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Full Name:
Rajkumari Meera Samarjitsingh Jayantilal Gupta(Patel)
Rajkumari:means Princess in Hindi. It is her position is the royal family.At the moment her Father is Prince so is her brother and she is a Princess.
Meera:This is the name of a 16th century Indian Princess who devoted her life to worshiping the Hindu God, Krishna. This is the name given to her by her Father's sister. According to Gujrati traditions it is the paternal aunt who decides the name of the child. The letter 'M' was recommended by the priest basing on the timing and her date of birth.
Samarjitsingh: Is Meera's father's name. Samarjeet means Winner of the battle.
Jayantilal: Is the name of Meera's grandfather. It is another name for Indian Lord Shiva.
Gupta: Is Meera's fake current surname. Derived from Sanskrit goptri, meaning military governor.When Meera's parents fled to France they had to hide their identity and took up this surname as it was a very common one.
Patel: Is Meera's real surname. It is the surname for the royal clan. It is associated with people whose ancestors were traditionally landlords.
Date of Birth:
1st January 2017
Current Age:16
Basic Appearance:
Character's Playby: Sonam Kapoor
Hair: Long, soft and silky dark brown hair. Its naturally curly. Meera loves to try different hair styles and colors her hair black sometimes. She also straightens her hair temporarily when she feels like it.
curly brown, straightened, single pig tail, messy loose bun,pony tail,hair accessories, fashionista
Eyes: big, almond shaped, black colored eyes. Meera usually puts make up that makes her eyes stand out.This includes eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow.
eye look
Height:1.77m( 5 feet 9.5 inches) At her age she is easily considered taller than most of her friends. As Meera wears heels from time to time she look even taller but she likes being tall.
Style: Meera loves dressing up. She wears designer clothes all the time and has an excellent choice in clothes, jewelry, bags, sun glasses, perfumes and of course shoes! She avoids wearing jeans because she considers jeans and trousers to be for men. She mostly wears designer dresses, sometimes tops and skirt, other times saree and which is a traditional outfit of her home land India.
Chania Choli Style,Saree style, dress style 2, dress style 2Skirt and Top Style 1, skirt and top style 2
Meera is smart and very sharp. She takes some time to make new friends because she has been taught to not trust people very easily. She does not let her guard down easily because she knows she is not safe, not even in the wizarding world. However, as she is a teenager and has to live life normally, for now she makes friends with people she finds are loyal to her. She would not make friends with anyone who did not have a very good sense in fashion. She likes to keep her surroundings clean and tidy, dress up presentably and speak proper sentences with good grammar. She does not use slang language or curse words because she believes those are for people with no class. Once she does make friends with people she hangs out with them but does not allow new people to join them without prior notice and discussion. Meera acts in this way so that she cannot let anyone get very close to her. She has to hide her identity as a Princess until the right time.
Mother: Radhika Gupta(Patel)
Blood status:Muggle born
Hogwarts Scotland Graduate of 2010
Birthdate: 5th April 1993

Radhika is a very sweet and loving Indian woman. Before she got married to Meera's father, Radhika had been from a royal family herself. She was a Rajput Princess from the state of Baroda. When Radhika was eleven she had received a letter from Hogwarts Scotland. Her parents had absolutely refused to let her attend the school. She was a Princess and naturally if she went missing for such long time the people would notice and ask questions. Radhika was showing many signs of magic and two months later her parents agreed to let her attend the wizarding school. She began late but she was a bright student and was sorted into the house of Ravenclaw. Radhika's skills lay in Potion making and she hoped to be a doctor or a healer one day. She did not play Qudditch because the game scared her. She enjoyed playing the sitar and singing Indian songs. She was not very active in any clubs but due to her good academic performance she was selected as a Prefect in her sixth year. Once she was done with school her parents brought her straight home. Radhika knew that being allowed to study magic was all her parents could do for her. She started attending a muggle University and took a degree in Nursing. Radhika was the most beautiful Princess in entire of Eastern India and many suitors came to ask her hand for marriage. When Jayantilal, Samarjitsingh's father who was a good friend of Radhika's father proposed marriage of their children Radhika's father agreed as Samarjitsingh was decent and quite a catch.
Before they married Radhika revealed a secret to Samarjitsingh. She told her future husband about a wizarding world that co-existed in hiding with the muggle world. Samarjitsingh had grown to love Radhika since the day of their engagement and he said he had no problem with magic only that it would continue to be a secret. Thus Radhika only practiced some simple magic in hiding when she got the chance and as wands and spells were not of much use her talents grew in Potion making.
