Maxxie Jez

Maximilian Jez

Active Member
Full Name:
- Maximilian CIRIACO HAGEN Jez

Date of Birth:
- May 23rd

Current Age:
- 19

Basic Appearance:
- Maz has dirty blonde hair which he sometimes enjoys bleaching to a lighter color, however at the moment he is stucking with the natural shade though it may be alittle dark. For a guy he is actually quite short coming in at only around 5' 6". This he has always tried to overcome but growing up, once the other boys passed him in height they all made fun of him. For he had one quick growth burst beofre all the others and barely grew since. His doctor suggested hormones, however Max never wanted to be one who changed for others and decided against it. His style is something quite different. Growing up and going to Durmstrang, you'd think him tough and rough. However Maz is a bit on the fenimine side and his clothes are all inspired by the latest men's fashion trends.

- Thoughtful, he cares a lot about critics on his clothing. He cares a lot about his sister Adalyn but sometimes it’s too much for either of them. Max is Bi-curious, he’s interested in both sexes but doesn’t know which is the best for him. He is very sweet and let’s people take advantage of him unknowing. He is very supportive and not one quick to judge, unless it about a new fashion creation. Maximilian isn't the type of guy to ever understand the outside world and hasn't ever been a people person. However if it comes to fashion Max is whiz at creating clothing on the more edgy style yet he is also quite good at dressing himself quite smartly.

- Alice Cristiana Jazmine Jez= Baby Sister. Five years old.
Adolfo Leonardo Stace Jez= Eight Year Old. Funny. Loves Quidditch.
Jessika Edmonda Roxana Jez= 11 Year Old Sister. Innocent.
Adalyn Claribel LIa Jez= 17 Year Old Sister. Troubled but loved.
Osmond Jez= Deceased. Twin of Adalyn. Died at age 13. Happy go lucky type of kid. Always believed in a better ending, and a good one would come to everyone who tried.

- None. Living in the city with a big family leaves no room for pets.

Area of Residence:
- Rome, Italia.

Blood Status:
- Mixed.

- Italian/German/Polish

Special Abilities:
- Fashion Designer

Interests or Hobbies:
- Max is very skilled at pleasing people. He cares a lot about what people say and takes everything into consideration. He designs clothing for women and his sister wears a lot of it.

- Protective.

- Cares to much like his mother.

Describe your character in three words:
- Sweet. Forgiving. Caring.

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