Maya DeNiro

Maya DeNiro

Reinstated Auror | Le Fey Kinship | Mom of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Demisexual (Domhnall)


Character's Name:
Maya Elis DeNiro
Character's Birthdate:
May 11th
Blood Status:Unknown, or Half blood
Educated At: Hogwarts H.S 2024
Former Ravenclaw Perfects
Madam Puddifoot Shop Keep
A typical Maya style would either be long frill skirts or denim jeans to cover up her scrawny legs. Her top would constants either a plain blouse or a band shirt. Normally muggels bands that she listens nothing major or over expensive. Shoes are usually flats anything that matched or doesn't go with her outfit. She don't care but she currently obsessed with wrist band her close friends in Salem got her into them. Maya wears a whole bunch of them sliding up her arms. Maya wears her thin light naturally blonde hair down most of the time, its dead hair so there not much you can do to it. Unless she feels the need to add curls once in a while. Her eyes are blue but can often change to calm greenish-blue color, when in the sun they often change, she inherit these genes from her muggel father Allen DeNiro. Maya also wears a wiccan pendant, it was a gift from Leslie's girlfriend Esmaa. Esmaa is a wiccan muggel but she clueless about the wizaring world.

You could say she a bit harsh at first when you meet her. Till she gets to know you than she will label you as a friend or a foe. Maya see it as this way better to have one or two good friends that you actually know all their secrets, than have a millions friends that just may not be your friend at all. Another sayings she goes by, "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer."


'Allen DeNiro'
Con artist, relationship to Maya- Daddy little girl
Currently- contained, does it help that his family history links to Whitey Buldger? Irish mobster?
Born-Salem, Ma


'Gwen DeNiro'
Shop keeps in Salem
Relationship to Maya- mother dearest
Born- Wellington, UK
Attended H.S-Ravenclaw graduate
Blood Status-Unknown


'Morgan Le Fey'
Gwen's twin sister,
Shop Keeper and Seer, Eve's mother and Maya's aunt

'Eve Le Fey'
Ravenclaw Students just like her cousin and aunt had been once, Morgan daughter, Maya's cousin
For as long as Maya could remember, she knew her mother had always been a witch. Her father knew about it but didn't care, he loved Gwen either way, it still didn't stop him from doing his profession. Maya grew up in a half somewhat wizaring home. Magic was only allowed when the muggels weren't around, even if they did live in a small wizaring communities. If her father was able to live with them, who to say if anyone was watching their every activities. Not that the house wasn't charmed for that reason alone. With what happen years ago in Hogwarts Gwen was always taking cautious steps when it came to her family. Besides half the time Allen wasn't home, he was either committing a crime or already contain for his careless actions. Not really careless, Allen was a con-artist and manage to get away with everything. Just the last time he wasn't so very lucky. He's been put away since Maya was nine, each Sundays she still held those memories when she went to go visit her father in jail. Maya really loved her father, her parents loved her just the same, she was afterall their only child.

It was when the visits stop happening that made the girl confused, Maya magic abilities were finally occurring that, ment she could no longer see Allen. Months later she received a letter from Hogwarts, Scotland. Again she was confused as to why she couldn't just go to Salem school, only reason why she attended was because of Gwen. If her mother hadn't graduated as a perfect, Maya would have gone to Salem.

Maya years at Hogwarts were a lot of ups and down. Mainly because she didn't let many get to know her. A few got to see the true person she really was though Maya never cared about what anyone said about her. She free spirited but sometimes can be rude in ways they would mistaken her to be slytherin. Her true best friends had been Leslie from Salem and Hadan Blake from Hogwarts. Other than that, the rest had to know her by rumors. None got attached, excepts the ones she could called exs lovers. [Will add more to it Later]

Leslie- Maya hair stylist, a half blood from Salem. A bit older than Maya, but was actually Maya first kiss. They always said practice makes perfects.

Esmaa-Leslie muggel girlfriend, clueless about the wizaring world. Salem State student. A wiccan in the muggel world.

Haden Cullen- The boy that possibly annoyed Maya but she loved him as a friend either way. Was tragic when he died, still sort of missed him.

Carslie Danielle- Maya boyfriend now friend, when she attended Hogwarts H.S. He was pureblood so full of himself, and lived life on the edge. Probably only attracted to him because of that, not to mention he was very handsome. Though she was never about looks.

Hadan Blake- Maya Gryffindor friend while he attended Hogwarts. Maya was one of those who were there for him when he was going through a bad purbity stage. Now close friends etc...

Luke Collins- Ex crush in Hogwarts Scotland, Drop out after his fifth year (well expelled from Hogwarts as a Slytherin), became well known guitarist and front man in a muggel band, born in Wellington, New Zealand, raised in Scotland.

Troy Adams-A fellow Ravenclaw house mate who dated Maya for a while till he couldn't tolerate her any longer. Maya seeing Troy to had been a waste of her time, she didn't seem to care when they splitted. She went as for as making his life a bit hell when it was over. It seems like miss blondie hadn't been over him than, or else why she took extreme measure to make him hate her now?

thanks to HAY ALISON?! @ cautious 2.0 for the graphics
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Will Add More Eventually...

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