Maya Demon Bane

Maya Demon Bane

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OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaan / Maddy
Curly 8 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Veela Hair Core
The Basics
Character's Name: Maya Elizabeth Demon Bane
Character's Birthdate: 7th February, 2010
Hometown: London, England
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Curly 8 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Veela Hair Core
Educated At: Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Occupation: Journalist / Writer / Novelist

Hair: Brown, below shoulder length chocolate brown hair.
Eyes: A light shade of hazel.
Height: 5''6
Style: Well presented, usually with jeans and a button up top. She wears her hair out and straightened, and is generally labelled a laid back traveller sort of look.

A Little Deeper
Personality: She is a kind and caring, though strongly adventurous type of person. She favours hiking and is a fierce writer and drinker. She is a knowledgeable and respected person, and cares for her mother in her spare time.
Patronus: A short haired English kitten.
Boggart: Her uncle.
Animal Familiar: A short haired English kitten, Oreo.

Maya was a quiet and enthusiastic student, attending and graduating Hogwarts with high marks, and moving on to travel the world and work as a journalist and novelist for the Daily Prophet in their travel section. She continues to write articles for the magazine, and travels fairly regularly. She takes permanent residence in Obsidian Harbour with her brother Demyx.

Father: Venerus Maximus Demon Bane - Deceased
Auror / Pureblood / Gryffindor, Hogwarts
"A strong man, Venerus was a strong supporter of the Ministry of Magic, and worked as an Auror until he passed away of lung cancer at the age of 59. He was always known as a stern man who was dedicated to his work and was a loving husband and father."

Mother: Vanessa Julia Demon Bane
Family / Pureblood / Ravenclaw, Hogwarts
"A loving mother who's life was dedicated to her husband and children. The loss of her husband Venerus left her a scarred and broken women, and she turned to drinking and staring out of her living room window. She now lives as a drunk in her house in London, rarely leaving and barely speaking to anyone."

Brother: Demyx Tiberius Demon Bane
Auror / Pureblood / Gryffindor, Hogwarts
"A stern and respected man. Dedicated to his work and his study, he persisted with the Auror's throughout his earlier years, jailing many Scitorari and Death Eaters and earning himself a high reputation. Unfortunately he never married or had children, and continues to work heavily with the ministry."

Uncle: Tiberius Maximus Demon Bane - Deceased
Scitorari / Pureblood / Slytherin, Hogwarts
"A strikingly handsome and characteristic man. He was a charmingly brilliant man with a sharp mind that was never slow on the pick up. He was killed by his brother Venerus in a raid on a Scitorari hideout. Tiberius had remained a family man until the day he died, never raising his wand against those that were blood, to his ultimate demise."

Nephew: Vrael Atticus Graves

Musician / Muggleborn / Slytherin, Hogwarts
Lives his life as a muggle musician, touring the world with his band Traitors. He doesnt often return to the magic world, unless needed by Rhys. He despises his mother, and has all but disowned his father. He lived alone in Brooklyn, New York whilst touring in his band so that he could be close to Rhys when he returned home on school break, but in the holidays of 2036, his mother committed suicide, and after moving abroad with Rhys for a year to cope with the loss of his mother and the only real family he and his brother had, he moved to New Zealand after quitting his band so that Rhys could return to Hogwarts."

Nephew: Rhys Xavier Graves

3rd Year / Muggleborn / Slytherin, Hogwarts
"A gentle and honest boy. He is was a kind and nurtured child until the death of his mother, which caused him to shut off from the world somewhat. He is a talented quidditch player and a passionate acoustic guitarist. He enjoys adventures, reading and a good chat."

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