Radhika had three miscarriages in her life and she thanks God everyday for giving her two beautiful children. She loves them and spends all her time with her family because she has seen how death can come so close and everything can be lost. She hopes that her daughter will help her family and her husband would one day get the position as King.
Father:Samarjitsingh Gupta(Patel)
Blood status:Muggle

Birthdate: 18th Oct 1991

Samarjitsingh is one among the three offspring of his late father who was the King. His sister Chitra was killed by Suryaprakash who is his step brother. Samarjitsingh has been living by hiding his true identity in France for past thirteen years. He has been teaching Psychology in the University. He enjoys horse riding and swimming. He is also trained in hand to hand combat, archery and sword fighting. He loves his children and his wife. Sometimes he thinks that he should just continue his life in France but the values that he has been given of bringing out the truth make him want to tell his people how his stepbrother killed their entire clan for power.
Samarjitsingh has grown to live with magic. His wife, his daughter and his future son in law all are having the gift of magic. He will forever be thankful to his wife for saving his life when his step brother tried to kill him.
Brother:Rajat Gupta(Patel)
Blood status:Muggle
Birthdate:18 April 2021

Rajat is four years younger than Meera. He just turned eleven but has not shown signs of magic and so he is a muggle like his father. Rajat looks up to his sister as she is so smart and brave and wishes to be like her. As he is still young he does not fully understand the difficult situation of his family but he knows that his sister will make everything right. Rajat enjoys playing with his play station and playing football. He attends the muggle elementary school and is currently in grade five. As Meera is always away at school Rajat spends his free time with Arjun whom he adores.
Meera has a horse. She has named him Silver Arrow because he is strong and fast. When Meera has holidays she rides her horse and occasionally do the cleaning he requires. Meera is of course not allowed to take Silver Arrow to school as he is so large. At school Meera rides Hippogriffs as she has taken Care of Magical Creatures. One of her favorite Hippogriffs at Beaux is called Sandy.
Meera also has an owl. This is actually her family owl. It's called Maya. Its a white snowy owl that her mother had bought for her when she turned eleven.
Area of Residence:
Outskirts of Paris, France.
Meera has been living in Paris since she was two years old. She was born in the city of Rajkot in Gujrat, India.
Blood Status:
Meera's mother was a muggleborn witch and her father a muggle so I suppose she is muggleborn.
Indian. Gujrati to be specific.
Special Abilities:
Secret abilities include handling weapons like swords, shields and of course guns. She is also trained in archery and hand to hand combat.
Interests or Hobbies:
-Meera enjoys flying. She owns a Sapphire streak.She loves playing Qudditch.
-She also like reading and her favorite book books include The Host by Stephanie Meyer and Two States by Chetan Bhagat.
-Meera enjoys swimming when its hot.
-Meera only dances,sings or plays a musical instrument when she is formally required to do so.
Additional Skills:
- Horse riding and swimming She was taught that by her father and she is extremely good .
-Playing the piano and sitar, singing and dancing the Bharatnatiyum which she was taught by her mother. She also learned ballroom dancing and salsa.
Strengths: Responsible, good managers, disciplined, self-control
Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst, cannot easily be friends with boys.
Describe your character in three words:
Smart: She has inherited her brains from both her parents. Her mother was a brainy Ravenclaw and Meera usually tops in her class and does very well in whatever she sets her mind on.
Beautiful: Meera has got her good looks from both her parents. As royals it was only natural that their parents chose good looking partners to keep the good looking trait in the family. Her mother is extremely pretty and so is Meera. Her slight tan makes her stand out and her good sense of fashion only makes her more attractive.
Talented : Meera is skilled at a lot of extracurricular activities as listed above. She can easily pick up new things and is a fast learner.
Favourite place to be:
Her family mansion on the outskirts of Paris. She loves it there because its where she grew up and she feels safe there. Her parents, her brother and her mentor live at this house and even though Meera enjoys the company of her friends and school she is closer and more comfortable at home because she does not have to hide her identity when she is at home.
