Maximilian Faber

Maximilian Faber

Active Member
Full Name: Maximilian Faber

Date of Birth: May 13, 2019 8:58 PM

Max was born in a hospital in Berlin, Germany at approximately 9 pm. He was born at several weeks early and was forced to remain in the hospital for nearly a month before he could finally be released to his family's care.

Current Age: 15

Basic Appearance: Max has just recently gone through a huge growth spurt, going from 5'4 or so to 5'11 in the matter of a year. His aunt anticipates him growing another few inches because most of the men in the family are over 6’ tall. The boy is always immaculately dressed and takes great pride in his appearance, even if he is only wearing jeans and a shirt. Max can typically found wearing a chain with a strange symbol. It was given to him by his parents for one of his birthdays. He almost never takes it off.
His shoulders are becoming much more broad, but Max is still consider fairly thin.
Max has chestnut brown hair, dark green eyes and a splatter of freckles across his cheekbones. Because of his pale skin, they are noticeable which is not something that he particularly likes.

Personality: Max is very stern looking. He has had a difficult life and because of it he has a difficult time relaxing. The boy also has a difficult time letting people in as his guard is always up even when he is among his family members. Most people who see him think that he doesn’t look like a very fun person, and they would be right. Max doesn’t really know how to have fun. He isn’t a mean person, but he is a difficult personality to deal with.
Max takes school seriously, as he does almost everything else. He does well in his classes and would never be found speaking out of turn in class. He tries to stay out of everyone’s business because he doesn’t really have the mental space to deal with anyone else’s drama. He has enough of his own going on.

Family: Max is currently being raised by his Great Aunt Liesl. His mother is deceased and his father is in Azkaban, the result of an Auror raid on the home in 2026. His parents were members of the German Scitorari.

Max has 3 siblings, two older and one younger. His oldest brother is 20 and a squib. Emile is able to perform some very simple spells but he has nowhere near the skills of his other siblings. He is a very smart, resourceful young man but he is also very jealous of his younger siblings because they are able to use magic effectively. Emile no longer resides with his great aunt and he rarely comes around to visit his younger brothers.

The second oldest, who would've been 19, is deceased. He was the victim of a spell gone wrong.

Dieter is the youngest of the siblings. He is only 11 years old and also attends Durmstrang. Dieter is a serious boy much like his brothers, but unlike his brothers he doesn’t remember their parents and the events that led them to live with their great aunt.

Pets: None – Their great aunt said that she is too old to be chasing after a cat or dog. The family does have an owl, but it is an extremely old owl and they all have to share it. The only person who it is nice to is their aunt, so Max mostly keeps away from it.

Area of Residence: Germany

Max’s aunt lives in the outskirts of a wizarding town in a large home that she has allowed to dilapidate. It is in dire need of renovations and is likely being held together by the effects of the spells that she uses to maintain it. The town is fairly quiet and mostly has older, retired wizards.

Blood Status:Mixed Blood- Both of his parents were of mixed blood.

Heritage: German – 100%

Special Abilities: Max doesn’t have any special abilities that he is aware of. He’s pretty good at many things, but not great at anything.

Interests or Hobbies: When he isn’t studying, Max enjoys taking pictures. He has a wizarding camera that he brought with him from his parent’s house which is what he uses to take pictures. It was probably his father’s camera at some point.

Additional Skills: None

Strengths: Max is polite, smart and knows how to deal with authority. These are all qualities that will help him succeed when he is older.

Weaknesses: Max is prone to being too serious in most situations and definitely needs to learn how to lighten up. He also tends to think the worst about situations, especially when they involve him. He always thinks the worst is going to happen. Also, he cares just a tad too much about what others think of him.

Describe your character in three words: Serious, Introverted, and Intense

Favourite place to be: Anywhere where he can be alone

Friends: Max is friendly with his roommates, but he doesn’t really consider anyone to be a friend. He used to be extremely close with his older brother, but since his brother’s death, he no longer has his companionship.

Hogwarts House: N/A - I’m not even sure what house he’d be in if he was there.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Max is pretty aimless these days. Sometimes, on really good days, he will think about making a career out of taking pictures.

Best school subjects: History of Magic, Dark Arts, and Care of Magical Creatures

Worst school subjects: Herbology and Transfiguration

Extracurricular Activities: None

Graduation: 2037 (?)

Current Job: Student

Plans for your future: Max is hoping to just be able to graduate and move out of his aunt’s house. He’ll figure everything else out afterwards.

Your Patronus: Unknown at this point

Your Patronus memory: His last birthday when his whole family was together. That was the birthday that he’d gotten his chain.

Your Boggart: ?????

Your Animagus: If he were to become an animagus, his form would be a ?????

Mirror of Erised: Sitting with his family to a nice Sunday dinner, the way they used to before everything happened.

A page from your diary: Max wouldn’t keep a diary. He’d be too afraid of one of his brothers finding it and taunting him about the contents.

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