Max Sanders

Max Sanders

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Name: Max Sanders
House: Hufflepuff
Birthday:January 21th 2010
Hometown: Unknown
Blood status: Mixed blood
Five words that best describe your character: Quiet, protective, musical, friendly,outgoing

Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye color: changes
Height: 5 ft. 2 in.

Father's name: Unknown
Mother's name: Unknown
Brief description: Parents left him when he was young and was taken by his grandmother who only tells him that his parents are simply gone.

Interests/hobbies: Sports, mostly football
Pets: None
What you might like to do after Hogwarts: Find answers about my parents
Someone you look up to: Nobody just yet
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?: Myself as a powerful wizard and with my mom and dad.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus?: The memory of his grandma taking him to her house and telling him he was safe with her.


Mother and Father killed by a creature that also killed his grandma so he has no family left,Before his grandmothers death she always drilled Max on spells that she didn't want to teach him yet but did to protect him from anything or just so he could do simple stuff.After years of practice Max picked up on the spells he was taught and always carries around a spell book once common when his grandma was younger but this spell book holds spells Max can't figure out yet and yet the ones he knows were only learned because his grandma made him work hard to learn how to use them.Later his grandma was killed by the creature she said did his parents in so ever since the night he saw his grandma die he works on learning to master the spells.He is struggling to master the first spells she taught him even though he shouldn't have knowledge of them yet.but he hopes that he can master them and find a way to bring his family back.The only problem he faces though is figuring out how to read the spell book he could never understand it cause its been written in a different language that he has never seen before. Max has a tough time trying to read this book but in time hopefully he will be able to read it.

Max loves to play sports, before he came to Hogwarts he played football and soccer. He played on several small teams for kids his age, but he never actually went and made friends with them because he always felt different from the other kids. So now that he is at Hogwarts he expresses himself as much as he can and tries to make friends since he never had the courage to make them with normal kids.


One of Max's major goals at Hogwarts is to find a student who is older then him to teach him how to become powerful because he wants to get revenge for his family. It seems like an impossible goal but Max will never give up on this goal. Max knows that if he can find someone who knows how to be powerful and have the physical strength to do it then he will have no problem in getting what he needs to let his family rest in peace. And perhaps find out more about his family then he knows...(lol still in development. Perhaps an older brother or sister not sure yet though lol).

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