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Stella Bell

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather

The girl whom you see above is Stella Rose Bell.
Just Stella for short.
Stella is what the modern people call 'Indie'.
She is a non-conformist. She loves Star Wars.
Stella is a hard-core nerd. She is weird.
Because of the 'blondentourage' at her orphanage,
Stella seems to get along better with boys.
What she is looking for her is:
Guy friends (not necessarily her age) who
are easy going, accepting and know how to have
a good time, and a good laugh.

I am still trying to get into character with Stella,
so any role-playing by me may seem sucky to
begin with. I beg for your pardon.
Holla back ya'll.
doooonnnnaaaaa :hug:

I have Giselle Richard... A tomboy xD
Hey Donna,
I have Michael here who is a first year Ravenclaw and a bit of a pushover. He just moved from Germany and although he is intelligent, his passion lies in poetry. He is rather quiet but also gets into all sorts of mischief and is rather cheeky, though nobody finds out because they don't expect it from him. He is the youngest of three boys as his baby sister passed away.
I think they would be interesting to RP, we could just see what happens, perhaps they would be friends, opposites attract and all that lark.
- We can give them a go, but Stella wouldn't be too keen to get to know a girl at first. She'll find it pretty weird, but we can rp and see where it goes ^_^

- Stella would love the intelligent/poetry side of Michael. She would be super keen to do a bit of mischief with him.

I am keen to do these, but I won't be able to rp for 2 weeks starting from this coming Saturday. Just keep it in mind ^_^
I have Yossarian, here.
I haven't plotted with him yet so it'll be nice for him to make friends.
Yossarian's a calm, quiet sort of guy who's kind and gentle.
He likes things like birds, astronomy, playing guitar and funny stuff like that that make him look like a bit of a romantic, but really he just enjoys a bit of the finer things in life.
He can be very mischevious though, so it's a bit of a surprise to those who get to know him better. He needs friends that can bring him out of the quiet-zone for a bit.
Think you'd like the idea?
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