Mars is very red tonight

Daisie Riverwood

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" Almond wood with a stardust core
Daisie was out and about the school grounds. She had heard from a very good source that Mars was going to be out and it was going to be redder than normal. So not wanting to miss the chance. Daisie was by the lake on the far side of it so not to have the light from the school mess with her eyes. Throwing down a blanket Daisie took a seat and looked up at the night sky. "All right Mars you can come out now." Daisie muttered under her breath. It was cold outside and she wanted to get in and get a cup of tea in her or something.
Takuya wandered out to the lake, and wondered what he would find out here tonight. It wasn't really that much of a big thing, he had heard that mars would be bright tonight, and maybe he would find the new Astronomy Teacher out here. Takuya had been itching to meet her, and he hoped she would be out here tonight. He smiled when he spotted a figure out over by the lake. He chuckled to himself, and wandered over to her. "Well hello there. What beings you out here?" Takuya asked, chuckling softly. He wasn't one for talking to randoms, but he liked to make friends. "It's Professor A'Dare, isn't it?" He asked, not sure if that was her name. He had done his homework, and got to learning her name, but that was all he knew, really.
Daisie kept her eyes on the sky. She knew that once Mars was out she would only a few moments to get a good look before it vanished again. It was so mind blogging. "I got you this time." Daisie muttered under her breath. Looking at her watch Daisie could feel her heart start to pound. Hearing a voice, Daisie looked up. "Mars is going to be very bright tonight and I want to see it. Please sit down I am sure that the clouds will be moving soon." Daisie nodded her head. "Yes I am Professor A'Dare who might you be?" He looked like a nice enough man. He was surely a Professor what else could he be?
Takuya chuckled at her, of course she would have been our here to look at Mars. She was an Astronomy Teacher, after all, so he really shouldn't have been so surprised. He shrugged, and smiled. "Do you often talk to yourself?" He asked, chuckling to himself. Takuya liked teasing people who talked to themselves, but he didn't like to let them know that he often did it himself, sometimes, he thought it was better then conversations with others sometimes. Takuya smiled, he didn't really know what Mars being unusually bright had to do with anything. Takuya smiled. "I am Professor Blaze. I teach Potions." He said, chuckling. He took a seat on the grass.
Daisie did not take her eyes off of the sky at any moment the clouds would move away they just had to. "I talk to myself whenever I get the chance. I see it this way if I would not want to talk to myself than why should anyone else want to talk to me?" Daisie was sure that she sounded insane for saying such a thing but she did not care. She had always been a little out there a bit spacey. "It is nice to meet you Professor Blaze. Please call me Daisie. The only time you need call me Professor is in front of students." Daisie had always like Potions there was something calming about mixing things up and seeing what would happen.
Takuya couldn't see the logic behind what she had said, but it made her sound a little bit insane, to him. He didn't know what was worse, the fact that she was a teacher, or the fact that she would be imparting her knowledge onto the kids. Takuya shrugged, and looked over at the sky. "Okay, then. You can call me Takuya, Daisie." He said, smiling. He didn't know whether or not he could trust this person, but if it came right down to it, there was a good chance of it. He rolled his eyes, and looked up to the sky again, the clouds didn't look like they were moving anytime soon.
Daisie knew that she was not explaining herself the right way but she just could not figure out how to do it the right way. It was just a bit to much work on her part. She knew what she was talking about when it came to Astronomy and if you got enough firewhisky in her than she could be fun but when she was normal or as normal as she could be she was just different. "Takuya, what a nice name." He seemed like a nice person someone that Daisie could trust and be friends with. Daisie liked friends they where almost as nice as having lovers, but Daisie was not trying to cause drama at work so anyone here was off limits at least for now.
Takuya chuckled as she seemed to get confused, he just shrugged it off. He didn't care if she was making herself sound like a mental case. She was still a human being, and therefore she was a friend for Takuya. Takuya rolled his eyes, and he realised he didn't know what she really thought of him. He trusted her, but not entirely. He didn't know exactly what kind of person she was, not yet anyway. "Yes, it is. That's why it's mine I daresay." Takuya said, chuckling. "Is Mars ever going to come out?" Takuya asked, impatiently. Takuya normally wasn't a very patient kind of person, and even now you could see that.
Daisie nodded her head. The most important part of her day was about to happen very soon. She wondered what was on his mind? Daisie saw the clouds start to move and she grabbed Takuya's arm. "Look see there moving." Daisie could not believe that it was happening. Watching as the clouds moved. Daisie could not breath, that last time she had seen Mars shine so bright it was ten years ago. As the clouds parted and Mars came out. "See it was worth the wait was it not?" Daisie did not care if Takuya impatient. Daisie had been waiting for the moment for ten long years and he was not going to spoil it for her.
Takuya chuckled as she tugged his arm to look up at the clouds. They were indeed moving, and they would soon part to show Mars. Takuya yawned, and wondered what it would look like. Sure, it would be bright, but as to how bright he didn't know. Takuya sighed, and wondered what he was even doing out here, anymore. Sure, he had met Daisie, but that didn't mean it was time well spent, he had to get ready for his exams next week. Takuya chuckled, "It sure was something. I have never even seen Mars that bright." Takuya admitted, a little bit bored.
Daisie loved this time of night. Now that the clouds where out of the way and Mars was out and shinning all brightly. Daisie was calm and at peace. Takuya seemed like he was not having the best time ever. It was alright, most times if the person was not a Astronomy Professor they never really into it. Reaching her arms into the air. Daisie yawned. "I am getting so tired. I might have to go in soon." Daisie looked at her follow Professor and wondered what was going on in his mind.
Takuya smiled at her, and wondered what she wanted to do for the rest of the night, whether she would stay out here, or go back inside. He wouldn't care if she stayed out here, and he wouldn't hold it against her if she wanted to go back inside and leave him here on his own. He was tired, and he didn't want to be out here that much longer himself. He smiled at her, "So did you want to stay out here for that much longer, or go back inside straight away?" He asked, chuckling to himself. He wasn't sure what she would want to do, so he would choose based on what she wanted to do.
Daisie looked at her follow coworker and smiled. "I need to go back in. I have to revise all my lesson plans for the fifth years and write a letter to my mom. It's been a while and I don't want her to start to worry about me" Daisie loved her mother very dearly but she was a bit over bearing at times. Getting to her feet. Daisie looked up at the night sky for a bit longer. She loved being outdoors but it was starting to get cold and they last thing she needed was to get sick.

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