May Fairfax

May Fairfax

OOC First Name
May Eleanor Fairfax

name: May Fairfax
full name: May Eleanor Fairfax
name meaning: May - pearl, a diminutive of Margaret. Eleanor - shining light. Fairfax - blonde
name reasoning: May, named after astronaut, Mae Jemison, her father's idol. May's parents decided to change the spelling from Mae to May because it looked better with their last name. Her middle name is Eleanor, named after her grandmother Nellie, and Eleanor Roosevelt her mother's idol. Fairfax is her paternal family name.
nicknames: May-Nell, May May (parents only), June (brothers only.)
nickname history: May-Nell is her full first name, with a shortened form of Eleanor (Nell) added at the end. Nell is also another homage to her grandmother Nellie. May May started by her sister Virginia, but now only her parents call her by that nickname. June her brother's 'special' nickname for her, more of a teasing name than anything. Started because May (a month in the calender year) comes before June (the month after May.)

date of birth: March fourth, 2028
zodiac signs: Western zodiac: Pisces - the fish.
Pisces: said:
These individuals are not only changeable and adaptable, they have open minds and tremendous understanding. Pisces may spend a good portion of their lives yearning for understanding, and the other part in a state of divine discontent. Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the Piscean world. A deep love for humanity, and compassion that knows no bounds is found withing Pisces people. Their sense of humor is delightfully silly and a bit odd. These are perceptive souls who seem to be in touch with all the nuances and subtleties of human nature. Often this comes through in a strong sense of humor that is more of the receptive kind than the type of sense of humor that would make people the "life of the party". It's generally pretty easy to get them giggling. They're generally lovely listeners and, when you get them talking, warm conversationalists.
Chinese zodiac: the Dog
the Dog: said:
Dogs are loyal and honest, amiable and kind, cautious and prudent. Due to bearing a strong sense of loyalty and sincerity, Dogs will do everything for the person who they think is most important. Overall Dogs enjoy good health for they tend to be happy all the time. Dogs are active at doing sports, so they are resilient to illnesses such as colds, coughs, and fever.
In heavy work and frequent social activities, in addition to proper excise, they should pay attention to having enough rest, which will benefit both physical and mental health. Since Dogs are far from crazy about seeking money and power, they feel less stressed and tense at work and in life.
dominant hand: Left handed. Growing up she watched her siblings to their homework. Desperate to not live under her older sister's shadow May decided that she would use the opposite hand, her left. May doesn't know this but she is actually a natural left handed person.
allergies: Strawberries. This is May's only allergy. She found out when her family was at the parade and her mother had packed strawberries to munch on, May got all teary eyed and felt like her nose was Niagra falls. It is a fairly mild allergy though.

hometown: Cape Town, South Africa
current residence: Palmerston North, New Zealand. Moved when nine years old.
history: May Fairfax was born in Cape Town, South Africa on March fourth to Emma and Neil Fairfax in New Somerset Hospital. She was born in the early afternoon, weighing eight pounds and seven ounces. She was fifty-two cm long. At her birth her parents, and grandmother were present.
Her History: said:
May had a very happy early childhood. She had her three older siblings to play and adventure with her, and her little sister to nurture and help. In South Africa her parents owned a modest four bedroom house which backed onto a field, and also had a very large front lawn. She shared a bedroom with Florence, which was painted a daffodil yellow, with large windows and tons of sunlight. The five kids spent most of their time playing outside when not at school.

May had an easy time at school as far as academics went, though being rather impatient made her not easy to get along with. She didn't have many friends at school, and it never bothered her. She is very good at sciences and was always quite applauded on by her teacher and substitute teachers for being so academically focused. Throughout her elementary years she stayed in muggle school, until grade four. During the fourth grade May decided to be home-schooled so that she could advance into higher grades and work at her own pace.

