Maxwell William Stone.

Maxwell Stone

Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
I can't begin to explain how we disassemble the parts and frame baby
it's the same late morning the same no show, the same f*cking habits
i guess we don't know.
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NAME: Maxwell William Stone.
AGE: Seventeen.
BIRTHDAY: June 13th.
STAR SIGN: Cancer.
SCHOOL: Beauxbatons.
BLOOD STATUS: Half blood.
BLOOD TYPE: O positive.
DIET: Omnivore.
DESIRED OCCUPATION: Professional Quidditch player.
PETS: N/a.




HEIGHT Maxwell is currently six feet tall, a height he is happy with, and was expecting as the rest of his family have grown to be about six feet tall. In recent months Maxwell has experienced a growth spurt, growing three feet in less than a month. This has been helpful in regards to Maxwell's Quidditch playing, giving him more of an ability to reach further away from his broom.
WEIGHT: Maxwell weighs slightly more than the average seventeen year old due to muscle built up from Quidditch playing over the years and general working out. He doesn't really think about his weight, nor does he consider it when doing anything. It has never caused problems for him, or benefited him in anyway, so in general Maxwell doesn't really care about his weight.
COMPLEXION: From spending so much time outside on the Quidditch pitch, Maxwell has built up a healthy tan. Although his tan isn't drastic, it is still noticeable in contrast with his blue eyes and mouse brown hair.
HAIR: Maxwell's natural hair colour is ash blonde to mouse brown, depending on what light he is in. Outside his hair has more of a blonde tone from being in sunlight, and inside his hair has more of a brunette shade. Maxwell has a generally messy hairstyle, his hair loosely swept to one side.
EYES: His mother has blue eyes, so of course Maxwell inherited the recessive gene of blue eyes. Maxwell doesn't consider his blue eyes to be anything special, he just considers them as something which makes him able to see, nothing more and nothing less.
BODY: Maxwell has a muscular and proportioned build, more toned in his upper body than from throwing the Quaffle around during Quidditch practice and Quidditch games. He has broad shoulders, and an overall manly build since he in in his late teens.
STYLE: Maxwell does not care much for fashion at all, dressing for practicality, comfort and personal preference rather than the latest fashion trend. Usually Maxwell can be found in jeans, a t shirt a leather jacket and some form of converse sneakers, however when he is working out or playing any other kind of sport he usually wears loose fitting, comfortable clothing which is easy to move around in.




EDUCATED AT: After turning Eleven, Maxwell went to Durmstrang to learn magic, and attended there up until halfway through of his sixth year when he dropped out. After deliberation, Maxwell is restarting school for his seventh year at Beauxbatons.
HOUSE: n/a.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Maxwell's favourite subject is flying, this is due to the fact flying is the only subject he understands, and can do well in without there being any hidden questions or theories to get things finished, it is easy for him to understand the subject, therefore flying is his favourite.
LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: His least favourite subject is anything besides flying. It was hard for Maxwell to adjust to a school environment, not having being educated before except when being taught to read and write. So any magical subject which requires too much thinking is something Maxwell doesn't take kindly to.
FAVOURITE PLACE: While at Durmstrang, Maxwell's favourite place was his dormitory, because it meant he had the chance to avoid any unwanted conversations with professors and just spend time by himself, relaxing, thinking, doing anything he felt like doing.
LEAST FAVOURITE PLACE: At Durmstrang his least favourite place was the classrooms, or any of the teacher's offices as it meant he had to interact with professors, something Maxwell hated doing.
CURRENTLY EDUCATED AT: Maxwell is not currently enrolled in Beauxbatons, since he is restarting his magical education at there for his seventh year.




LIKES: Quidditch, sport, the outdoors, smoking, being alone, reading.
DISLIKES: Authority, being judged, superficial people, professors, school, drama.
WAND: Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather - Ebony is obviously striking in its pure color. It represents strength and generates unsurpassed magical energy. The Holly handle is the symbol of life, vitality and immortality and is perfect for use in spoken spells.
VERITISERUM: Maxwell's biggest secret is that deep down he just wants to be loved, although he thinks he doesn't deserve love in any shape or form, and goes out of his way to push people away so they don't get to know who he really is, Maxwell just wants to be loved unconditionally, and have somebody who would do anything for him.
BOGGART: As a child, Maxwell was plagued with nightmares involving circuses, and since those nightmares began he freaks out at the slightest thing that even has a small relation to a circus, whether it be a tightrope, or even a colourful tent. Sometimes something as small as seeing a picture of an elephant is enough to trigger Maxwell to freak out. This being the reason he has kept this irrational fear a secret.
AMORTENTIA: Fresh air, baking, pear and guava scented perfume, dew drops, peppermint, strawberry scented candles.
MIRROR OF ERISED: Maxwell doesn't have a set goal in his life, he tends to just see what happens. However if he gazed into the mirror of Erised, Maxwell would see himself with a loving family, as it is something he has never experienced, nor something he will admit to himself he needs.
OVERALL PERSONALITY: Maxwell is usually a hot headed, and moody person, this being caused from feelings of being unwanted. Throughout his life, Maxwell has never found refuge with the people he considers family, and they have never accepted him as a family member, through how he entered the world. Maxwell has never had a sense of belonging, and does not believe he is worth happiness because of being cut down so frequently. In this case Maxwell declines any chance at happiness he is given, although he has not been given many chances. Through having such a negative relationship with his family, Maxwell does not take kindly to any form of authority, intentionally doing the opposite of what he is told, and flying away on his own tangent. In saying this, Maxwell takes any chance he can to rebel and push others away in the fear of making emotional connections with them. Deep down Maxwell does want to make emotional connections with people, but he does not know how, and has given up on trying to grow close with anybody. Maxwell is not the kind of person to avoid confrontation however, if there is a problem, he goes out of his way to fix it, or to at least find out more about the problem, eluding something is not the kind of thing he would do. Maxwell frequently brings up topics of conversation which others do not want to talk about; in short, he is the kind of person to bring up any elephants which may be in the room.
FIVE WORDS: Rebellious, athletic, withdrawn, hot-headed, lost, sarcastic.




RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (Not looking).
IDEAL PARTNER: Athletic, intelligent, humorous, fearless, independent, optimistic.
PURITY: Impure.
TO WHOM: His first fling.
WHEN/WHERE: His bedroom in France.
MARITAL STATUS: Never married.
TO WHOM: n/a.
TURN ONS: Dark hair, humour, athleticism, confidence, teasing, boldness.
TURN OFFS: Idiocy, lethargy, self-consciousness, rudeness, liars, skanks.



HISTORY: Maxwell William Stone was born on June 13th in Paris, France in the early hours of the morning to parents Michael and Sylvia stone. However Michael was not Maxwell's birth father. Maxwell was conceived out of an affair his mother had, which had been revealed after Sylvia realised as a result of the affair she had fallen pregnant. Michael intended to put Maxwell up for adoption immediately and forget that Sylvia had been unfaithful completely, however Sylvia protested, insisting Maxwell live under their roof as a member of the family. In his early years, Maxwell was treated how any child should be treated, he was loved very much by his mother, since he was her first born however Michael did not pay much attention to him at all. This lasted until the age of four when Sylvia had another child, this time to her husband Michael. This sparked the beginning of Maxwell's slowly developed hatred of his family. Breaking in a new sibling wasn't easy for Maxwell, since all the attention went to the new baby. He was merely the age of four, too young to understand that Sylvia and Michael loved the new baby much more than they loved him.

As Maxie grew older, he did start to notice how differed the affection was between him and his younger sister, questioning it once and getting a lecture in return. Maxwell shrugged this off and continued to be a well-mannered boy until he hit the age of seven when he had to break in two new siblings. Twin girls. The arrival of not one, but two new children into the family caused more of a riff to grow between Maxwell and his family. The affection differed further, and Maxwell started to rebel to get attention. His rebellion grew worse over the years as his three younger sisters began to turn against him, singling him out because he was a boy. Maxwell hated his childhood, since he was always the scapegoat for his three younger sisters, never getting a say in anything since Sylvia and Michael played favourites, preferring to listen to their children, and not a child born out of an affair.

A lifeline came in the form of a letter Maxwell received at the age of eleven, telling him he was a wizard, and he would be starting Wizarding school in the next year. It was common sense for him to begin attending Beauxbatons, as the school is located in France, however Maxwell's family had a different perspective on things, sending him away to Durmstrang to begin is schooling. Throughout the first three years attending Durmstrang, Maxwell did not make any friends, nor did he make much contact with anybody, not wanting to socialise out of fear he would be made the enemy like back home. However this perspective changed in the beginning of his fourth year when Maxwell joined his schools Quidditch team as a chaser. He was a natural at the sport, and after his team won their first five games that season, Maxwell's popularity heightened. He became friends with the members of his team, and began dating halfway through his fifth year. Maxie did not get one sole girlfriend, choosing to string along multiple girls at once simply because he could.

Since Maxwell was popular, and had the reputation of a rebel throughout the school due to his defiance to authority, he began to rebel more, picking up the habits of smoking and drinking to live up to people's expectations of him while alternately having fun. Maxwell repeatedly continued to break school rules, the restriction constantly getting to him. He did not understand why there were so many rules and regulations, so halfway through Maxie's sixth year, he dropped out of Durmstrang. After taking half a year off, Maxwell made the decision to return to schooling for his seventh year knowing that it was a good idea to finish his education as it would give him more of a chance to join a professional Quidditch team when he was older. Conversely Maxwell has not chosen to return to Durmstrang for his seventh year, and is starting school at Beauxbatons, home in France for his final year. He intends to have fresh start, and not be so defiant and rebellious as he was back at his previous school.

To be added over time.

Lyrics: All of this - The naked and famous.

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