Maybe I Should Actually Have Topics

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Heyy All!

So, I've almost pretty much made all the graphics in the graphics corner, which means, I'm a little bored. Lol. Anyway, I have a few characters that I'd like you to meet, and would love to have topics with your characters.

Firstly, is my crazy little fun ball, Felix Garcia.
Now, this guy is one of my newer guys. He's got a development, but I'm working on a bio, but for now, just put up with what I have. Anyway, he's a fourth year BeauxBatons student, I'm thinking of applying him to be at Hogwarts come the next year. Mostly, because I'd rather not just have another first year. However, for now he needs friends, and pretty much everything else. Felix is a crazy, spontaneous guy. He loves having fun, he loves hanging with his friends, he loves winter and summer sports. It doesn't take much to make him happy, and it's hard to get him upset, but when he's upset, you can tell, pretty easily. He's a bit of a hopeless romantic when he falls for a girl, but currently, at the ripe age of 15 he's not looking for anything longer than a month and is not against dating multiple people at once. ((He's at Beauxbatons after all))
For him, I need friends, guys or girls who would similar to him, love having fun. Someone who's not really fun would probably have difficulty liking him, but it wouldn't affect him at all.
As for dating, girls or guys would be fine. Nothing long term, One day relationships, party relationships. One/Two date type stuff. Felix is what you'd class as Bi, but is a lot more into girls than guys. He just follows his heart.
Perhaps a young girl to crush on him. That could be fun.
For him, pretty much open for anything.

Secondly, I have Isaac Pike.
I barely use this character, it's the brother to a character that belonged to a girl that used to be on the site. She's not been around in a while, so I've never known what to do with him. However, because I love Isaac and Solenn as a couple, or future couple, I'm bringing him back. Isaac is an American Teen who studied in Beauxbatons, and is currently living in the French Rivera. Living the dream, his parents are well off, but he still works at a local bar/cafe. He's been going through a whole bunch of stuff. The sister I've said is very sick, and it's struck him hard. Finding it hard to understand why her. He's got a few friends, but hasn't had a girlfriend in a long while. He's more the type of guy who picks up girls and then leaves before breakfast. He's basically heartbroken not over a girl but over what his sister's illness has done to his family. He finds it hard to find the good in love. He just wants nothing to do with it. However, knowing how cynical this sounds he's able to partially pretend that he's just an average guy in his twenties living it up. Yolo and such.
So, since he has a plot in mind, he just needs one or two friends. Prehaps could be guys to be lifelong friends. People to point him in the right direction. Start him feeling better about the situation.

And finally, We have Stefan.
Now, obviously Stefan's situation makes it difficult to RP (which was my intention since, I don't have much time for school posting, and honestly, I thought about killing him off just to make things even easier). Anyway, Let's have a Stefan update; So basically he left school, unless you hadn't noticed by his lack of Green - still confuses me/feels weird - well, he's living around. He couldn't stay in the school, and couldn't ever ask anyone for help. He's much too self-conscious/nervous to accept help from others. He's living anywhere he can, however, I'm having him go back to his old house by the end of term. Mostly because as much as his life was terrible, it was his home for about fourteen-fifteen years. It was his home. It's the only connection he had with his dead parents. The only place that could possibly offer him answers to what happened in his life. However right now, Stefan is just traveling around New Zealand, keeping somewhat close to the magical world. While at the same time as keep far enough from it from a fear of being spotted. People could maybe spot him, catch glimpses, not be sure. Really for Stefan when it comes for topic, I'm at a loss. So, all/any suggestions would be welcome.

I have other characters that I may bring back, but for now, this is all! Reply please!! I have few graphics left to make, I'll need something to do! <3
Hey emzies. I have a couple of offers. though due to current exam situations I cant start any more RP's until next week.
Offer one for Isaac Pike
Praneil patil. He is 18 or 19 (I cant quite remember, it is his first year out of beaux anyway). he is pretty laid back, and funny. trying to enjoy himself and get his shop working. he could be a friend with him.

Secondly for Stefan
The Le Feys (either Morgan or Elvera, though I think he will be more likely to trust Elvera as she has helped him once before) if he needs a hot meal, a cold meal, a warm bed, or someone who will listen to him. they will be there, they are already making a bit of a name for them selves helping any child who is in trouble.

Let me know what you think
Oh Yay! :party:

For Felix, I have Syncere Arai. She is a former Hufflepuff and is a first year. She is easily excited, and I was thinking she could have a crush on Felix. It would be a small crush because her interests change often. Anyways, I think it would be fun and filled with cuteness! :)

Mia, that sounds great for Isaac and Praneil!
Would you like to start something or shall I?
As for the whole Stefan thing, I will PM you!

Lovi, That sounds fantastic! I had an open topic in Beauxbatons if you'd want to also join it! If not we can start something else! Maybe a he helps her get something down from a shelf in the library and she then asks for his help to get more stuff. Just really innocent things that a crush could develop from.

Thanks :hug:
We discussed a former relationship between Kalani and Isaac a long time ago so maybe they catch up as friends or something? I don't know/don't really have ideas.
I dont mind who starts with Isaac/Praneil. It is up to you. It could be in france or anywhere in New zealand. as praneil went to school in france i can see him going back there for a weekend or something, and he lives in new zealand now so there would work too.
Alexis, we could have the idea of, maybe they dated once, like went on one date, really didn’t work out, but managed to stay distant friends, who meet up whenever the other’s in the area kind of idea? What do you think?

Mia, I shall start the Isaac/Praneil topic and post a link here for you, As of right now, I’m not sure where I’ll put the topic, but I’ll find somewhere!
It doenst need to be done right away if you are not sure where. I have quite a few topics at the moment. but anywhere it is up to you. it may just mean i am a little slow to reply.
I have Sebastian Rossi for a friend for Isaac. Bas is 21 (I think) and part of a band, but he's having a huge conflict lately wondering if he is enjoying and wanting of the fame coming to the band. Bas was also a Beauxbatons student, so maybe he and Isaac had mutual friends? Bas is very laidback, a prankster and needs a guy friend. He's sort of in a relationship with his bandmate but doesnt really know where things stand there and his last big relationship was when he was at Beauxbatons with a girl named Trilby.
Cyndi, that sounds great! Isaac lacks friends. And pretty much everything. And would need some guy friends to balance things out.
Would you like to start something, or shall I?
I can start it, and I'll send you a PM once I do :)
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