When May was nine, her family decided to move to New Zealand. Her grandmother was getting sick, and so to help her grandparents the whole family moved to Palmerston North. Her parents found jobs quickly and they bought a large three bedroom apartment close to downtown. May decided she would go back to public school, and enrolled in the grade ahead. Four months later grandmother Nellie died. May's older sister Virginia didn't cope very well, she didn't eat, and she never left their room. This was the first time May saw what depression looked like. After the funeral, the Fairfaxs moved in with their grandfather into his old six bedroom house. May has lived there ever since.

May has made two very dear friends since moving to New Zealand. One, Willa Rogers, and Robbie Peterson. The three have been interpretable since her grandmother's death.
overall appearance: May is short and petite, standing at four feet, seven inches and weighing eighty-two pounds (eleven years old.) She has medium/dark skin with an even complexion. She has size five and a half feet and dainty looking hands. She has short, curly hair that is a dark chocolaty brown in colour. May has a nice oval shaped head accentuated b=with big caramel eyes and a cheery, pixie like mile.
style: May enjoys wearing rather cutesy clothing such as skirts with tights, and dresses with frilly ankle socks. She prefers clothing in white, pinks, and greens. Her favorite pattern is plaid, and she loves lace finishing. When going outside May would rather be wearing a hat.

family: May Fairfax is the fourth out of five children. Her family includes, her mother, her father, her older sister and two older brothers, herself, and than her little sister.
Family: said:
mother and father
mother: Emma Lucille Fairfax. Muggle, 43 years old. Elementary school teacher.
father: Neil Lukas Fairfax. Muggle, 47 years old. Firefighter.
oldest brother: Lennon Hamish Fairfax. Muggle, 18 years old. High school student.
older sister: Virginia Felicity Fairfax. Muggle, 16 years old. High school student.
older brother: Carlisle Rupert Fairfax. Muggle, 13 years old. Middle school student.

heritage: 3/4 African, 1/4 Caucasian. May feels indifferent to her race.
accent: May has a South African accent, it has a faint New Zealand trace to it as well.
blood type: AB positive. Rather rare, her whole family has AB positive blood.
blood status: Muggleborn. May feels because she is muggleborn, she has to prove herself even more in the wizarding world. She will not let her blood status define her abilities.

pets: Rudolph. The Fairfax's family Great Dane. Not coming to Hogwarts.
Achilles. May's owl. Will be bought before going to Hogwarts.

fears: May fears not knowing what to do. She has always been a quick thinker and when she needs somebody to help her she feels small and flimsy.
personality: May is introverted, intellectual, and ambitious. She will do almost anything to get to the top, especially if it means standing out from her four siblings. Although desperate for her turn in the spotlight May is very loyal to her parents, and friends. Her love for learning has always been a strong point because she has developed knowledge and facts on a wide variety of subjects. May is surprisingly very adventyurous, having three older, rambunctious siblings she is very keen on going outside and having fun.
three words that describe your character: selfish, intelligent, playful.

strengths: - quick learner - resourceful - good communication - busy body - good with kids.
weaknesses: - impulsive - guilty - impatient - hypocritical

- colour: dusty pink/beige
-flower: peony/none
-day of the week:Wednesday/ Saturday
-food:penne alredo and garlic toast/ watermelon salad
-material:lace/ faux leather
-time of day:sunset, 6-9pm/noon, 12-1:30pm
-drink:chai tea/iced cofee
-movie:A Walk to Remember/ Finding Nemo
-fruit:starfruit, with honey/ apples
-temperature:21 degrees Celsius/anything above 30 degrees Celsius​

likes: May loves sunsets, it is her favorite time of day and easily has over 600 pictures of them.

Anything to do with flowers. She loves to walk in flower gardens and make homemade bouquets. Her little sister also 'enjoys' talking about floral teas with May

May enjoys playing tennis. She is still a beginner, but, she loves the competitive edge.

dislikes: the smell of apples. May doesn't like the tart smell of apples.

May generally dislikes people who are self absorbed.

magic coming soon​

<SIZE size="50">play-by: Amandla Stenberg

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