchens and every living family member of Patel dynasty was dead. Samarjitsingh and Radhika were severely sick too but Radhika being the witch that she was easily conjured up a potion that acted as antidote to poison and saved herself and her husband along with her daughter and apparated them away far away from India.
Samarjitsingh and Radhika mourned for days as they stayed hidden in Middle East trying to figure out who had conspired against the Patel dynasty. When after a few days the media revealed that Suryaprakash was alive Radhika and Samarjitsingh had found their culprit. Suryaprakash claimed that he had been fasting that day and had not eaten anything and had therefore survive. In this sad times the Gujrat accepted him as King and matters began running again in Gujrat.

Samarjitsingh could not handle the loss of his father and all relatives and decided he had no interest in the throne. Radhika had yet another miscarriage and the sad couple decided to move to France where they started their life once again in the muggle world. Samarjitsingh began teaching in University of France and Radhika worked as a housewife. All the luxuries were gone but more than that the couple missed their relatives and Indian culture. One year later Samarjitsingh heard the news that another royal clan, Joshi had been similarly wiped off. Radhika's family had been close friends with the Joshis and she immediately apparated to the palace of the Joshi royal family in Surat. Radhika found a young ten year old boy called Arjun who had been sleeping while his whole family had a feast and died. Arjun as Radhika recalled was also suppose to be future King for the Joshi clan. Radhika retured to France with the young boy and they took him in as their own.

The coming year brought little happiness for the Patel family. They no longer called themselves as Patels because that would make it too easy to trace them. They found a new surname, Gupta. Radhika was blessed with a son and Samarjitsingh and Radhika took this as a sign that God was still with them. Meera's brother was named Kush. They decided to continue living in hiding until the day when Meera would turn eighteen. They would then go and claim back their kingdom and the throne. Arjun who was seven years older than Meera was trained by Samarjitsingh in archery, sword fighting and hand to hand combat. Arjun attended Beauxbatons because he too turned out to be a muggle born wizard. Arjun then was the mentor and guardian of Meera. Arjun was never told of his royal birth but Meera's parents had decided that the day when they would have their kingdom back and Meera would turn eighteen they would also help Arjun get his kingdom back and then get Meera and Arjun married.

Meera grew up with her parents, her brother and Arjun in their house in Paris. While escaping Radhika had managed to take away enough treasure from the royal vaults to support them for a life time and even as muggles they live a very porsh life. As Meera grew up she was told all the religious stories and taught the Gujrati and Indian traditions and customs. Their family started getting social with other Indian families in France. At the age of seven Meera was given her tatoo that symbolized her position in the royal family.She was told however to always cover her tatoo because exposing that would mean revealing her family secret. Her brain and her body were entwined around the fact of guarding her family and herself and protecting her secret until the right time. Meera attended the muggle elementary school and she was a bright and beautiful child.At the age of ten, Meera started training with Arjun. She enjoyed his company and his friendship. Learning from him came so easily to her. Arjun taught her how to ride a horse first and then they moved to swords and archery. Her mother taught her singing which she had inherited from her grandmother whom she never knew. Playing the piano and the 'sitar' were also taught to Meera by her mother. She was trained as a swimmer by her father and painting was something she learned on her own and developed as her hobby.

Becoming a witch

Meera enjoyed the display of magic that was used at their house for chores. To the muggles however they were just a normal family. Meera was very happy that her father had loved her mother just as much after learning the truth about her magic. Her guardian and friend, Arjun too was a wizard and then it came to her.Meera started showing signs of having magic when she was nine. This happened luckily when she was at home and she was painting. Her paintbrush had fallen down and had lifted itself up into the air to reach her hands on its own. Meera's family had been delighted by this news.

She knew that she too would be going to a magical school like her mother. She was very curious and excited to learn magic but she was sad to live her parents especially because she was frightened that something would happen to them.
When she turned eleven she did however receive a letter from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France. She said goodbye to her family and started her journey as a witch. She enjoyed learning magic and having the company of a few selected friends at school. She never trusted anyone to reveal her greatest secret and luckily no one ever suspected her. No one knew that she could handle swords or that she was trained in archery. She did however amaze many as she was very pretty and had the talents of playing the piano, swimming and painting. Not to mention the designer clothes she wore.

She enjoys the subjects of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Meera is very happy to be learning it because now other than using her muggle skills of swords and archery she has magical powers too to protect her family during time of need, if it ever came. Other than defence Meera likes Transfiguration because the Professor teaching the subject is very handsome and young. Like her mother Meera enjoys Potion making too.

Meera is currently in her fifth year. She has been made prefect in her school since her third year. She is very bright and one of the top students in her class. Meera had been on the Beauxbatons Qudditch team since her third year as a Chaser. Meera has been asked out several times by boys in her school but Meera has no interest in dating anyone and thus has been rejecting boys since her third year. As a pretty Indian girl with amazing fashion sense, Qudditch skills and grades Meera draws attention anywhere she goes. Meera started opening up to new people in her fifth year. Her new roommate and best friend Alice Hills and Charlotte Williams are the ones she is usually found with. Meera is glad that the girls have some fashion sense because the first thing Meera sees in a person is their style of dressing and if they do not have it right than Meera does not associate with them.

At the end of her fifth year, Meera's father was extremely worried about his family's secret because he received a letter filled with threats. He was not able to find out who had written the letter but he decided it was best if his bloodline was spreadout. He thought that was the best way to protect his family. Meera's paper for transfer to HNZ were prepared and Samarjitsingh gave Arjun all the responsibility of the Princess. The pair left for New Zealand and it was decided that they would make no contact with the remaining family in Paris for two years until Meera graduated. Samarjitsingh sent his son to receive muggle education in a French boarding school.

Meera was extremely sad to be separated from her friends and family. It was totally unexpected. She decided to break up with her boyfriend Karl because she did not believe in long distance relationships and she feared her parents would find out and she did not want to risk her safety by staying in contact with France. In Hogwarts, she was sorted into Hufflepuff but she did not care. For weeks she skipped meals and was furious about everything. She made no friends and grew weak. Once when she fainted and her guardian, Arjun was contacted about her problem. Only then did she begin to eat and pay attention in her classes. After attending the Halloween Feast she finally started liking Hogwarts and HOM class helped her understand more about the founder of her house. She is now happy and proud to be a Hufflepuff.


Past Home in Paris:
Mansion Front View
Mansion Back View
Guest room-Current occupant Tara Sitara
Parents room
Arjun's room
Kush's room
The Kitchen

Dorm room at Beauxbatons

Family Members:


Mother: Radhika Gupta(Patel)
Blood status:Muggle born
Hogwarts Scotland Graduate of 2010
Birthdate: 5th April 1993


Father:Samarjitsingh Gupta(Patel)
Blood status:Muggle
Occupation:professor at University of France.
Birthdate: 18th Oct 1991


Brother:Rajat Gupta(Patel)
Blood status:Muggle
Birthdate:18 April 2021


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