-Best friend and roomate:Alice Hills
Met at school during Meera's fifth year when Alice transferred to Beaux
-Close friend and roomate: Charlotte Williams
Met at school when Charlotte transferred back to Beaux
-Close friend and family cook: Tara Sitara
Met at Meera's mansion when Tara Sitara came to work there as a cook
-Met once friend : Cici Dallas
Met during shopping in Paris
Hogwarts House: N/A
School Hopes and Ambitions: Meera is an all-rounder at school. She is on the school Qudditch team and plays the position of a chaser since her third year. Meera was also made prefect in her fifth year. She is excellent at academics. She has not really thought about her ambitions because she knows her future has been set for her in the muggle world.
Best school subjects: DADA and Potions
From her first year, Meera enjoyed studying Defense because it made her more confident. Meera thought that if ever her muggle techniques failed her she would always have magic to protect her family. She got to understanding Potions at a very early age as her mother used to brew them sometimes at home for practice. Meera liked mixing all the ingredients. It was like chemistry but only magical.
Worst school subjects: None actually because she always tops everything. She does dislike studying Ancient Runes because hello, they are ancient and she does not see how they would ever help her.
Extracurricular Activities:
Qudditch, swimming, horse riding, painting and photography.
Current Job:N/A
Plans for your future:
Meera's future was decided for her when she was two years old. When she turns eighteen she has to go back to her home town and explain to the people how her step uncle schemed and succeeded in killing their entire clan to become King. Once she has him locked up, her father will be made King and her family would live in India.
For this reason Meera never thought about pursuing any carrier in the wizarding world. She feels sad at times because she wants to have a life with magic in it but she is very obedient and loves her family so she does not think of this.
Meera generally hates boys but recently she ended up crushing on one called Lake Silver. After listening to Alice's advice Meera agreed to try to be normal around boys and currently she is trying that. Meera knows that according to her custom and traditions her parents would find her a good suitor from a royal family and for this reason she had been rejecting all boys that asked her out. Now she is having second thoughts about that. She wants to have a normal life and maybe a boyfriend like everyone else but she fears all the lying she would have to do to both her parents and her boyfriend to make that work.
Patronus: A horse
Patronus memory:
Meera remembers the memory of her fifteenth birthday. It was the happiest time of her life. Her parents had agreed to her wish and had not thrown a big party for her. She just wanted family and it had been just that. She had been learning to drive for a month and they had gifted her a Mercedes benz. She had told them that she wanted to cook lunch for everyone and she had been allowed to do that. She also remembers how her mentor Arjun had said that she had improved so much in her training and she had managed to knock him down when they had trained that day.
Your Boggart:
The scene of her parents, her brother and her mentor dead in their family home in Paris.
Your Animagus:
If Meera were an Animagus she would probably be a big cat like maybe a tigress or a lioness. She is very fierce and protective of her family. She is also usually in control of everything just like a big cat.
Mirror of Erised:
If Meera looked into Mirror of Erised she would see her family in India. Her father would be King and her brother beside her father ready to take control of the kingdom when his time came. Her family would have got their respect and love from the people and her uncle in jail or dead. At the moment she sees herself by her family with a Princess crown on her head but this part is soon changing.
A page from your diary:
My mentor, Arjun always told me never to write your feelings down. As I have to hide the fact that I am a Princess creating any kind of evidence in hard copy is simply stupid. Despite what he said a few years back he insists that I write my feelings down because I seem disturbed these days. Well, he is right. During my three day trip to Bulgaria, I developed a crush on a boy named Lake and kissed him in public. After I realized that the media was present I ran away and broke my own heart. Luckily my parents have not heard of this and I hope it stays that way. When I told Alice about the situation she recommended that I should get comfortable around boys. Seriously? Boys are pathetic but Alice says some can be nice. So I agreed. During my holidays I could not help but think about Lake and whether I should owl him or not. Of course I could not owl him because I would never be able to be with him or anything. So once when I had tricked Arjun into going clubbing with a witch and found myself all alone with a man Aodh who couldn't stop looking at me, I took a risk. He was totally into me so I played along. I knew it was wrong to use him to get over Lake but I did it anyway. After he kissed me, I kissed him back. It was very different because when I kissed Lake it was so simple, just one kiss. But with Aodh it was intense. I French kissed him and we made out in the men's room. I felt in control once again. I knew he was eighteen and would have wanted to continue and take me to his bed but after a while I said goodbye and went home. Once the second term began I was back to being the sweetheart of the school. But things got harder as Alice introduced me to Karl. He is sweet, more than one can expect guys to be. He took his time but like everyone else he asked me out. I don't know why but I think I will say yes. And no, I don't fancy him in that way, not yet atleast.