Meegul Daflea

Meegul Daflea

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Meegul Daflea
- Birth Date: October 27th 2009
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Meegul is pretty tall for his age standing at 5'3. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes.
- Parents:
- Anthony Daflea: An auror who is at the top of his game. Loves his kids and his wife above all things. Pure Blood
- Michelle Daflea: Former Helpdesk witch at the Ministry of Magic. Also worked in Diagon Alley at Flourish and Blotts temporarily. Loves her kids and husband and is a stay at home mom now. Half Blood.

- Siblings, if any:
- Michael Daflea: Current graduate of the original Hogwarts, just graduated last year. Has taken up a job at the Ministry at the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad.
- Angelina: One year younger than Meegul she cant wait to start Hogwarts NZ the year after him. Likes to play with her enchanted little dolls and play other games at home.

- Pets, if any: The family owns 2 owls and 3 dogs.
- Area of Residence: New Zealand; before in the US and then England.
- Blood status: Half Blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A Dog
- What would their Boggart be? His family members dead
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A Dog
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Himself with a great job and great family and lots of wealth
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Being taught Qudditch by his family
Welcome to HNZ Meegul

I have a few questions:D

1. Why did you move to England from the U.S.A. and then to New Zealand from England? Was it because your family decided to move?

2. Will your mother decide to find a job once you and your younger sister start school?

3. What house would look like your character to be in? And why?

4. What are your animals names?

5. What job do you consider a great job?

6. You said that your Animagus and your Patronus would be a dog, any specific breed? And your memory doesn't make a lot of sense, if your memory is you getting a letter from Hogwarts your happiest memory why would it be a dog? They have to fit in together, eg, Harry's patronus is a doe like his Mothers and his memory is him spending time with his mother and father as a young child.
Hey Micheal. Welcome to HNZ.

Reading through you bio you said:
Michael Daflea: Current graduate of Hogwarts NZ, just graduated last year. Has taken up a job at the Ministry at the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad.

How is this possible as Hogwarts NZ is only in it's fifth year?

You should possibly considering changing this to Hogwarts HS or some other magic school.
Nina Patrokov said:
Welcome to HNZ Meegul

I have a few questions:D

1. Why did you move to England from the U.S.A. and then to New Zealand from England? Was it because your family decided to move?

2. Will your mother decide to find a job once you and your younger sister start school?

3. What house would look like your character to be in? And why?

4. What are your animals names?

5. What job do you consider a great job?

6. You said that your Animagus and your Patronus would be a dog, any specific breed? And your memory doesn't make a lot of sense, if your memory is you getting a letter from Hogwarts your happiest memory why would it be a dog? They have to fit in together, eg, Harry's patronus is a doe like his Mothers and his memory is him spending time with his mother and father as a young child.
1. My family was unhappy about the way the Ministry of Magic in the USA was running things so we moved to England. And then my Dad heard about Hogwarts NZ and the possible job opportunities there with the Ministry and he decided with my mom that we would all move there.

2. No she will most likely stay home doing various things at the house and getting together with some of her friends.

3. Meegul would most likely want to go to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw because they are both hard working are smart. Another reason is because his whole family has been Ravenclaw and Gryffindor mix.

4. The owls: Aries and Zeus. The dogs: Charlie, Rex, and Biscuit

5. I consider a job like an Auror or a Obliviator or even a professor to be a great job.

6. It would most likely be a big golden retriever or a German shepherd. I have edited it. and now Its when he was taught Qudditch by his family and the dog represents his family and him being together and his pets that he loves also. (not sure if that makes sense but it does to me :p)
Patricia Rogers said:
Hey Micheal. Welcome to HNZ.

Reading through you bio you said:
Michael Daflea: Current graduate of Hogwarts NZ, just graduated last year. Has taken up a job at the Ministry at the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad.

How is this possible as Hogwarts NZ is only in it's fifth year?

You should possibly considering changing this to Hogwarts HS or some other magic school.
Just changed thanks.

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